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Click to speech かたやまAdd to Last Names FavoritesShare this page Copy Katayama

  • Hiraganatip:かたやま
  • Katakanatip:カタヤマ
  • Householdstip:aprx. 30,000
  • English transcriptiontip:Katayama

Kanji Names & Meanings - 9 variations

In Japanese culture, kanji are characters that originated from Chinese script, and the meaning of a name changes depending on the kanji characters chosen. Even surnames with the same pronunciation can have different meanings based on the kanji used. Below are the kanji choices for "Katayama," sorted by the number of households in Japan that use each variation.

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片山- Katayama -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share片山 - Katayama - Copy 片山

means "one side, one piece, one portion."

  • Piece - A part or portion of something, usually one of two halves.

  • Sliver - The right half of something that has been split into two pieces.

  • Flat - A small, thin piece of cloth or other material.

  • Little - A small amount

  • Pence - The phonetic spelling of the British currency unit "pence".

means "mountain."

  • Mountain - A high and elevated place or terrain. Also, something with such a shape.

  • Temple - A word used in the name of a temple.

  • Grave - A mound of earth used to create a tomb.

  • Peak - The place where interest in a matter is highest. The highest point.

  • Householdstip: aprx. 30,000

形山- Katayama -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share形山 - Katayama - Copy 形山

means "shape, form, appearance."

  • Shape - The appearance of something when viewed from the outside.

  • Body - The physical body of a human being.

  • Form - The basic shape or form of something.

  • Manifestation - The appearance of a shape.

means "mountain."

  • Mountain - A high and elevated place or terrain. Also, something with such a shape.

  • Temple - A word used in the name of a temple.

  • Grave - A mound of earth used to create a tomb.

  • Peak - The place where interest in a matter is highest. The highest point.

  • Householdstip: aprx. 200

方山- Katayama -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share方山 - Katayama - Copy 方山

means "direction, way, side."

means "mountain."

  • Mountain - A high and elevated place or terrain. Also, something with such a shape.

  • Temple - A word used in the name of a temple.

  • Grave - A mound of earth used to create a tomb.

  • Peak - The place where interest in a matter is highest. The highest point.

  • Householdstip: aprx. 100

堅山- Katayama -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share堅山 - Katayama - Copy 堅山

means "hard, firm, solid."

  • Strong - Able to withstand pressure or force without breaking or yielding.

  • Firm - Solidly in place and difficult to move or remove.

  • Stable - Not easily changed or disturbed.

  • Resilient - Able to recover quickly from difficulties.

means "mountain."

  • Mountain - A high and elevated place or terrain. Also, something with such a shape.

  • Temple - A word used in the name of a temple.

  • Grave - A mound of earth used to create a tomb.

  • Peak - The place where interest in a matter is highest. The highest point.

  • Householdstip: aprx. 100

嘉多山- Katayama -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share嘉多山 - Katayama - Copy 嘉多山

means "praise, auspicious, excellent."

  • Good - Having a positive quality or being of a high standard.

  • Excellent - Having a very high quality or being of an exceptionally high standard.

  • Splendid - Impressive and grand in appearance.

  • Fortunate - Having good luck or being blessed with good fortune.

  • Praise - To express admiration or approval of someone or something.

means "many, numerous, much."

means "mountain."

  • Mountain - A high and elevated place or terrain. Also, something with such a shape.

  • Temple - A word used in the name of a temple.

  • Grave - A mound of earth used to create a tomb.

  • Peak - The place where interest in a matter is highest. The highest point.

  • Householdstip: aprx. 40

花多山- Katayama -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share花多山 - Katayama - Copy 花多山

means "flower."

means "many, numerous, much."

means "mountain."

  • Mountain - A high and elevated place or terrain. Also, something with such a shape.

  • Temple - A word used in the name of a temple.

  • Grave - A mound of earth used to create a tomb.

  • Peak - The place where interest in a matter is highest. The highest point.

  • Householdstip: under 10

潟山- Katayama -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share潟山 - Katayama - Copy 潟山

means "lagoon, inlet, bay."

  • Lagoon - A body of water separated from the sea by sandbanks or sand dunes.

  • Salt Marsh - A land area with high salt content.

  • Estuary - A body of water where the tide comes in and out, appearing and disappearing.

means "mountain."

  • Mountain - A high and elevated place or terrain. Also, something with such a shape.

  • Temple - A word used in the name of a temple.

  • Grave - A mound of earth used to create a tomb.

  • Peak - The place where interest in a matter is highest. The highest point.

  • Householdstip: under 10

縣山- Katayama -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share縣山 - Katayama - Copy 縣山

means "county, prefecture, district."

  • Old form of the kanji 県, which is used to refer to a prefecture in Japan. A local administrative division in Japan, on the same level as a city, prefecture, or district.

means "mountain."

  • Mountain - A high and elevated place or terrain. Also, something with such a shape.

  • Temple - A word used in the name of a temple.

  • Grave - A mound of earth used to create a tomb.

  • Peak - The place where interest in a matter is highest. The highest point.

  • Householdstip: under 10

加田山- Katayama -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share加田山 - Katayama - Copy 加田山

means "add, include, augment."

  • To Add, Append - To add something to an existing situation or group.

  • To Join, Participate - To become part of a group or situation.

  • To Influence - To have an effect on something or someone.

  • To Give, Bestow - To provide something to someone.

  • In Addition, On Top Of That - To add something extra to an existing situation.

  • Addition, Sum - A mathematical operation in which two or more numbers are added together.

means "rice field, rice paddy."

means "mountain."

  • Mountain - A high and elevated place or terrain. Also, something with such a shape.

  • Temple - A word used in the name of a temple.

  • Grave - A mound of earth used to create a tomb.

  • Peak - The place where interest in a matter is highest. The highest point.

  • Householdstip: under 10

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