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Click to speech なかすがAdd to Last Names FavoritesShare this page Copy Nakasuga

  • Hiraganatip:なかすが
  • Katakanatip:ナカスガ
  • Householdstip:aprx. 400
  • English transcriptiontip:Nakasuga

Kanji Names & Meanings - 6 variations

In Japanese culture, kanji are characters that originated from Chinese script, and the meaning of a name changes depending on the kanji characters chosen. Even surnames with the same pronunciation can have different meanings based on the kanji used. Below are the kanji choices for "Nakasuga," sorted by the number of households in Japan that use each variation.

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中須賀- Nakasuga -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share中須賀 - Nakasuga - Copy 中須賀

means "in, inside, middle, center."

  • Inside, Interior - Refers to the inside or interior of something.

  • Middle - Refers to the middle or middle point of something.

  • Neutral - Refers to not being biased towards either side.

  • Halfway - Refers to being in the middle of a process.

  • Between - Refers to the space between two things.

  • Whole - Refers to the entire period or range.

  • Hit - Refers to hitting or striking something.

  • China - Refers to the abbreviation of the country name “China”.

means "must, necessary, required."

  • Necessary - Required or essential.

  • Use - To use or employ something.

  • Request - To ask for something.

  • Wait - To remain in a state of expectation.

  • Await - To wait for something to happen.

  • Anticipate - To look forward to something.

  • Awhile - For a short period of time.

  • Chin Beard - A small beard on the chin.

means "congratulation, greeting."

  • Celebrate, Congratulate - To express joy and happiness for an event or accomplishment.

  • Praise - To express admiration and approval for someone or something.

  • Take On, Undertake - To accept responsibility for a task or obligation.

  • Bear, Carry - To support or hold up something.

  • Householdstip: aprx. 300

中寿賀- Nakasuga -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share中寿賀 - Nakasuga - Copy 中寿賀

means "in, inside, middle, center."

  • Inside, Interior - Refers to the inside or interior of something.

  • Middle - Refers to the middle or middle point of something.

  • Neutral - Refers to not being biased towards either side.

  • Halfway - Refers to being in the middle of a process.

  • Between - Refers to the space between two things.

  • Whole - Refers to the entire period or range.

  • Hit - Refers to hitting or striking something.

  • China - Refers to the abbreviation of the country name “China”.

寿 means "longevity, congratulations, auspiciousness."

  • Long Life - Living for a long time, having a long lifespan.

  • Age - The number of years a person has lived.

  • Celebrate - To rejoice and celebrate a long life or a happy occasion.

means "congratulation, greeting."

  • Celebrate, Congratulate - To express joy and happiness for an event or accomplishment.

  • Praise - To express admiration and approval for someone or something.

  • Take On, Undertake - To accept responsibility for a task or obligation.

  • Bear, Carry - To support or hold up something.

  • Householdstip: aprx. 10

中菅- Nakasuga -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share中菅 - Nakasuga - Copy 中菅

means "in, inside, middle, center."

  • Inside, Interior - Refers to the inside or interior of something.

  • Middle - Refers to the middle or middle point of something.

  • Neutral - Refers to not being biased towards either side.

  • Halfway - Refers to being in the middle of a process.

  • Between - Refers to the space between two things.

  • Whole - Refers to the entire period or range.

  • Hit - Refers to hitting or striking something.

  • China - Refers to the abbreviation of the country name “China”.

means "sedge, rush, reed."

  • General name for perennial herbs of the sedge family Kayazulaceae.

  • Karukya - A grass of the rice family.

  • Sugawara Clan - Especially Michizane Sugawara(菅原道真).

  • Householdstip: under 10

中管- Nakasuga -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share中管 - Nakasuga - Copy 中管

means "in, inside, middle, center."

  • Inside, Interior - Refers to the inside or interior of something.

  • Middle - Refers to the middle or middle point of something.

  • Neutral - Refers to not being biased towards either side.

  • Halfway - Refers to being in the middle of a process.

  • Between - Refers to the space between two things.

  • Whole - Refers to the entire period or range.

  • Hit - Refers to hitting or striking something.

  • China - Refers to the abbreviation of the country name “China”.

means "pipe, tube, cylinder."

  • Flute - A general term for a wind instrument that is made of bamboo and is blown to make sound.

  • Pen Axis - The axis of a pen.

  • Tube - A thin, tubular object made of bamboo.

  • Key - A device used to open or close a lock.

  • Govern - To rule, control, regulate, or manage.

  • Essential - Necessary or important.

  • Householdstip: under 10

中数賀- Nakasuga -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share中数賀 - Nakasuga - Copy 中数賀

means "in, inside, middle, center."

  • Inside, Interior - Refers to the inside or interior of something.

  • Middle - Refers to the middle or middle point of something.

  • Neutral - Refers to not being biased towards either side.

  • Halfway - Refers to being in the middle of a process.

  • Between - Refers to the space between two things.

  • Whole - Refers to the entire period or range.

  • Hit - Refers to hitting or striking something.

  • China - Refers to the abbreviation of the country name “China”.

means "number, amount, quantity."

  • Number - A representation of order or quantity.

  • Fate - A predetermined sequence of events.

  • Mathematics - One of the six basic disciplines of ancient Chinese education, “六芸”.

  • Plot - A plan or scheme.

  • Count - To count or calculate.

  • Include - To take into account as one.

  • Reprimand - To count someone’s faults and reprimand them.

  • Frequently - Repeatedly or many times.

  • Detailed - Having a keen eye for detail.

means "congratulation, greeting."

  • Celebrate, Congratulate - To express joy and happiness for an event or accomplishment.

  • Praise - To express admiration and approval for someone or something.

  • Take On, Undertake - To accept responsibility for a task or obligation.

  • Bear, Carry - To support or hold up something.

  • Householdstip: under 10

中壽賀- Nakasuga -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share中壽賀 - Nakasuga - Copy 中壽賀

means "in, inside, middle, center."

  • Inside, Interior - Refers to the inside or interior of something.

  • Middle - Refers to the middle or middle point of something.

  • Neutral - Refers to not being biased towards either side.

  • Halfway - Refers to being in the middle of a process.

  • Between - Refers to the space between two things.

  • Whole - Refers to the entire period or range.

  • Hit - Refers to hitting or striking something.

  • China - Refers to the abbreviation of the country name “China”.

means "longevity, congratulations, celebration."

  • Long Life - Living for a long time and having a long lifespan.

  • Age - The number of years a person has lived.

  • Longevity - Celebrating a long life and wishing for a long life.

  • Celebrating A Happy Occasion - Celebrating and wishing for a happy occasion.

means "congratulation, greeting."

  • Celebrate, Congratulate - To express joy and happiness for an event or accomplishment.

  • Praise - To express admiration and approval for someone or something.

  • Take On, Undertake - To accept responsibility for a task or obligation.

  • Bear, Carry - To support or hold up something.

  • Householdstip: under 10

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