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Click to speech さいどうAdd to Last Names FavoritesShare this page Copy Saidou

  • Hiraganatip:さいどう
  • Katakanatip:サイドウ
  • Householdstip:aprx. 3,000
  • English transcriptiontip:Saidou, Saido, Saidoh

Kanji Names & Meanings - 8 variations

In Japanese culture, kanji are characters that originated from Chinese script, and the meaning of a name changes depending on the kanji characters chosen. Even surnames with the same pronunciation can have different meanings based on the kanji used. Below are the kanji choices for "Saidou," sorted by the number of households in Japan that use each variation.

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means "equality, uniformity, evenness."

  • To Arrange, Organize - To arrange or organize something in an orderly manner.

  • To Equalize - To make something equal or the same.

  • To Assemble - To gather together in one place.

  • To Mix - To combine or blend together.

  • Purification - To cleanse one's mind and body when worshipping gods and Buddhas.

  • Country Name - One of the seven major powers during the Warring States period in ancient China.

means "wisteria, fuji (Japanese plant with purple or white flowers)."

  • Wisteria - A deciduous climbing vine of the pea family.

  • Kudzu - A climbing vine of any kind.

  • Householdstip: aprx. 2,000

西道- Saidou -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share西道 - Saidou - Copy 西道

西 means "west, western."

  • West - To go west

  • Western - Europe and America

  • Abbreviation of the country name "Spain(西班牙)"

means "road, path, way."

  • Road, Path - A way for people to travel.

  • Technique, Skill - Knowledge and art of a particular skill or technique.

  • Principle, Law - Rules that people should follow.

  • Speak, Say - To express or communicate something.

  • Taoism - Teachings of Lao Tzu and Chuang Tzu.

  • Administrative Division - Name of an administrative division in ancient China.

  • Guide, Lead - To show the way or provide guidance.

  • Regional Division - Name of an old regional division, such as the Tokaido(東海道), Sanyodo(山陽道), and Hokkaido(北海道).

  • Householdstip: aprx. 100

西堂- Saidou -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share西堂 - Saidou - Copy 西堂

西 means "west, western."

  • West - To go west

  • Western - Europe and America

  • Abbreviation of the country name "Spain(西班牙)"

means "hall, temple, shrine."

  • Grand Hall - A large and grand hall or building.

  • Reception Room - A large room facing south.

  • Respect - A term used to show respect for someone's mother.

  • Family - Father's side of the family.

  • Householdstip: aprx. 80

斉道- Saidou -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share斉道 - Saidou - Copy 斉道

means "equality, uniformity, evenness."

  • To Arrange, Organize - To arrange or organize something in an orderly manner.

  • To Equalize - To make something equal or the same.

  • To Assemble - To gather together in one place.

  • To Mix - To combine or blend together.

  • Purification - To cleanse one's mind and body when worshipping gods and Buddhas.

  • Country Name - One of the seven major powers during the Warring States period in ancient China.

means "road, path, way."

  • Road, Path - A way for people to travel.

  • Technique, Skill - Knowledge and art of a particular skill or technique.

  • Principle, Law - Rules that people should follow.

  • Speak, Say - To express or communicate something.

  • Taoism - Teachings of Lao Tzu and Chuang Tzu.

  • Administrative Division - Name of an administrative division in ancient China.

  • Guide, Lead - To show the way or provide guidance.

  • Regional Division - Name of an old regional division, such as the Tokaido(東海道), Sanyodo(山陽道), and Hokkaido(北海道).

  • Householdstip: aprx. 20

西藤- Saidou -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share西藤 - Saidou - Copy 西藤

西 means "west, western."

  • West - To go west

  • Western - Europe and America

  • Abbreviation of the country name "Spain(西班牙)"

means "wisteria, fuji (Japanese plant with purple or white flowers)."

  • Wisteria - A deciduous climbing vine of the pea family.

  • Kudzu - A climbing vine of any kind.

  • Householdstip: under 10

斉堂- Saidou -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share斉堂 - Saidou - Copy 斉堂

means "equality, uniformity, evenness."

  • To Arrange, Organize - To arrange or organize something in an orderly manner.

  • To Equalize - To make something equal or the same.

  • To Assemble - To gather together in one place.

  • To Mix - To combine or blend together.

  • Purification - To cleanse one's mind and body when worshipping gods and Buddhas.

  • Country Name - One of the seven major powers during the Warring States period in ancient China.

means "hall, temple, shrine."

  • Grand Hall - A large and grand hall or building.

  • Reception Room - A large room facing south.

  • Respect - A term used to show respect for someone's mother.

  • Family - Father's side of the family.

  • Householdstip: under 10

斎道- Saidou -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share斎道 - Saidou - Copy 斎道

means "purification, fasting, abstaining from certain foods or activities."

  • To be reverent or to show restraint. This is done when worshipping gods and Buddhas, by abstaining from certain foods and activities in order to purify one's mind and body.

  • A room, usually used for religious ceremonies or for studying.

  • A meal taken by monks or during Buddhist ceremonies, as a way of purifying the mind and body in order to serve the gods.

means "road, path, way."

  • Road, Path - A way for people to travel.

  • Technique, Skill - Knowledge and art of a particular skill or technique.

  • Principle, Law - Rules that people should follow.

  • Speak, Say - To express or communicate something.

  • Taoism - Teachings of Lao Tzu and Chuang Tzu.

  • Administrative Division - Name of an administrative division in ancient China.

  • Guide, Lead - To show the way or provide guidance.

  • Regional Division - Name of an old regional division, such as the Tokaido(東海道), Sanyodo(山陽道), and Hokkaido(北海道).

  • Householdstip: under 10

西洞- Saidou -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share西洞 - Saidou - Copy 西洞

西 means "west, western."

  • West - To go west

  • Western - Europe and America

  • Abbreviation of the country name "Spain(西班牙)"

means "cave, den, grotto."

  • Cave, Hole - A hollow or empty space.

  • Pass Through - To go through or penetrate something.

  • Discern - To recognize or understand something.

  • Deeply Understand - To have a thorough understanding of something.

  • Profound - Having a deep or intense understanding.

  • Householdstip: under 10

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