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26,919 first names, 70,620 last names, 326,959 kanji variations.
one of the best Japanese name searches for a baby!

Japanese girl(female) nameJapanese unisex name Akana
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  • Gender:Female
  • Hiraganatip:あかな
  • Katakanatip:アカナ
  • English transcriptionstip:Akana
  • Nickname examplestip:

    Akachan(あかちゃん)Click to speech あかちゃんNanachan( ななちゃん)Click to speech  ななちゃんKanachan( かなちゃん)Click to speech  かなちゃん

Japanese boy(male) nameThis name is primarily a unisex name, often female.
For males, click here.

Kanji Names & Meanings - 46 variations

In Japanese culture, kanji are characters that originated from Chinese script, and the meaning of a name changes depending on the kanji characters chosen. The more variations of kanji a name has, the more common it is in Japan. Conversely, a name with very few kanji variations is considered unique and rare. Below are the kanji choices for "Akana," sorted by the total number of "Good!" votes.

Introduction to how Japanese names work

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朱那- Akana -

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means "cinnabar, vermilion."

  • Red - A bright, reddish color.

  • Currency Unit - A unit of currency used during the Edo period, equal to one-sixteenth of a ryō.

Name ideas examples

  • Bright - Symbolizing brightness and optimism.

  • Courageous - Symbolizing courage and strength.

  • Prosperous - Symbolizing wealth and abundance.

means "that, that one."

  • Many - Refers to a large quantity or amount.

  • Beautiful - Refers to something that is aesthetically pleasing.

  • Peaceful - Refers to a state of tranquility or serenity.

  • Question Mark, Contradiction - Used to express doubt or a contradiction.

Name ideas examples

  • Abundance - This kanji conveys the idea of abundance and plenty, making it a suitable choice for a baby's name to signify a life of abundance and prosperity.

  • Beauty - The kanji also carries the meaning of beauty, making it a great choice for a baby's name to signify a life of beauty and grace.

  • Peace - The kanji also carries the meaning of peace, making it a great choice for a baby's name to signify a life of peace and tranquility.

  • Question - The kanji can also be used to express a question or contradiction, making it a suitable choice for a baby's name to signify a life of curiosity and exploration.

亜叶- Akana -

Add to First Names Favorites Share亜叶 - Akana - Copy 亜叶

means "sub-, inferior, second to, asia."

  • Second - Used to refer to the second position in a sequence.

  • Subordinate - Used to refer to a lower level unit in the basic unit of biological classification such as phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species.

  • Low Oxidation - Used to refer to a compound with a low degree of oxidation.

  • Asia - An abbreviation for "Asia"

Name ideas examples

  • Second - This kanji implies that the baby is the second in rank or order, suggesting that they are special and unique.

  • Close - This kanji implies that the baby is a close relative or friend, suggesting that they are loved and cherished.

  • Fellow - This kanji implies that the baby is a fellow member of the same class or kind, suggesting that they are part of a larger group.

means "fulfill, grant, satisfy."

Name ideas examples

  • Fulfillment - To bring joy and contentment to the parents and the baby, and to have one's wishes and dreams come true.

  • Harmony - To bring peace and balance to the family, and to create a harmonious atmosphere.

  • Agreement - To bring unity and understanding to the family, and to create a sense of agreement and understanding.

亜奏- Akana -

Add to First Names Favorites Share亜奏 - Akana - Copy 亜奏

means "sub-, inferior, second to, asia."

  • Second - Used to refer to the second position in a sequence.

  • Subordinate - Used to refer to a lower level unit in the basic unit of biological classification such as phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species.

  • Low Oxidation - Used to refer to a compound with a low degree of oxidation.

  • Asia - An abbreviation for "Asia"

Name ideas examples

  • Second - This kanji implies that the baby is the second in rank or order, suggesting that they are special and unique.

  • Close - This kanji implies that the baby is a close relative or friend, suggesting that they are loved and cherished.

  • Fellow - This kanji implies that the baby is a fellow member of the same class or kind, suggesting that they are part of a larger group.

means "play music, perform, report, petition."

  • Perform - To play or execute a musical piece.

  • Accomplish - To complete or bring something to a successful conclusion.

  • Recommend - To suggest or advise something.

  • Offer - To present or give something.

  • Dedicate - To present or give something as an offering.

  • Declare - To state or express something.

Name ideas examples

  • To Perform - It conveys the idea of performing something of value for the child, such as a song or a dance.

  • To Recommend - It conveys the idea of offering advice and guidance to the child as they grow up.

  • To Offer - It conveys the idea of offering something of value to the child, such as love, support, and guidance.

  • To Present - It conveys the idea of presenting something of value to the child, such as a gift or a blessing.

  • To Accomplish - It conveys the idea of achieving something of value for the child, such as a goal or a dream.

愛奏- Akana -

Add to First Names Favorites Share愛奏 - Akana - Copy 愛奏

means "love, affection, fondness."

  • To Love - To feel deep affection and care for someone or something.

  • To Cherish - To hold someone or something in high regard and treat them with great care.

  • To Adore - To feel great admiration and fondness for someone or something.

  • To Be Fond Of - To have a strong liking for someone or something.

  • To Be Devoted To - To be dedicated and loyal to someone or something.

Name ideas examples

  • Love - To express the deep love and affection that parents have for their child.

  • Cherish - To emphasize the importance of cherishing and protecting the child.

  • Adore - To express the admiration and fondness that parents have for their child.

  • Devotion - To express the dedication and loyalty that parents have for their child.

means "play music, perform, report, petition."

  • Perform - To play or execute a musical piece.

  • Accomplish - To complete or bring something to a successful conclusion.

  • Recommend - To suggest or advise something.

  • Offer - To present or give something.

  • Dedicate - To present or give something as an offering.

  • Declare - To state or express something.

Name ideas examples

  • To Perform - It conveys the idea of performing something of value for the child, such as a song or a dance.

  • To Recommend - It conveys the idea of offering advice and guidance to the child as they grow up.

  • To Offer - It conveys the idea of offering something of value to the child, such as love, support, and guidance.

  • To Present - It conveys the idea of presenting something of value to the child, such as a gift or a blessing.

  • To Accomplish - It conveys the idea of achieving something of value for the child, such as a goal or a dream.

明凪- Akana -

Add to First Names Favorites Share明凪 - Akana - Copy 明凪

means "bright, clear, obvious."

  • Bright, Light - Refers to something that is illuminated by light, making it bright and clear.

  • Obvious - Something that is clear and easily understood.

  • Reveal - To make something known or clear.

  • Dawn - When the night ends and the day begins, when it becomes bright.

  • Next - Refers to the following day or year.

  • Lamp, Light - An object used to make something bright.

  • World - Refers to the current world.

  • Chinese Dynasty - The name of a Chinese dynasty.

Name ideas examples

  • Bright - This is a positive and uplifting meaning that is associated with light and clarity. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of optimism and hope.

  • Clear - This meaning is associated with clarity and understanding. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of intelligence and insight.

  • Reveal - This meaning is associated with uncovering the truth and making something known. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of curiosity and exploration.

  • Dawn - This meaning is associated with the beginning of a new day and the start of something new. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of freshness and renewal.

  • Light - This meaning is associated with illumination and brightness. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of optimism and hope.

  • Next - This meaning is associated with the future and the coming of something new. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of anticipation and excitement.

  • Chinese Dynasty - This meaning is associated with the Chinese dynasties of the past. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of history and tradition.

means "calm, lull."

  • Calmness - The state of being still and peaceful, with no wind or waves.

  • Calmness Of The Sea - The state of the sea being still and peaceful, with no wind or waves.

Name ideas examples

  • Peaceful - This kanji that conveys a sense of peace and tranquility.

  • Serene - This kanji that conveys a sense of calmness and serenity.

  • Tranquil - This kanji that conveys a sense of calmness and tranquility.

明南- Akana -

Add to First Names Favorites Share明南 - Akana - Copy 明南

means "bright, clear, obvious."

  • Bright, Light - Refers to something that is illuminated by light, making it bright and clear.

  • Obvious - Something that is clear and easily understood.

  • Reveal - To make something known or clear.

  • Dawn - When the night ends and the day begins, when it becomes bright.

  • Next - Refers to the following day or year.

  • Lamp, Light - An object used to make something bright.

  • World - Refers to the current world.

  • Chinese Dynasty - The name of a Chinese dynasty.

Name ideas examples

  • Bright - This is a positive and uplifting meaning that is associated with light and clarity. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of optimism and hope.

  • Clear - This meaning is associated with clarity and understanding. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of intelligence and insight.

  • Reveal - This meaning is associated with uncovering the truth and making something known. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of curiosity and exploration.

  • Dawn - This meaning is associated with the beginning of a new day and the start of something new. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of freshness and renewal.

  • Light - This meaning is associated with illumination and brightness. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of optimism and hope.

  • Next - This meaning is associated with the future and the coming of something new. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of anticipation and excitement.

  • Chinese Dynasty - This meaning is associated with the Chinese dynasties of the past. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of history and tradition.

means "south, southern."

  • South - A direction or orientation. To go south.

  • A character used to transcribe the sound of Sanskrit (Bongo).

Name ideas examples

  • South - This kanji that symbolizes the idea of going forward and making progress.

  • This kanji that symbolizes the idea of transcending boundaries and cultures.

明名- Akana -

Add to First Names Favorites Share明名 - Akana - Copy 明名

means "bright, clear, obvious."

  • Bright, Light - Refers to something that is illuminated by light, making it bright and clear.

  • Obvious - Something that is clear and easily understood.

  • Reveal - To make something known or clear.

  • Dawn - When the night ends and the day begins, when it becomes bright.

  • Next - Refers to the following day or year.

  • Lamp, Light - An object used to make something bright.

  • World - Refers to the current world.

  • Chinese Dynasty - The name of a Chinese dynasty.

Name ideas examples

  • Bright - This is a positive and uplifting meaning that is associated with light and clarity. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of optimism and hope.

  • Clear - This meaning is associated with clarity and understanding. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of intelligence and insight.

  • Reveal - This meaning is associated with uncovering the truth and making something known. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of curiosity and exploration.

  • Dawn - This meaning is associated with the beginning of a new day and the start of something new. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of freshness and renewal.

  • Light - This meaning is associated with illumination and brightness. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of optimism and hope.

  • Next - This meaning is associated with the future and the coming of something new. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of anticipation and excitement.

  • Chinese Dynasty - This meaning is associated with the Chinese dynasties of the past. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of history and tradition.

means "name, family name, given name."

  • Name - A name given to someone or something.

  • Reputation - A good reputation or honor.

  • Achievement - Accomplishments or successes.

  • Notable - Being well-known or famous.

  • Formal - The outward appearance or surface.

  • Counting - A word used to count people.

Name ideas examples

  • Honor - This kanji that conveys respect and admiration.

  • Success - This kanji that symbolizes success and achievement.

  • Notable - This kanji that is well-known and recognizable.

  • Formal - This kanji that is formal and dignified.

明奈- Akana -

Add to First Names Favorites Share明奈 - Akana - Copy 明奈

means "bright, clear, obvious."

  • Bright, Light - Refers to something that is illuminated by light, making it bright and clear.

  • Obvious - Something that is clear and easily understood.

  • Reveal - To make something known or clear.

  • Dawn - When the night ends and the day begins, when it becomes bright.

  • Next - Refers to the following day or year.

  • Lamp, Light - An object used to make something bright.

  • World - Refers to the current world.

  • Chinese Dynasty - The name of a Chinese dynasty.

Name ideas examples

  • Bright - This is a positive and uplifting meaning that is associated with light and clarity. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of optimism and hope.

  • Clear - This meaning is associated with clarity and understanding. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of intelligence and insight.

  • Reveal - This meaning is associated with uncovering the truth and making something known. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of curiosity and exploration.

  • Dawn - This meaning is associated with the beginning of a new day and the start of something new. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of freshness and renewal.

  • Light - This meaning is associated with illumination and brightness. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of optimism and hope.

  • Next - This meaning is associated with the future and the coming of something new. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of anticipation and excitement.

  • Chinese Dynasty - This meaning is associated with the Chinese dynasties of the past. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of history and tradition.

means "nara, name of a place in Japan."

  • Fruit Tree - Refers to a tree that produces fruits, such as an apple tree.

  • Nashi - Refers to a type of pear, also known as the Asian pear.

  • Apple Tree - Refers to a tree that produces apples.

  • Fruit Like Tree - Refers to a tree that produces fruits similar to apples.

  • A question or rhetorical expression used to express doubt or contradiction.

Name ideas examples

  • Fruitful - This kanji implies abundance and prosperity, suggesting that the baby will have a life full of abundance and success.

  • Tangy - This kanji implies a zest for life and a vibrant personality, suggesting that the baby will have a life full of energy and enthusiasm.

  • Apple - This kanji implies sweetness and innocence, suggesting that the baby will have a life full of joy and innocence.

  • Resilient - This kanji implies strength and perseverance, suggesting that the baby will have a life full of strength and determination.

明奏- Akana -

Add to First Names Favorites Share明奏 - Akana - Copy 明奏

means "bright, clear, obvious."

  • Bright, Light - Refers to something that is illuminated by light, making it bright and clear.

  • Obvious - Something that is clear and easily understood.

  • Reveal - To make something known or clear.

  • Dawn - When the night ends and the day begins, when it becomes bright.

  • Next - Refers to the following day or year.

  • Lamp, Light - An object used to make something bright.

  • World - Refers to the current world.

  • Chinese Dynasty - The name of a Chinese dynasty.

Name ideas examples

  • Bright - This is a positive and uplifting meaning that is associated with light and clarity. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of optimism and hope.

  • Clear - This meaning is associated with clarity and understanding. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of intelligence and insight.

  • Reveal - This meaning is associated with uncovering the truth and making something known. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of curiosity and exploration.

  • Dawn - This meaning is associated with the beginning of a new day and the start of something new. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of freshness and renewal.

  • Light - This meaning is associated with illumination and brightness. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of optimism and hope.

  • Next - This meaning is associated with the future and the coming of something new. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of anticipation and excitement.

  • Chinese Dynasty - This meaning is associated with the Chinese dynasties of the past. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of history and tradition.

means "play music, perform, report, petition."

  • Perform - To play or execute a musical piece.

  • Accomplish - To complete or bring something to a successful conclusion.

  • Recommend - To suggest or advise something.

  • Offer - To present or give something.

  • Dedicate - To present or give something as an offering.

  • Declare - To state or express something.

Name ideas examples

  • To Perform - It conveys the idea of performing something of value for the child, such as a song or a dance.

  • To Recommend - It conveys the idea of offering advice and guidance to the child as they grow up.

  • To Offer - It conveys the idea of offering something of value to the child, such as love, support, and guidance.

  • To Present - It conveys the idea of presenting something of value to the child, such as a gift or a blessing.

  • To Accomplish - It conveys the idea of achieving something of value for the child, such as a goal or a dream.

明納- Akana -

Add to First Names Favorites Share明納 - Akana - Copy 明納

means "bright, clear, obvious."

  • Bright, Light - Refers to something that is illuminated by light, making it bright and clear.

  • Obvious - Something that is clear and easily understood.

  • Reveal - To make something known or clear.

  • Dawn - When the night ends and the day begins, when it becomes bright.

  • Next - Refers to the following day or year.

  • Lamp, Light - An object used to make something bright.

  • World - Refers to the current world.

  • Chinese Dynasty - The name of a Chinese dynasty.

Name ideas examples

  • Bright - This is a positive and uplifting meaning that is associated with light and clarity. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of optimism and hope.

  • Clear - This meaning is associated with clarity and understanding. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of intelligence and insight.

  • Reveal - This meaning is associated with uncovering the truth and making something known. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of curiosity and exploration.

  • Dawn - This meaning is associated with the beginning of a new day and the start of something new. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of freshness and renewal.

  • Light - This meaning is associated with illumination and brightness. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of optimism and hope.

  • Next - This meaning is associated with the future and the coming of something new. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of anticipation and excitement.

  • Chinese Dynasty - This meaning is associated with the Chinese dynasties of the past. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of history and tradition.

means "payment, supply, acceptance."

  • Receive - To accept or take in something.

  • Insert - To place something inside.

  • Draw In - To bring something in.

  • Adopt - To take something in and make it part of something.

  • Store - To put something away for safekeeping.

  • Accommodate - To make room for something.

  • Conclude - To bring something to an end.

  • Offer - To present something for consideration.

  • Pay - To give money in exchange for something.

  • Settle - To pay a debt or obligation.

Name ideas examples

  • Acceptance - This kanji conveys the idea of accepting something, whether it be a gift, a responsibility, or a new life. It is a positive and encouraging name for a baby, as it implies that the child will be welcomed and embraced by their family and community.

  • Completion - This kanji also implies the idea of completion, which is a great name for a baby. It suggests that the child will have a full and fulfilling life, and that they will be able to reach their goals and dreams.

  • Payment - This kanji can also be interpreted as payment, which is a great name for a baby. It implies that the child will be able to provide for themselves and their family, and that they will be able to contribute to society in a meaningful way.

  • Fulfillment - This kanji also conveys the idea of fulfillment, which is a great name for a baby. It suggests that the child will be able to find joy and satisfaction in life, and that they will be able to reach their goals and dreams.

明那- Akana -

Add to First Names Favorites Share明那 - Akana - Copy 明那

means "bright, clear, obvious."

  • Bright, Light - Refers to something that is illuminated by light, making it bright and clear.

  • Obvious - Something that is clear and easily understood.

  • Reveal - To make something known or clear.

  • Dawn - When the night ends and the day begins, when it becomes bright.

  • Next - Refers to the following day or year.

  • Lamp, Light - An object used to make something bright.

  • World - Refers to the current world.

  • Chinese Dynasty - The name of a Chinese dynasty.

Name ideas examples

  • Bright - This is a positive and uplifting meaning that is associated with light and clarity. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of optimism and hope.

  • Clear - This meaning is associated with clarity and understanding. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of intelligence and insight.

  • Reveal - This meaning is associated with uncovering the truth and making something known. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of curiosity and exploration.

  • Dawn - This meaning is associated with the beginning of a new day and the start of something new. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of freshness and renewal.

  • Light - This meaning is associated with illumination and brightness. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of optimism and hope.

  • Next - This meaning is associated with the future and the coming of something new. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of anticipation and excitement.

  • Chinese Dynasty - This meaning is associated with the Chinese dynasties of the past. It is a great choice for a baby name as it conveys a sense of history and tradition.

means "that, that one."

  • Many - Refers to a large quantity or amount.

  • Beautiful - Refers to something that is aesthetically pleasing.

  • Peaceful - Refers to a state of tranquility or serenity.

  • Question Mark, Contradiction - Used to express doubt or a contradiction.

Name ideas examples

  • Abundance - This kanji conveys the idea of abundance and plenty, making it a suitable choice for a baby's name to signify a life of abundance and prosperity.

  • Beauty - The kanji also carries the meaning of beauty, making it a great choice for a baby's name to signify a life of beauty and grace.

  • Peace - The kanji also carries the meaning of peace, making it a great choice for a baby's name to signify a life of peace and tranquility.

  • Question - The kanji can also be used to express a question or contradiction, making it a suitable choice for a baby's name to signify a life of curiosity and exploration.

有奏- Akana -

Add to First Names Favorites Share有奏 - Akana - Copy 有奏

means "existence, possession, having."

  • Exist - To be present or in a certain place.

  • Possess - To have or own something.

  • Maintain - To keep something in a certain state or condition.

  • Furthermore - In addition

Name ideas examples

  • To Have - This is a positive name that conveys the idea of having something, whether it be material possessions, knowledge, or even a sense of purpose. It is a reminder that we have the power to create our own destiny.

  • To Exist - This is a name that conveys the idea of existing in the world, of being part of something larger than ourselves. It is a reminder that we are all connected and that our actions have an impact on the world around us.

  • To Possess - This is a name that conveys the idea of having something, whether it be material possessions, knowledge, or even a sense of purpose. It is a reminder that we have the power to create our own destiny.

  • To Own - This is a name that conveys the idea of having something, whether it be material possessions, knowledge, or even a sense of purpose. It is a reminder that we have the power to create our own destiny.

  • To Keep - This is a name that conveys the idea of keeping something, whether it be material possessions, knowledge, or even a sense of purpose. It is a reminder that we have the power to create our own destiny.

means "play music, perform, report, petition."

  • Perform - To play or execute a musical piece.

  • Accomplish - To complete or bring something to a successful conclusion.

  • Recommend - To suggest or advise something.

  • Offer - To present or give something.

  • Dedicate - To present or give something as an offering.

  • Declare - To state or express something.

Name ideas examples

  • To Perform - It conveys the idea of performing something of value for the child, such as a song or a dance.

  • To Recommend - It conveys the idea of offering advice and guidance to the child as they grow up.

  • To Offer - It conveys the idea of offering something of value to the child, such as love, support, and guidance.

  • To Present - It conveys the idea of presenting something of value to the child, such as a gift or a blessing.

  • To Accomplish - It conveys the idea of achieving something of value for the child, such as a goal or a dream.

朱凪- Akana -

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means "cinnabar, vermilion."

  • Red - A bright, reddish color.

  • Currency Unit - A unit of currency used during the Edo period, equal to one-sixteenth of a ryō.

Name ideas examples

  • Bright - Symbolizing brightness and optimism.

  • Courageous - Symbolizing courage and strength.

  • Prosperous - Symbolizing wealth and abundance.

means "calm, lull."

  • Calmness - The state of being still and peaceful, with no wind or waves.

  • Calmness Of The Sea - The state of the sea being still and peaceful, with no wind or waves.

Name ideas examples

  • Peaceful - This kanji that conveys a sense of peace and tranquility.

  • Serene - This kanji that conveys a sense of calmness and serenity.

  • Tranquil - This kanji that conveys a sense of calmness and tranquility.

朱南- Akana -

Add to First Names Favorites Share朱南 - Akana - Copy 朱南

means "cinnabar, vermilion."

  • Red - A bright, reddish color.

  • Currency Unit - A unit of currency used during the Edo period, equal to one-sixteenth of a ryō.

Name ideas examples

  • Bright - Symbolizing brightness and optimism.

  • Courageous - Symbolizing courage and strength.

  • Prosperous - Symbolizing wealth and abundance.

means "south, southern."

  • South - A direction or orientation. To go south.

  • A character used to transcribe the sound of Sanskrit (Bongo).

Name ideas examples

  • South - This kanji that symbolizes the idea of going forward and making progress.

  • This kanji that symbolizes the idea of transcending boundaries and cultures.

朱名- Akana -

Add to First Names Favorites Share朱名 - Akana - Copy 朱名

means "cinnabar, vermilion."

  • Red - A bright, reddish color.

  • Currency Unit - A unit of currency used during the Edo period, equal to one-sixteenth of a ryō.

Name ideas examples

  • Bright - Symbolizing brightness and optimism.

  • Courageous - Symbolizing courage and strength.

  • Prosperous - Symbolizing wealth and abundance.

means "name, family name, given name."

  • Name - A name given to someone or something.

  • Reputation - A good reputation or honor.

  • Achievement - Accomplishments or successes.

  • Notable - Being well-known or famous.

  • Formal - The outward appearance or surface.

  • Counting - A word used to count people.

Name ideas examples

  • Honor - This kanji that conveys respect and admiration.

  • Success - This kanji that symbolizes success and achievement.

  • Notable - This kanji that is well-known and recognizable.

  • Formal - This kanji that is formal and dignified.

朱夏- Akana -

Add to First Names Favorites Share朱夏 - Akana - Copy 朱夏

means "cinnabar, vermilion."

  • Red - A bright, reddish color.

  • Currency Unit - A unit of currency used during the Edo period, equal to one-sixteenth of a ryō.

Name ideas examples

  • Bright - Symbolizing brightness and optimism.

  • Courageous - Symbolizing courage and strength.

  • Prosperous - Symbolizing wealth and abundance.

means "summer, hot, warmth."

  • Summer - The season between early summer and late autumn, usually from June to August in the Gregorian calendar and April to June in the lunar calendar.

  • Grand - Magnificent and prosperous.

  • Legendary Dynasty - The name of the oldest legendary dynasty in China.

Name ideas examples

  • Summer - A season of warmth and joy, symbolizing the start of a new life.

  • Grand - A reminder of the greatness and potential of the child.

  • Legendary Dynasty - A reminder of the strength and power of the Chinese people.

朱奈- Akana -

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means "cinnabar, vermilion."

  • Red - A bright, reddish color.

  • Currency Unit - A unit of currency used during the Edo period, equal to one-sixteenth of a ryō.

Name ideas examples

  • Bright - Symbolizing brightness and optimism.

  • Courageous - Symbolizing courage and strength.

  • Prosperous - Symbolizing wealth and abundance.

means "nara, name of a place in Japan."

  • Fruit Tree - Refers to a tree that produces fruits, such as an apple tree.

  • Nashi - Refers to a type of pear, also known as the Asian pear.

  • Apple Tree - Refers to a tree that produces apples.

  • Fruit Like Tree - Refers to a tree that produces fruits similar to apples.

  • A question or rhetorical expression used to express doubt or contradiction.

Name ideas examples

  • Fruitful - This kanji implies abundance and prosperity, suggesting that the baby will have a life full of abundance and success.

  • Tangy - This kanji implies a zest for life and a vibrant personality, suggesting that the baby will have a life full of energy and enthusiasm.

  • Apple - This kanji implies sweetness and innocence, suggesting that the baby will have a life full of joy and innocence.

  • Resilient - This kanji implies strength and perseverance, suggesting that the baby will have a life full of strength and determination.

朱納- Akana -

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means "cinnabar, vermilion."

  • Red - A bright, reddish color.

  • Currency Unit - A unit of currency used during the Edo period, equal to one-sixteenth of a ryō.

Name ideas examples

  • Bright - Symbolizing brightness and optimism.

  • Courageous - Symbolizing courage and strength.

  • Prosperous - Symbolizing wealth and abundance.

means "payment, supply, acceptance."

  • Receive - To accept or take in something.

  • Insert - To place something inside.

  • Draw In - To bring something in.

  • Adopt - To take something in and make it part of something.

  • Store - To put something away for safekeeping.

  • Accommodate - To make room for something.

  • Conclude - To bring something to an end.

  • Offer - To present something for consideration.

  • Pay - To give money in exchange for something.

  • Settle - To pay a debt or obligation.

Name ideas examples

  • Acceptance - This kanji conveys the idea of accepting something, whether it be a gift, a responsibility, or a new life. It is a positive and encouraging name for a baby, as it implies that the child will be welcomed and embraced by their family and community.

  • Completion - This kanji also implies the idea of completion, which is a great name for a baby. It suggests that the child will have a full and fulfilling life, and that they will be able to reach their goals and dreams.

  • Payment - This kanji can also be interpreted as payment, which is a great name for a baby. It implies that the child will be able to provide for themselves and their family, and that they will be able to contribute to society in a meaningful way.

  • Fulfillment - This kanji also conveys the idea of fulfillment, which is a great name for a baby. It suggests that the child will be able to find joy and satisfaction in life, and that they will be able to reach their goals and dreams.

朱菜- Akana -

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means "cinnabar, vermilion."

  • Red - A bright, reddish color.

  • Currency Unit - A unit of currency used during the Edo period, equal to one-sixteenth of a ryō.

Name ideas examples

  • Bright - Symbolizing brightness and optimism.

  • Courageous - Symbolizing courage and strength.

  • Prosperous - Symbolizing wealth and abundance.

means "vegetable, greens."

  • Vegetable - A general term for vegetables that are edible such as leaves, stems, and roots.

  • Vegetable Leaves - Leaves of vegetables that are edible.

  • Green Vegetables - Vegetables that are green in color and edible.

  • Side Dish - A dish served alongside the main course.

  • Cuisine - A style of cooking.

Name ideas examples

杏奏- Akana -

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means "apricot, apricot tree."

  • Apricot - A deciduous small tree of the rose family.

  • Ginnan - The fruit of the Japanese apricot tree.

Name ideas examples

  • Apricot - A symbol of innocence, purity, and beauty.

  • Ginnan - A symbol of strength, resilience, and perseverance.

means "play music, perform, report, petition."

  • Perform - To play or execute a musical piece.

  • Accomplish - To complete or bring something to a successful conclusion.

  • Recommend - To suggest or advise something.

  • Offer - To present or give something.

  • Dedicate - To present or give something as an offering.

  • Declare - To state or express something.

Name ideas examples

  • To Perform - It conveys the idea of performing something of value for the child, such as a song or a dance.

  • To Recommend - It conveys the idea of offering advice and guidance to the child as they grow up.

  • To Offer - It conveys the idea of offering something of value to the child, such as love, support, and guidance.

  • To Present - It conveys the idea of presenting something of value to the child, such as a gift or a blessing.

  • To Accomplish - It conveys the idea of achieving something of value for the child, such as a goal or a dream.

紅南- Akana -

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means "crimson, deep red."

  • Red - A bright, vivid red color.

  • Pigment - A red pigment used in cosmetics.

  • Woman - A woman, especially one with a single red feature.

  • Silk - Red silk fabric.

Name ideas examples

  • Red - Symbolizing passion, energy, and life.

  • Pigment - Representing beauty and creativity.

  • Woman - Representing strength and resilience.

  • Silk - Representing elegance and grace.

means "south, southern."

  • South - A direction or orientation. To go south.

  • A character used to transcribe the sound of Sanskrit (Bongo).

Name ideas examples

  • South - This kanji that symbolizes the idea of going forward and making progress.

  • This kanji that symbolizes the idea of transcending boundaries and cultures.

紅名- Akana -

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means "crimson, deep red."

  • Red - A bright, vivid red color.

  • Pigment - A red pigment used in cosmetics.

  • Woman - A woman, especially one with a single red feature.

  • Silk - Red silk fabric.

Name ideas examples

  • Red - Symbolizing passion, energy, and life.

  • Pigment - Representing beauty and creativity.

  • Woman - Representing strength and resilience.

  • Silk - Representing elegance and grace.

means "name, family name, given name."

  • Name - A name given to someone or something.

  • Reputation - A good reputation or honor.

  • Achievement - Accomplishments or successes.

  • Notable - Being well-known or famous.

  • Formal - The outward appearance or surface.

  • Counting - A word used to count people.

Name ideas examples

  • Honor - This kanji that conveys respect and admiration.

  • Success - This kanji that symbolizes success and achievement.

  • Notable - This kanji that is well-known and recognizable.

  • Formal - This kanji that is formal and dignified.

紅奈- Akana -

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means "crimson, deep red."

  • Red - A bright, vivid red color.

  • Pigment - A red pigment used in cosmetics.

  • Woman - A woman, especially one with a single red feature.

  • Silk - Red silk fabric.

Name ideas examples

  • Red - Symbolizing passion, energy, and life.

  • Pigment - Representing beauty and creativity.

  • Woman - Representing strength and resilience.

  • Silk - Representing elegance and grace.

means "nara, name of a place in Japan."

  • Fruit Tree - Refers to a tree that produces fruits, such as an apple tree.

  • Nashi - Refers to a type of pear, also known as the Asian pear.

  • Apple Tree - Refers to a tree that produces apples.

  • Fruit Like Tree - Refers to a tree that produces fruits similar to apples.

  • A question or rhetorical expression used to express doubt or contradiction.

Name ideas examples

  • Fruitful - This kanji implies abundance and prosperity, suggesting that the baby will have a life full of abundance and success.

  • Tangy - This kanji implies a zest for life and a vibrant personality, suggesting that the baby will have a life full of energy and enthusiasm.

  • Apple - This kanji implies sweetness and innocence, suggesting that the baby will have a life full of joy and innocence.

  • Resilient - This kanji implies strength and perseverance, suggesting that the baby will have a life full of strength and determination.

紅奏- Akana -

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means "crimson, deep red."

  • Red - A bright, vivid red color.

  • Pigment - A red pigment used in cosmetics.

  • Woman - A woman, especially one with a single red feature.

  • Silk - Red silk fabric.

Name ideas examples

  • Red - Symbolizing passion, energy, and life.

  • Pigment - Representing beauty and creativity.

  • Woman - Representing strength and resilience.

  • Silk - Representing elegance and grace.

means "play music, perform, report, petition."

  • Perform - To play or execute a musical piece.

  • Accomplish - To complete or bring something to a successful conclusion.

  • Recommend - To suggest or advise something.

  • Offer - To present or give something.

  • Dedicate - To present or give something as an offering.

  • Declare - To state or express something.

Name ideas examples

  • To Perform - It conveys the idea of performing something of value for the child, such as a song or a dance.

  • To Recommend - It conveys the idea of offering advice and guidance to the child as they grow up.

  • To Offer - It conveys the idea of offering something of value to the child, such as love, support, and guidance.

  • To Present - It conveys the idea of presenting something of value to the child, such as a gift or a blessing.

  • To Accomplish - It conveys the idea of achieving something of value for the child, such as a goal or a dream.

緋凪- Akana -

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means "scarlet, crimson, red."

  • Red - The color red.

  • Scarlet - A bright, deep red color.

  • Scarlet Silk - A type of silk fabric that is red in color.

Name ideas examples

  • Scarlet - This is a strong, vibrant color that symbolizes passion and energy. It is also associated with courage and strength.

  • Crimson - This is a deep, rich red color that is associated with power, nobility, and luxury.

  • Red - Red is a color that is associated with love, passion, and energy. It is also a symbol of strength and courage.

  • Crimson Silk - This is a luxurious and elegant color that is associated with wealth and sophistication. It is also a symbol of beauty and grace.

  • Scarlet Thread - This is a strong and vibrant color that is associated with passion and energy. It is also a symbol of courage and strength.

means "calm, lull."

  • Calmness - The state of being still and peaceful, with no wind or waves.

  • Calmness Of The Sea - The state of the sea being still and peaceful, with no wind or waves.

Name ideas examples

  • Peaceful - This kanji that conveys a sense of peace and tranquility.

  • Serene - This kanji that conveys a sense of calmness and serenity.

  • Tranquil - This kanji that conveys a sense of calmness and tranquility.

緋南- Akana -

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means "scarlet, crimson, red."

  • Red - The color red.

  • Scarlet - A bright, deep red color.

  • Scarlet Silk - A type of silk fabric that is red in color.

Name ideas examples

  • Scarlet - This is a strong, vibrant color that symbolizes passion and energy. It is also associated with courage and strength.

  • Crimson - This is a deep, rich red color that is associated with power, nobility, and luxury.

  • Red - Red is a color that is associated with love, passion, and energy. It is also a symbol of strength and courage.

  • Crimson Silk - This is a luxurious and elegant color that is associated with wealth and sophistication. It is also a symbol of beauty and grace.

  • Scarlet Thread - This is a strong and vibrant color that is associated with passion and energy. It is also a symbol of courage and strength.

means "south, southern."

  • South - A direction or orientation. To go south.

  • A character used to transcribe the sound of Sanskrit (Bongo).

Name ideas examples

  • South - This kanji that symbolizes the idea of going forward and making progress.

  • This kanji that symbolizes the idea of transcending boundaries and cultures.

緋奈- Akana -

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means "scarlet, crimson, red."

  • Red - The color red.

  • Scarlet - A bright, deep red color.

  • Scarlet Silk - A type of silk fabric that is red in color.

Name ideas examples

  • Scarlet - This is a strong, vibrant color that symbolizes passion and energy. It is also associated with courage and strength.

  • Crimson - This is a deep, rich red color that is associated with power, nobility, and luxury.

  • Red - Red is a color that is associated with love, passion, and energy. It is also a symbol of strength and courage.

  • Crimson Silk - This is a luxurious and elegant color that is associated with wealth and sophistication. It is also a symbol of beauty and grace.

  • Scarlet Thread - This is a strong and vibrant color that is associated with passion and energy. It is also a symbol of courage and strength.

means "nara, name of a place in Japan."

  • Fruit Tree - Refers to a tree that produces fruits, such as an apple tree.

  • Nashi - Refers to a type of pear, also known as the Asian pear.

  • Apple Tree - Refers to a tree that produces apples.

  • Fruit Like Tree - Refers to a tree that produces fruits similar to apples.

  • A question or rhetorical expression used to express doubt or contradiction.

Name ideas examples

  • Fruitful - This kanji implies abundance and prosperity, suggesting that the baby will have a life full of abundance and success.

  • Tangy - This kanji implies a zest for life and a vibrant personality, suggesting that the baby will have a life full of energy and enthusiasm.

  • Apple - This kanji implies sweetness and innocence, suggesting that the baby will have a life full of joy and innocence.

  • Resilient - This kanji implies strength and perseverance, suggesting that the baby will have a life full of strength and determination.

緋納- Akana -

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means "scarlet, crimson, red."

  • Red - The color red.

  • Scarlet - A bright, deep red color.

  • Scarlet Silk - A type of silk fabric that is red in color.

Name ideas examples

  • Scarlet - This is a strong, vibrant color that symbolizes passion and energy. It is also associated with courage and strength.

  • Crimson - This is a deep, rich red color that is associated with power, nobility, and luxury.

  • Red - Red is a color that is associated with love, passion, and energy. It is also a symbol of strength and courage.

  • Crimson Silk - This is a luxurious and elegant color that is associated with wealth and sophistication. It is also a symbol of beauty and grace.

  • Scarlet Thread - This is a strong and vibrant color that is associated with passion and energy. It is also a symbol of courage and strength.

means "payment, supply, acceptance."

  • Receive - To accept or take in something.

  • Insert - To place something inside.

  • Draw In - To bring something in.

  • Adopt - To take something in and make it part of something.

  • Store - To put something away for safekeeping.

  • Accommodate - To make room for something.

  • Conclude - To bring something to an end.

  • Offer - To present something for consideration.

  • Pay - To give money in exchange for something.

  • Settle - To pay a debt or obligation.

Name ideas examples

  • Acceptance - This kanji conveys the idea of accepting something, whether it be a gift, a responsibility, or a new life. It is a positive and encouraging name for a baby, as it implies that the child will be welcomed and embraced by their family and community.

  • Completion - This kanji also implies the idea of completion, which is a great name for a baby. It suggests that the child will have a full and fulfilling life, and that they will be able to reach their goals and dreams.

  • Payment - This kanji can also be interpreted as payment, which is a great name for a baby. It implies that the child will be able to provide for themselves and their family, and that they will be able to contribute to society in a meaningful way.

  • Fulfillment - This kanji also conveys the idea of fulfillment, which is a great name for a baby. It suggests that the child will be able to find joy and satisfaction in life, and that they will be able to reach their goals and dreams.

緋菜- Akana -

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means "scarlet, crimson, red."

  • Red - The color red.

  • Scarlet - A bright, deep red color.

  • Scarlet Silk - A type of silk fabric that is red in color.

Name ideas examples

  • Scarlet - This is a strong, vibrant color that symbolizes passion and energy. It is also associated with courage and strength.

  • Crimson - This is a deep, rich red color that is associated with power, nobility, and luxury.

  • Red - Red is a color that is associated with love, passion, and energy. It is also a symbol of strength and courage.

  • Crimson Silk - This is a luxurious and elegant color that is associated with wealth and sophistication. It is also a symbol of beauty and grace.

  • Scarlet Thread - This is a strong and vibrant color that is associated with passion and energy. It is also a symbol of courage and strength.

means "vegetable, greens."

  • Vegetable - A general term for vegetables that are edible such as leaves, stems, and roots.

  • Vegetable Leaves - Leaves of vegetables that are edible.

  • Green Vegetables - Vegetables that are green in color and edible.

  • Side Dish - A dish served alongside the main course.

  • Cuisine - A style of cooking.

Name ideas examples

緋那- Akana -

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means "scarlet, crimson, red."

  • Red - The color red.

  • Scarlet - A bright, deep red color.

  • Scarlet Silk - A type of silk fabric that is red in color.

Name ideas examples

  • Scarlet - This is a strong, vibrant color that symbolizes passion and energy. It is also associated with courage and strength.

  • Crimson - This is a deep, rich red color that is associated with power, nobility, and luxury.

  • Red - Red is a color that is associated with love, passion, and energy. It is also a symbol of strength and courage.

  • Crimson Silk - This is a luxurious and elegant color that is associated with wealth and sophistication. It is also a symbol of beauty and grace.

  • Scarlet Thread - This is a strong and vibrant color that is associated with passion and energy. It is also a symbol of courage and strength.

means "that, that one."

  • Many - Refers to a large quantity or amount.

  • Beautiful - Refers to something that is aesthetically pleasing.

  • Peaceful - Refers to a state of tranquility or serenity.

  • Question Mark, Contradiction - Used to express doubt or a contradiction.

Name ideas examples

  • Abundance - This kanji conveys the idea of abundance and plenty, making it a suitable choice for a baby's name to signify a life of abundance and prosperity.

  • Beauty - The kanji also carries the meaning of beauty, making it a great choice for a baby's name to signify a life of beauty and grace.

  • Peace - The kanji also carries the meaning of peace, making it a great choice for a baby's name to signify a life of peace and tranquility.

  • Question - The kanji can also be used to express a question or contradiction, making it a suitable choice for a baby's name to signify a life of curiosity and exploration.

茜那- Akana -

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means "madder, rubia cordifolia."

  • Red - The color of red.

  • Akane - A red dye used in dyeing fabrics.

  • Akane Color - A reddish color.

Name ideas examples

  • Akane - A beautiful name that symbolizes the color red, which is associated with passion, energy, and life.

  • Akane Color - A beautiful name that symbolizes the reddish color, which is associated with warmth, joy, and love.

means "that, that one."

  • Many - Refers to a large quantity or amount.

  • Beautiful - Refers to something that is aesthetically pleasing.

  • Peaceful - Refers to a state of tranquility or serenity.

  • Question Mark, Contradiction - Used to express doubt or a contradiction.

Name ideas examples

  • Abundance - This kanji conveys the idea of abundance and plenty, making it a suitable choice for a baby's name to signify a life of abundance and prosperity.

  • Beauty - The kanji also carries the meaning of beauty, making it a great choice for a baby's name to signify a life of beauty and grace.

  • Peace - The kanji also carries the meaning of peace, making it a great choice for a baby's name to signify a life of peace and tranquility.

  • Question - The kanji can also be used to express a question or contradiction, making it a suitable choice for a baby's name to signify a life of curiosity and exploration.

亜加作- Akana -

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means "sub-, inferior, second to, asia."

  • Second - Used to refer to the second position in a sequence.

  • Subordinate - Used to refer to a lower level unit in the basic unit of biological classification such as phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species.

  • Low Oxidation - Used to refer to a compound with a low degree of oxidation.

  • Asia - An abbreviation for "Asia"

Name ideas examples

  • Second - This kanji implies that the baby is the second in rank or order, suggesting that they are special and unique.

  • Close - This kanji implies that the baby is a close relative or friend, suggesting that they are loved and cherished.

  • Fellow - This kanji implies that the baby is a fellow member of the same class or kind, suggesting that they are part of a larger group.

means "add, include, augment."

  • To Add, Append - To add something to an existing situation or group.

  • To Join, Participate - To become part of a group or situation.

  • To Influence - To have an effect on something or someone.

  • To Give, Bestow - To provide something to someone.

  • In Addition, On Top Of That - To add something extra to an existing situation.

  • Addition, Sum - A mathematical operation in which two or more numbers are added together.

Name ideas examples

  • Blessing - To bestow a blessing or good fortune on someone.

  • Increase - To make something larger or more numerous.

  • Friendship - To form a close bond with someone.

  • Unity - To bring together different elements to form a single whole.

means "make, create, produce."

Name ideas examples

  • Create, Make - To create something new and unique, or to make something special.

  • Accomplish, Achieve - To accomplish something great or to achieve something remarkable.

  • Establish, Set Up - To establish something meaningful or to set up something lasting.

  • Behaviour, Action - To take action that is noble and honourable.

  • Work, Product - To produce something of value and worth.

  • Quality, Achievement - To strive for excellence and to achieve greatness.

亜加凪- Akana -

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means "sub-, inferior, second to, asia."

  • Second - Used to refer to the second position in a sequence.

  • Subordinate - Used to refer to a lower level unit in the basic unit of biological classification such as phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species.

  • Low Oxidation - Used to refer to a compound with a low degree of oxidation.

  • Asia - An abbreviation for "Asia"

Name ideas examples

  • Second - This kanji implies that the baby is the second in rank or order, suggesting that they are special and unique.

  • Close - This kanji implies that the baby is a close relative or friend, suggesting that they are loved and cherished.

  • Fellow - This kanji implies that the baby is a fellow member of the same class or kind, suggesting that they are part of a larger group.

means "add, include, augment."

  • To Add, Append - To add something to an existing situation or group.

  • To Join, Participate - To become part of a group or situation.

  • To Influence - To have an effect on something or someone.

  • To Give, Bestow - To provide something to someone.

  • In Addition, On Top Of That - To add something extra to an existing situation.

  • Addition, Sum - A mathematical operation in which two or more numbers are added together.

Name ideas examples

  • Blessing - To bestow a blessing or good fortune on someone.

  • Increase - To make something larger or more numerous.

  • Friendship - To form a close bond with someone.

  • Unity - To bring together different elements to form a single whole.

means "calm, lull."

  • Calmness - The state of being still and peaceful, with no wind or waves.

  • Calmness Of The Sea - The state of the sea being still and peaceful, with no wind or waves.

Name ideas examples

  • Peaceful - This kanji that conveys a sense of peace and tranquility.

  • Serene - This kanji that conveys a sense of calmness and serenity.

  • Tranquil - This kanji that conveys a sense of calmness and tranquility.

亜加南- Akana -

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means "sub-, inferior, second to, asia."

  • Second - Used to refer to the second position in a sequence.

  • Subordinate - Used to refer to a lower level unit in the basic unit of biological classification such as phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species.

  • Low Oxidation - Used to refer to a compound with a low degree of oxidation.

  • Asia - An abbreviation for "Asia"

Name ideas examples

  • Second - This kanji implies that the baby is the second in rank or order, suggesting that they are special and unique.

  • Close - This kanji implies that the baby is a close relative or friend, suggesting that they are loved and cherished.

  • Fellow - This kanji implies that the baby is a fellow member of the same class or kind, suggesting that they are part of a larger group.

means "add, include, augment."

  • To Add, Append - To add something to an existing situation or group.

  • To Join, Participate - To become part of a group or situation.

  • To Influence - To have an effect on something or someone.

  • To Give, Bestow - To provide something to someone.

  • In Addition, On Top Of That - To add something extra to an existing situation.

  • Addition, Sum - A mathematical operation in which two or more numbers are added together.

Name ideas examples

  • Blessing - To bestow a blessing or good fortune on someone.

  • Increase - To make something larger or more numerous.

  • Friendship - To form a close bond with someone.

  • Unity - To bring together different elements to form a single whole.

means "south, southern."

  • South - A direction or orientation. To go south.

  • A character used to transcribe the sound of Sanskrit (Bongo).

Name ideas examples

  • South - This kanji that symbolizes the idea of going forward and making progress.

  • This kanji that symbolizes the idea of transcending boundaries and cultures.

亜加名- Akana -

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means "sub-, inferior, second to, asia."

  • Second - Used to refer to the second position in a sequence.

  • Subordinate - Used to refer to a lower level unit in the basic unit of biological classification such as phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species.

  • Low Oxidation - Used to refer to a compound with a low degree of oxidation.

  • Asia - An abbreviation for "Asia"

Name ideas examples

  • Second - This kanji implies that the baby is the second in rank or order, suggesting that they are special and unique.

  • Close - This kanji implies that the baby is a close relative or friend, suggesting that they are loved and cherished.

  • Fellow - This kanji implies that the baby is a fellow member of the same class or kind, suggesting that they are part of a larger group.

means "add, include, augment."

  • To Add, Append - To add something to an existing situation or group.

  • To Join, Participate - To become part of a group or situation.

  • To Influence - To have an effect on something or someone.

  • To Give, Bestow - To provide something to someone.

  • In Addition, On Top Of That - To add something extra to an existing situation.

  • Addition, Sum - A mathematical operation in which two or more numbers are added together.

Name ideas examples

  • Blessing - To bestow a blessing or good fortune on someone.

  • Increase - To make something larger or more numerous.

  • Friendship - To form a close bond with someone.

  • Unity - To bring together different elements to form a single whole.

means "name, family name, given name."

  • Name - A name given to someone or something.

  • Reputation - A good reputation or honor.

  • Achievement - Accomplishments or successes.

  • Notable - Being well-known or famous.

  • Formal - The outward appearance or surface.

  • Counting - A word used to count people.

Name ideas examples

  • Honor - This kanji that conveys respect and admiration.

  • Success - This kanji that symbolizes success and achievement.

  • Notable - This kanji that is well-known and recognizable.

  • Formal - This kanji that is formal and dignified.

亜加奈- Akana -

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means "sub-, inferior, second to, asia."

  • Second - Used to refer to the second position in a sequence.

  • Subordinate - Used to refer to a lower level unit in the basic unit of biological classification such as phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species.

  • Low Oxidation - Used to refer to a compound with a low degree of oxidation.

  • Asia - An abbreviation for "Asia"

Name ideas examples

  • Second - This kanji implies that the baby is the second in rank or order, suggesting that they are special and unique.

  • Close - This kanji implies that the baby is a close relative or friend, suggesting that they are loved and cherished.

  • Fellow - This kanji implies that the baby is a fellow member of the same class or kind, suggesting that they are part of a larger group.

means "add, include, augment."

  • To Add, Append - To add something to an existing situation or group.

  • To Join, Participate - To become part of a group or situation.

  • To Influence - To have an effect on something or someone.

  • To Give, Bestow - To provide something to someone.

  • In Addition, On Top Of That - To add something extra to an existing situation.

  • Addition, Sum - A mathematical operation in which two or more numbers are added together.

Name ideas examples

  • Blessing - To bestow a blessing or good fortune on someone.

  • Increase - To make something larger or more numerous.

  • Friendship - To form a close bond with someone.

  • Unity - To bring together different elements to form a single whole.

means "nara, name of a place in Japan."

  • Fruit Tree - Refers to a tree that produces fruits, such as an apple tree.

  • Nashi - Refers to a type of pear, also known as the Asian pear.

  • Apple Tree - Refers to a tree that produces apples.

  • Fruit Like Tree - Refers to a tree that produces fruits similar to apples.

  • A question or rhetorical expression used to express doubt or contradiction.

Name ideas examples

  • Fruitful - This kanji implies abundance and prosperity, suggesting that the baby will have a life full of abundance and success.

  • Tangy - This kanji implies a zest for life and a vibrant personality, suggesting that the baby will have a life full of energy and enthusiasm.

  • Apple - This kanji implies sweetness and innocence, suggesting that the baby will have a life full of joy and innocence.

  • Resilient - This kanji implies strength and perseverance, suggesting that the baby will have a life full of strength and determination.

亜加納- Akana -

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means "sub-, inferior, second to, asia."

  • Second - Used to refer to the second position in a sequence.

  • Subordinate - Used to refer to a lower level unit in the basic unit of biological classification such as phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species.

  • Low Oxidation - Used to refer to a compound with a low degree of oxidation.

  • Asia - An abbreviation for "Asia"

Name ideas examples

  • Second - This kanji implies that the baby is the second in rank or order, suggesting that they are special and unique.

  • Close - This kanji implies that the baby is a close relative or friend, suggesting that they are loved and cherished.

  • Fellow - This kanji implies that the baby is a fellow member of the same class or kind, suggesting that they are part of a larger group.

means "add, include, augment."

  • To Add, Append - To add something to an existing situation or group.

  • To Join, Participate - To become part of a group or situation.

  • To Influence - To have an effect on something or someone.

  • To Give, Bestow - To provide something to someone.

  • In Addition, On Top Of That - To add something extra to an existing situation.

  • Addition, Sum - A mathematical operation in which two or more numbers are added together.

Name ideas examples

  • Blessing - To bestow a blessing or good fortune on someone.

  • Increase - To make something larger or more numerous.

  • Friendship - To form a close bond with someone.

  • Unity - To bring together different elements to form a single whole.

means "payment, supply, acceptance."

  • Receive - To accept or take in something.

  • Insert - To place something inside.

  • Draw In - To bring something in.

  • Adopt - To take something in and make it part of something.

  • Store - To put something away for safekeeping.

  • Accommodate - To make room for something.

  • Conclude - To bring something to an end.

  • Offer - To present something for consideration.

  • Pay - To give money in exchange for something.

  • Settle - To pay a debt or obligation.

Name ideas examples

  • Acceptance - This kanji conveys the idea of accepting something, whether it be a gift, a responsibility, or a new life. It is a positive and encouraging name for a baby, as it implies that the child will be welcomed and embraced by their family and community.

  • Completion - This kanji also implies the idea of completion, which is a great name for a baby. It suggests that the child will have a full and fulfilling life, and that they will be able to reach their goals and dreams.

  • Payment - This kanji can also be interpreted as payment, which is a great name for a baby. It implies that the child will be able to provide for themselves and their family, and that they will be able to contribute to society in a meaningful way.

  • Fulfillment - This kanji also conveys the idea of fulfillment, which is a great name for a baby. It suggests that the child will be able to find joy and satisfaction in life, and that they will be able to reach their goals and dreams.

亜加菜- Akana -

Add to First Names Favorites Share亜加菜 - Akana - Copy 亜加菜

means "sub-, inferior, second to, asia."

  • Second - Used to refer to the second position in a sequence.

  • Subordinate - Used to refer to a lower level unit in the basic unit of biological classification such as phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species.

  • Low Oxidation - Used to refer to a compound with a low degree of oxidation.

  • Asia - An abbreviation for "Asia"

Name ideas examples

  • Second - This kanji implies that the baby is the second in rank or order, suggesting that they are special and unique.

  • Close - This kanji implies that the baby is a close relative or friend, suggesting that they are loved and cherished.

  • Fellow - This kanji implies that the baby is a fellow member of the same class or kind, suggesting that they are part of a larger group.

means "add, include, augment."

  • To Add, Append - To add something to an existing situation or group.

  • To Join, Participate - To become part of a group or situation.

  • To Influence - To have an effect on something or someone.

  • To Give, Bestow - To provide something to someone.

  • In Addition, On Top Of That - To add something extra to an existing situation.

  • Addition, Sum - A mathematical operation in which two or more numbers are added together.

Name ideas examples

  • Blessing - To bestow a blessing or good fortune on someone.

  • Increase - To make something larger or more numerous.

  • Friendship - To form a close bond with someone.

  • Unity - To bring together different elements to form a single whole.

means "vegetable, greens."

  • Vegetable - A general term for vegetables that are edible such as leaves, stems, and roots.

  • Vegetable Leaves - Leaves of vegetables that are edible.

  • Green Vegetables - Vegetables that are green in color and edible.

  • Side Dish - A dish served alongside the main course.

  • Cuisine - A style of cooking.

Name ideas examples

亜加那- Akana -

Add to First Names Favorites Share亜加那 - Akana - Copy 亜加那

means "sub-, inferior, second to, asia."

  • Second - Used to refer to the second position in a sequence.

  • Subordinate - Used to refer to a lower level unit in the basic unit of biological classification such as phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species.

  • Low Oxidation - Used to refer to a compound with a low degree of oxidation.

  • Asia - An abbreviation for "Asia"

Name ideas examples

  • Second - This kanji implies that the baby is the second in rank or order, suggesting that they are special and unique.

  • Close - This kanji implies that the baby is a close relative or friend, suggesting that they are loved and cherished.

  • Fellow - This kanji implies that the baby is a fellow member of the same class or kind, suggesting that they are part of a larger group.

means "add, include, augment."

  • To Add, Append - To add something to an existing situation or group.

  • To Join, Participate - To become part of a group or situation.

  • To Influence - To have an effect on something or someone.

  • To Give, Bestow - To provide something to someone.

  • In Addition, On Top Of That - To add something extra to an existing situation.

  • Addition, Sum - A mathematical operation in which two or more numbers are added together.

Name ideas examples

  • Blessing - To bestow a blessing or good fortune on someone.

  • Increase - To make something larger or more numerous.

  • Friendship - To form a close bond with someone.

  • Unity - To bring together different elements to form a single whole.

means "that, that one."

  • Many - Refers to a large quantity or amount.

  • Beautiful - Refers to something that is aesthetically pleasing.

  • Peaceful - Refers to a state of tranquility or serenity.

  • Question Mark, Contradiction - Used to express doubt or a contradiction.

Name ideas examples

  • Abundance - This kanji conveys the idea of abundance and plenty, making it a suitable choice for a baby's name to signify a life of abundance and prosperity.

  • Beauty - The kanji also carries the meaning of beauty, making it a great choice for a baby's name to signify a life of beauty and grace.

  • Peace - The kanji also carries the meaning of peace, making it a great choice for a baby's name to signify a life of peace and tranquility.

  • Question - The kanji can also be used to express a question or contradiction, making it a suitable choice for a baby's name to signify a life of curiosity and exploration.

亜華凪- Akana -

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means "sub-, inferior, second to, asia."

  • Second - Used to refer to the second position in a sequence.

  • Subordinate - Used to refer to a lower level unit in the basic unit of biological classification such as phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species.

  • Low Oxidation - Used to refer to a compound with a low degree of oxidation.

  • Asia - An abbreviation for "Asia"

Name ideas examples

  • Second - This kanji implies that the baby is the second in rank or order, suggesting that they are special and unique.

  • Close - This kanji implies that the baby is a close relative or friend, suggesting that they are loved and cherished.

  • Fellow - This kanji implies that the baby is a fellow member of the same class or kind, suggesting that they are part of a larger group.

means "flower, splendor, brilliance."

  • Flower - General term for flowers of plants and trees. Blooming of flowers.

  • Splendid - Magnificent, beautiful, flourishing, distinguished.

  • Color - Colorful, vivid.

  • White - White hair.

  • China - Self-proclaimed name of China.

Name ideas examples

  • Flower Blooming - It symbolizes beauty, growth, and new beginnings.

  • Splendid - It conveys a sense of grandeur and excellence.

  • Colorful - It symbolizes vibrancy and life.

  • White Hair - It symbolizes wisdom and maturity.

means "calm, lull."

  • Calmness - The state of being still and peaceful, with no wind or waves.

  • Calmness Of The Sea - The state of the sea being still and peaceful, with no wind or waves.

Name ideas examples

  • Peaceful - This kanji that conveys a sense of peace and tranquility.

  • Serene - This kanji that conveys a sense of calmness and serenity.

  • Tranquil - This kanji that conveys a sense of calmness and tranquility.

亜華南- Akana -

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means "sub-, inferior, second to, asia."

  • Second - Used to refer to the second position in a sequence.

  • Subordinate - Used to refer to a lower level unit in the basic unit of biological classification such as phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species.

  • Low Oxidation - Used to refer to a compound with a low degree of oxidation.

  • Asia - An abbreviation for "Asia"

Name ideas examples

  • Second - This kanji implies that the baby is the second in rank or order, suggesting that they are special and unique.

  • Close - This kanji implies that the baby is a close relative or friend, suggesting that they are loved and cherished.

  • Fellow - This kanji implies that the baby is a fellow member of the same class or kind, suggesting that they are part of a larger group.

means "flower, splendor, brilliance."

  • Flower - General term for flowers of plants and trees. Blooming of flowers.

  • Splendid - Magnificent, beautiful, flourishing, distinguished.

  • Color - Colorful, vivid.

  • White - White hair.

  • China - Self-proclaimed name of China.

Name ideas examples

  • Flower Blooming - It symbolizes beauty, growth, and new beginnings.

  • Splendid - It conveys a sense of grandeur and excellence.

  • Colorful - It symbolizes vibrancy and life.

  • White Hair - It symbolizes wisdom and maturity.

means "south, southern."

  • South - A direction or orientation. To go south.

  • A character used to transcribe the sound of Sanskrit (Bongo).

Name ideas examples

  • South - This kanji that symbolizes the idea of going forward and making progress.

  • This kanji that symbolizes the idea of transcending boundaries and cultures.

亜華名- Akana -

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means "sub-, inferior, second to, asia."

  • Second - Used to refer to the second position in a sequence.

  • Subordinate - Used to refer to a lower level unit in the basic unit of biological classification such as phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species.

  • Low Oxidation - Used to refer to a compound with a low degree of oxidation.

  • Asia - An abbreviation for "Asia"

Name ideas examples

  • Second - This kanji implies that the baby is the second in rank or order, suggesting that they are special and unique.

  • Close - This kanji implies that the baby is a close relative or friend, suggesting that they are loved and cherished.

  • Fellow - This kanji implies that the baby is a fellow member of the same class or kind, suggesting that they are part of a larger group.

means "flower, splendor, brilliance."

  • Flower - General term for flowers of plants and trees. Blooming of flowers.

  • Splendid - Magnificent, beautiful, flourishing, distinguished.

  • Color - Colorful, vivid.

  • White - White hair.

  • China - Self-proclaimed name of China.

Name ideas examples

  • Flower Blooming - It symbolizes beauty, growth, and new beginnings.

  • Splendid - It conveys a sense of grandeur and excellence.

  • Colorful - It symbolizes vibrancy and life.

  • White Hair - It symbolizes wisdom and maturity.

means "name, family name, given name."

  • Name - A name given to someone or something.

  • Reputation - A good reputation or honor.

  • Achievement - Accomplishments or successes.

  • Notable - Being well-known or famous.

  • Formal - The outward appearance or surface.

  • Counting - A word used to count people.

Name ideas examples

  • Honor - This kanji that conveys respect and admiration.

  • Success - This kanji that symbolizes success and achievement.

  • Notable - This kanji that is well-known and recognizable.

  • Formal - This kanji that is formal and dignified.

亜華奈- Akana -

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means "sub-, inferior, second to, asia."

  • Second - Used to refer to the second position in a sequence.

  • Subordinate - Used to refer to a lower level unit in the basic unit of biological classification such as phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species.

  • Low Oxidation - Used to refer to a compound with a low degree of oxidation.

  • Asia - An abbreviation for "Asia"

Name ideas examples

  • Second - This kanji implies that the baby is the second in rank or order, suggesting that they are special and unique.

  • Close - This kanji implies that the baby is a close relative or friend, suggesting that they are loved and cherished.

  • Fellow - This kanji implies that the baby is a fellow member of the same class or kind, suggesting that they are part of a larger group.

means "flower, splendor, brilliance."

  • Flower - General term for flowers of plants and trees. Blooming of flowers.

  • Splendid - Magnificent, beautiful, flourishing, distinguished.

  • Color - Colorful, vivid.

  • White - White hair.

  • China - Self-proclaimed name of China.

Name ideas examples

  • Flower Blooming - It symbolizes beauty, growth, and new beginnings.

  • Splendid - It conveys a sense of grandeur and excellence.

  • Colorful - It symbolizes vibrancy and life.

  • White Hair - It symbolizes wisdom and maturity.

means "nara, name of a place in Japan."

  • Fruit Tree - Refers to a tree that produces fruits, such as an apple tree.

  • Nashi - Refers to a type of pear, also known as the Asian pear.

  • Apple Tree - Refers to a tree that produces apples.

  • Fruit Like Tree - Refers to a tree that produces fruits similar to apples.

  • A question or rhetorical expression used to express doubt or contradiction.

Name ideas examples

  • Fruitful - This kanji implies abundance and prosperity, suggesting that the baby will have a life full of abundance and success.

  • Tangy - This kanji implies a zest for life and a vibrant personality, suggesting that the baby will have a life full of energy and enthusiasm.

  • Apple - This kanji implies sweetness and innocence, suggesting that the baby will have a life full of joy and innocence.

  • Resilient - This kanji implies strength and perseverance, suggesting that the baby will have a life full of strength and determination.

亜華納- Akana -

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means "sub-, inferior, second to, asia."

  • Second - Used to refer to the second position in a sequence.

  • Subordinate - Used to refer to a lower level unit in the basic unit of biological classification such as phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species.

  • Low Oxidation - Used to refer to a compound with a low degree of oxidation.

  • Asia - An abbreviation for "Asia"

Name ideas examples

  • Second - This kanji implies that the baby is the second in rank or order, suggesting that they are special and unique.

  • Close - This kanji implies that the baby is a close relative or friend, suggesting that they are loved and cherished.

  • Fellow - This kanji implies that the baby is a fellow member of the same class or kind, suggesting that they are part of a larger group.

means "flower, splendor, brilliance."

  • Flower - General term for flowers of plants and trees. Blooming of flowers.

  • Splendid - Magnificent, beautiful, flourishing, distinguished.

  • Color - Colorful, vivid.

  • White - White hair.

  • China - Self-proclaimed name of China.

Name ideas examples

  • Flower Blooming - It symbolizes beauty, growth, and new beginnings.

  • Splendid - It conveys a sense of grandeur and excellence.

  • Colorful - It symbolizes vibrancy and life.

  • White Hair - It symbolizes wisdom and maturity.

means "payment, supply, acceptance."

  • Receive - To accept or take in something.

  • Insert - To place something inside.

  • Draw In - To bring something in.

  • Adopt - To take something in and make it part of something.

  • Store - To put something away for safekeeping.

  • Accommodate - To make room for something.

  • Conclude - To bring something to an end.

  • Offer - To present something for consideration.

  • Pay - To give money in exchange for something.

  • Settle - To pay a debt or obligation.

Name ideas examples

  • Acceptance - This kanji conveys the idea of accepting something, whether it be a gift, a responsibility, or a new life. It is a positive and encouraging name for a baby, as it implies that the child will be welcomed and embraced by their family and community.

  • Completion - This kanji also implies the idea of completion, which is a great name for a baby. It suggests that the child will have a full and fulfilling life, and that they will be able to reach their goals and dreams.

  • Payment - This kanji can also be interpreted as payment, which is a great name for a baby. It implies that the child will be able to provide for themselves and their family, and that they will be able to contribute to society in a meaningful way.

  • Fulfillment - This kanji also conveys the idea of fulfillment, which is a great name for a baby. It suggests that the child will be able to find joy and satisfaction in life, and that they will be able to reach their goals and dreams.

亜華菜- Akana -

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means "sub-, inferior, second to, asia."

  • Second - Used to refer to the second position in a sequence.

  • Subordinate - Used to refer to a lower level unit in the basic unit of biological classification such as phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species.

  • Low Oxidation - Used to refer to a compound with a low degree of oxidation.

  • Asia - An abbreviation for "Asia"

Name ideas examples

  • Second - This kanji implies that the baby is the second in rank or order, suggesting that they are special and unique.

  • Close - This kanji implies that the baby is a close relative or friend, suggesting that they are loved and cherished.

  • Fellow - This kanji implies that the baby is a fellow member of the same class or kind, suggesting that they are part of a larger group.

means "flower, splendor, brilliance."

  • Flower - General term for flowers of plants and trees. Blooming of flowers.

  • Splendid - Magnificent, beautiful, flourishing, distinguished.

  • Color - Colorful, vivid.

  • White - White hair.

  • China - Self-proclaimed name of China.

Name ideas examples

  • Flower Blooming - It symbolizes beauty, growth, and new beginnings.

  • Splendid - It conveys a sense of grandeur and excellence.

  • Colorful - It symbolizes vibrancy and life.

  • White Hair - It symbolizes wisdom and maturity.

means "vegetable, greens."

  • Vegetable - A general term for vegetables that are edible such as leaves, stems, and roots.

  • Vegetable Leaves - Leaves of vegetables that are edible.

  • Green Vegetables - Vegetables that are green in color and edible.

  • Side Dish - A dish served alongside the main course.

  • Cuisine - A style of cooking.

Name ideas examples

亜華那- Akana -

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means "sub-, inferior, second to, asia."

  • Second - Used to refer to the second position in a sequence.

  • Subordinate - Used to refer to a lower level unit in the basic unit of biological classification such as phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species.

  • Low Oxidation - Used to refer to a compound with a low degree of oxidation.

  • Asia - An abbreviation for "Asia"

Name ideas examples

  • Second - This kanji implies that the baby is the second in rank or order, suggesting that they are special and unique.

  • Close - This kanji implies that the baby is a close relative or friend, suggesting that they are loved and cherished.

  • Fellow - This kanji implies that the baby is a fellow member of the same class or kind, suggesting that they are part of a larger group.

means "flower, splendor, brilliance."

  • Flower - General term for flowers of plants and trees. Blooming of flowers.

  • Splendid - Magnificent, beautiful, flourishing, distinguished.

  • Color - Colorful, vivid.

  • White - White hair.

  • China - Self-proclaimed name of China.

Name ideas examples

  • Flower Blooming - It symbolizes beauty, growth, and new beginnings.

  • Splendid - It conveys a sense of grandeur and excellence.

  • Colorful - It symbolizes vibrancy and life.

  • White Hair - It symbolizes wisdom and maturity.

means "that, that one."

  • Many - Refers to a large quantity or amount.

  • Beautiful - Refers to something that is aesthetically pleasing.

  • Peaceful - Refers to a state of tranquility or serenity.

  • Question Mark, Contradiction - Used to express doubt or a contradiction.

Name ideas examples

  • Abundance - This kanji conveys the idea of abundance and plenty, making it a suitable choice for a baby's name to signify a life of abundance and prosperity.

  • Beauty - The kanji also carries the meaning of beauty, making it a great choice for a baby's name to signify a life of beauty and grace.

  • Peace - The kanji also carries the meaning of peace, making it a great choice for a baby's name to signify a life of peace and tranquility.

  • Question - The kanji can also be used to express a question or contradiction, making it a suitable choice for a baby's name to signify a life of curiosity and exploration.

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