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Click to speech ほづみAdd to Last Names FavoritesShare this page Copy Hozumi

  • Hiraganatip:ほづみ
  • Katakanatip:ホヅミ
  • Householdstip:aprx. 2,000
  • English transcriptiontip:Hozumi

Kanji Names & Meanings - 8 variations

In Japanese culture, kanji are characters that originated from Chinese script, and the meaning of a name changes depending on the kanji characters chosen. Even surnames with the same pronunciation can have different meanings based on the kanji used. Below are the kanji choices for "Hozumi," sorted by the number of households in Japan that use each variation.

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穂積- Hozumi -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share穂積 - Hozumi - Copy 穂積

means "ear, head of grain."

  • Grain Stalk - The part of a grain stalk where the grain is attached.

  • Grain Like Shape - An object with a shape similar to a grain stalk.

means "multiplication, accumulation."

  • Accumulate - To gather and store up.

  • Pile Up - To stack or layer one thing on top of another.

  • Collect - To gather together.

  • Multiply - To combine two or more numbers or expressions to get a numerical result.

  • Store - To keep or set aside for future use.

  • Plan - A scheme or design for achieving a goal.

  • Estimate - An approximate calculation or judgment of the value, number, quantity, or extent of something.

  • Householdstip: aprx. 2,000

保積- Hozumi -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share保積 - Hozumi - Copy 保積

means "preserve, protect, guarantee."

  • Protect - To maintain a certain state or condition.

  • Ensure - To make sure something is safe and secure.

  • Nurture - To care for and raise.

  • Shelter - To provide assistance and protection.

  • Undertake - To take on responsibility.

  • Caretaker - Someone who looks after and takes care of something.

  • Guardian - Someone who looks after and protects someone or something.

  • Employee - Someone who is hired to do a job.

means "multiplication, accumulation."

  • Accumulate - To gather and store up.

  • Pile Up - To stack or layer one thing on top of another.

  • Collect - To gather together.

  • Multiply - To combine two or more numbers or expressions to get a numerical result.

  • Store - To keep or set aside for future use.

  • Plan - A scheme or design for achieving a goal.

  • Estimate - An approximate calculation or judgment of the value, number, quantity, or extent of something.

  • Householdstip: aprx. 100

保泉- Hozumi -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share保泉 - Hozumi - Copy 保泉

means "preserve, protect, guarantee."

  • Protect - To maintain a certain state or condition.

  • Ensure - To make sure something is safe and secure.

  • Nurture - To care for and raise.

  • Shelter - To provide assistance and protection.

  • Undertake - To take on responsibility.

  • Caretaker - Someone who looks after and takes care of something.

  • Guardian - Someone who looks after and protects someone or something.

  • Employee - Someone who is hired to do a job.

means "spring, fountain, well."

  • Householdstip: under 10

保住- Hozumi -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share保住 - Hozumi - Copy 保住

means "preserve, protect, guarantee."

  • Protect - To maintain a certain state or condition.

  • Ensure - To make sure something is safe and secure.

  • Nurture - To care for and raise.

  • Shelter - To provide assistance and protection.

  • Undertake - To take on responsibility.

  • Caretaker - Someone who looks after and takes care of something.

  • Guardian - Someone who looks after and protects someone or something.

  • Employee - Someone who is hired to do a job.

means "reside, live, dwell."

  • Householdstip: under 10

葆積- Hozumi -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share葆積 - Hozumi - Copy 葆積

means "overgrowth. growing in clusters."

means "multiplication, accumulation."

  • Accumulate - To gather and store up.

  • Pile Up - To stack or layer one thing on top of another.

  • Collect - To gather together.

  • Multiply - To combine two or more numbers or expressions to get a numerical result.

  • Store - To keep or set aside for future use.

  • Plan - A scheme or design for achieving a goal.

  • Estimate - An approximate calculation or judgment of the value, number, quantity, or extent of something.

  • Householdstip: under 10

宝積- Hozumi -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share宝積 - Hozumi - Copy 宝積

means "treasure, wealth, precious thing."

  • Valuable and precious thing.

  • Something important.

  • To treasure and cherish.

  • To show respect for something related to the emperor, gods, or other people.

means "multiplication, accumulation."

  • Accumulate - To gather and store up.

  • Pile Up - To stack or layer one thing on top of another.

  • Collect - To gather together.

  • Multiply - To combine two or more numbers or expressions to get a numerical result.

  • Store - To keep or set aside for future use.

  • Plan - A scheme or design for achieving a goal.

  • Estimate - An approximate calculation or judgment of the value, number, quantity, or extent of something.

  • Householdstip: under 10

穗積- Hozumi -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share穗積 - Hozumi - Copy 穗積

means "ear, ear of grain."

means "multiplication, accumulation."

  • Accumulate - To gather and store up.

  • Pile Up - To stack or layer one thing on top of another.

  • Collect - To gather together.

  • Multiply - To combine two or more numbers or expressions to get a numerical result.

  • Store - To keep or set aside for future use.

  • Plan - A scheme or design for achieving a goal.

  • Estimate - An approximate calculation or judgment of the value, number, quantity, or extent of something.

  • Householdstip: under 10

八月朔日- Hozumi -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share八月朔日 - Hozumi - Copy 八月朔日

means "eight, 8."

  • Eight - The number eight.

  • Eight Times - Eight times or eight occasions.

  • Eighth In Order - The eighth in a sequence or order.

  • Divide - To divide or separate.

  • Two O'clock - An old way of referring to the current time of around 2am or 2pm.

means "moon, month."

  • Moon - The moon visible in the sky, the satellite of the Earth.

  • Month - A period of time equal to one twelfth of a year. Every month, monthly.

  • Monday - One of the seven days of the week.

means "new moon, beginning of the lunar month."

  • The first day of the month in the lunar calendar. The first day.

  • The calendar given by the emperor to the vassal states.

  • North direction.

means "sun, day, Japan."

  • Householdstip: under 10

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