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Japanese boy(male) name Syousuke
Click to speech しょうすけAdd to First Names FavoritesShare this page Copy Syousuke

  • Gender:Male
  • Hiraganatip:しょうすけ
  • Katakanatip:ショウスケ
  • English transcriptionstip:Shosuke, Shousuke, Syousuke, Syosuke
  • Nickname examplestip:

    Shouchan(しょうちゃん)Click to speech しょうちゃんSukechan(すけちゃん)Click to speech すけちゃんShousukekun(しょうすけくん)Click to speech しょうすけくん

Kanji Names & Meanings - 61 variations

In Japanese culture, kanji are characters that originated from Chinese script, and the meaning of a name changes depending on the kanji characters chosen. The more variations of kanji a name has, the more common it is in Japan. Conversely, a name with very few kanji variations is considered unique and rare. Below are the kanji choices for "Syousuke," sorted by the total number of "Good!" votes.

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昭輔- Syousuke -

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means "shining, bright, luminous."

  • Clear - Easily seen or understood

  • Bright - Giving off or reflecting a lot of light

  • Obvious - Easily seen or understood

Name ideas examples

  • Illuminating - Shedding light on a situation, making something clear or understandable.

  • Radiant - Bright and cheerful, full of life and energy.

  • Apparent - Easily seen or understood, obvious.

means "assistance, help, aid."

  • Help, Aid - To provide assistance or support.

  • Reinforce - To strengthen or support something.

  • Cheekbone - The bone in the face that forms the sides of the lower jaw.

  • Jaw - The lower part of the face that holds the teeth.

  • Upper Jaw - The part of the jaw that is above the lower jaw.

  • Assistant - A person who helps or supports another.

  • Official - A person who holds a position of authority in a government or organization.

Name ideas examples

  • Help - To provide assistance or support to someone.

  • Reinforce - To strengthen or support something.

  • Cheekbone - A symbol of strength and beauty.

  • Jaw - A symbol of determination and resilience.

  • Upper Jaw - A symbol of courage and confidence.

  • Assistant - A reminder to always be helpful and supportive.

  • Official - A reminder to always strive for excellence and success.

匠亮- Syousuke -

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means "artisan, craftsman, master of a trade."

  • Craftsman - A skilled worker who is highly skilled in a particular field.

  • Skill - Expertise and dexterity in a particular field.

  • Idea - A creative thought or concept.

  • Refinement - The act of refining or perfecting something.

  • Outstanding Person - Someone who is exceptionally talented in a particular field.

Name ideas examples

  • Craftsman - This kanji that symbolizes skill and expertise in a particular field.

  • Skill - This kanji that symbolizes the ability to master a particular field.

  • Idea - This kanji that symbolizes creativity and originality.

  • Refinement - This kanji that symbolizes the act of perfecting something.

  • Outstanding Person - This kanji that symbolizes exceptional talent in a particular field.

means "brightness, clearness."

Name ideas examples

  • Bright - Symbolizing a bright and shining future for the baby.

  • Sincere - Representing a genuine and truthful character.

  • Assist - Signifying the hope that the baby will be able to help others in need.

尚介- Syousuke -

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means "still, yet, further, more."

  • To respect and revere.

  • To add or attach.

  • To make higher or elevate.

  • To wish or desire.

  • To read as “nao”, meaning “on top of that” or “furthermore”.

  • To read as “nao”, meaning “still” or “as before”.

  • To read as “koinegawakuwa”, meaning “to wish for” or “to hope for”.

Name ideas examples

  • Respect - To honor and revere, to show admiration and appreciation.

  • Elevation - To raise up, to make higher or greater.

  • Wish - To desire, to hope for, to long for.

means "intermediary, mediate, shellfish."

  • Helping - To assist or aid someone.

  • Intervening - To come between two or more people or things.

  • Mediating - To act as a mediator between two or more parties.

  • Separating - To divide or keep apart.

  • Armor - To wear armor.

  • Isolation - To be alone or isolated.

  • Magnifying - To make something larger or greater.

  • Edge - The outermost part of something.

  • Shell - The hard outer covering of certain animals.

  • Ancient Japanese Official - A fourth-ranking official in ancient Japan, second in rank to the kokushi.

Name ideas examples

  • Help - To provide assistance or support to someone in need.

  • Intervene - To come between two or more people or things in order to resolve a dispute or conflict.

  • Separate - To divide or keep apart two or more people or things.

  • Armor - A protective covering, usually made of metal, worn to defend against attack.

  • Isolate - To be alone or apart from others.

  • Magnify - To make something appear larger or more important than it actually is.

  • Boundary - A line that marks the limits of an area, the edge or limit of something.

  • Carapace - The hard outer shell of some animals, such as turtles and crabs.

  • Second In Command - A person who is second in rank or authority to the leader of an organization.

彰介- Syousuke -

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means "manifest, clear, evident."

Name ideas examples

  • Clear, Obvious - To suggest that the baby will be clear-minded and have a strong sense of purpose.

  • Manifest, Reveal - To suggest that the baby will be able to manifest their true potential and reveal their inner beauty.

  • Pattern, Design - To suggest that the baby will be able to create their own unique pattern or design in life.

means "intermediary, mediate, shellfish."

  • Helping - To assist or aid someone.

  • Intervening - To come between two or more people or things.

  • Mediating - To act as a mediator between two or more parties.

  • Separating - To divide or keep apart.

  • Armor - To wear armor.

  • Isolation - To be alone or isolated.

  • Magnifying - To make something larger or greater.

  • Edge - The outermost part of something.

  • Shell - The hard outer covering of certain animals.

  • Ancient Japanese Official - A fourth-ranking official in ancient Japan, second in rank to the kokushi.

Name ideas examples

  • Help - To provide assistance or support to someone in need.

  • Intervene - To come between two or more people or things in order to resolve a dispute or conflict.

  • Separate - To divide or keep apart two or more people or things.

  • Armor - A protective covering, usually made of metal, worn to defend against attack.

  • Isolate - To be alone or apart from others.

  • Magnify - To make something appear larger or more important than it actually is.

  • Boundary - A line that marks the limits of an area, the edge or limit of something.

  • Carapace - The hard outer shell of some animals, such as turtles and crabs.

  • Second In Command - A person who is second in rank or authority to the leader of an organization.

祥介- Syousuke -

Add to First Names Favorites Share祥介 - Syousuke - Copy 祥介

means "happiness, good fortune."

Name ideas examples

  • Good Fortune - This is a positive and uplifting meaning that is perfect for a baby, as it symbolizes a bright future and a life full of joy and happiness.

  • Blessing - It conveys the idea that the child is a blessing from God and will be blessed throughout their life.

  • Joy - This is a wonderful name for a baby, as it conveys the idea that the child will bring joy and happiness to those around them.

  • Celebration - It conveys the idea that the child will bring joy and celebration to those around them.

  • Omen - It conveys the idea that the child will bring good luck and fortune to those around them.

  • Sign - It conveys the idea that the child will bring good news and hope to those around them.

  • Festival - It conveys the idea that the child will bring joy and celebration to those around them.

means "intermediary, mediate, shellfish."

  • Helping - To assist or aid someone.

  • Intervening - To come between two or more people or things.

  • Mediating - To act as a mediator between two or more parties.

  • Separating - To divide or keep apart.

  • Armor - To wear armor.

  • Isolation - To be alone or isolated.

  • Magnifying - To make something larger or greater.

  • Edge - The outermost part of something.

  • Shell - The hard outer covering of certain animals.

  • Ancient Japanese Official - A fourth-ranking official in ancient Japan, second in rank to the kokushi.

Name ideas examples

  • Help - To provide assistance or support to someone in need.

  • Intervene - To come between two or more people or things in order to resolve a dispute or conflict.

  • Separate - To divide or keep apart two or more people or things.

  • Armor - A protective covering, usually made of metal, worn to defend against attack.

  • Isolate - To be alone or apart from others.

  • Magnify - To make something appear larger or more important than it actually is.

  • Boundary - A line that marks the limits of an area, the edge or limit of something.

  • Carapace - The hard outer shell of some animals, such as turtles and crabs.

  • Second In Command - A person who is second in rank or authority to the leader of an organization.

祥輔- Syousuke -

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means "happiness, good fortune."

Name ideas examples

  • Good Fortune - This is a positive and uplifting meaning that is perfect for a baby, as it symbolizes a bright future and a life full of joy and happiness.

  • Blessing - It conveys the idea that the child is a blessing from God and will be blessed throughout their life.

  • Joy - This is a wonderful name for a baby, as it conveys the idea that the child will bring joy and happiness to those around them.

  • Celebration - It conveys the idea that the child will bring joy and celebration to those around them.

  • Omen - It conveys the idea that the child will bring good luck and fortune to those around them.

  • Sign - It conveys the idea that the child will bring good news and hope to those around them.

  • Festival - It conveys the idea that the child will bring joy and celebration to those around them.

means "assistance, help, aid."

  • Help, Aid - To provide assistance or support.

  • Reinforce - To strengthen or support something.

  • Cheekbone - The bone in the face that forms the sides of the lower jaw.

  • Jaw - The lower part of the face that holds the teeth.

  • Upper Jaw - The part of the jaw that is above the lower jaw.

  • Assistant - A person who helps or supports another.

  • Official - A person who holds a position of authority in a government or organization.

Name ideas examples

  • Help - To provide assistance or support to someone.

  • Reinforce - To strengthen or support something.

  • Cheekbone - A symbol of strength and beauty.

  • Jaw - A symbol of determination and resilience.

  • Upper Jaw - A symbol of courage and confidence.

  • Assistant - A reminder to always be helpful and supportive.

  • Official - A reminder to always strive for excellence and success.

笙介- Syousuke -

Add to First Names Favorites Share笙介 - Syousuke - Copy 笙介

means "traditional bamboo instrument."

  • Flute - A wind instrument with a slender, small body.

  • Delicate - Fine and delicate in nature.

Name ideas examples

  • Musical - Symbolizing a love of music and a desire for the baby to be creative and musically inclined.

  • Graceful - Symbolizing grace and elegance, and a desire for the baby to be graceful and delicate.

means "intermediary, mediate, shellfish."

  • Helping - To assist or aid someone.

  • Intervening - To come between two or more people or things.

  • Mediating - To act as a mediator between two or more parties.

  • Separating - To divide or keep apart.

  • Armor - To wear armor.

  • Isolation - To be alone or isolated.

  • Magnifying - To make something larger or greater.

  • Edge - The outermost part of something.

  • Shell - The hard outer covering of certain animals.

  • Ancient Japanese Official - A fourth-ranking official in ancient Japan, second in rank to the kokushi.

Name ideas examples

  • Help - To provide assistance or support to someone in need.

  • Intervene - To come between two or more people or things in order to resolve a dispute or conflict.

  • Separate - To divide or keep apart two or more people or things.

  • Armor - A protective covering, usually made of metal, worn to defend against attack.

  • Isolate - To be alone or apart from others.

  • Magnify - To make something appear larger or more important than it actually is.

  • Boundary - A line that marks the limits of an area, the edge or limit of something.

  • Carapace - The hard outer shell of some animals, such as turtles and crabs.

  • Second In Command - A person who is second in rank or authority to the leader of an organization.

翔丞- Syousuke -

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means "soar, fly, glide."

  • To Soar - To fly through the air with grace and ease.

  • To Fly Around - To move in circles or loops in the air.

  • To Go Forth With Both Hands Outstretched - To move forward with determination and confidence.

  • To Circle - To turn around and look back.

  • To Be Discerning - To be able to make wise decisions based on careful consideration.

  • To Be Detailed - To be thorough and precise in one's work.

Name ideas examples

  • To Fly - This is a positive and uplifting meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the courage and strength to soar to great heights.

  • To Soar - This is a powerful and inspiring meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the courage and determination to reach their goals.

  • To Circulate - This is a meaningful and encouraging meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the ability to move freely and make connections with others.

  • To Reach Out - This is a hopeful and encouraging meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the courage and determination to reach out and make a difference in the world.

  • To Look Back - This is a reflective and thoughtful meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the wisdom to look back and learn from their experiences.

  • To Be Discriminating - This is a wise and mature meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the discernment to make wise decisions.

  • To Be Detailed - This is a precise and analytical meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the attention to detail to make sure things are done correctly.

means "assistant, aide, help."

  • Help, Assist - To provide assistance or support.

  • Adviser, Counselor - To provide advice or guidance.

  • Judge - A government official responsible for administering justice.

  • Fourth Rank Official - A government official of the fourth rank in the hierarchy of the Imperial Court.

Name ideas examples

  • Helper - One who provides assistance or support.

  • Wise One - One who is wise and provides guidance.

  • Just One - One who is just and fair in their decisions.

  • Noble One - One who is noble and of high rank.

翔介- Syousuke -

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means "soar, fly, glide."

  • To Soar - To fly through the air with grace and ease.

  • To Fly Around - To move in circles or loops in the air.

  • To Go Forth With Both Hands Outstretched - To move forward with determination and confidence.

  • To Circle - To turn around and look back.

  • To Be Discerning - To be able to make wise decisions based on careful consideration.

  • To Be Detailed - To be thorough and precise in one's work.

Name ideas examples

  • To Fly - This is a positive and uplifting meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the courage and strength to soar to great heights.

  • To Soar - This is a powerful and inspiring meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the courage and determination to reach their goals.

  • To Circulate - This is a meaningful and encouraging meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the ability to move freely and make connections with others.

  • To Reach Out - This is a hopeful and encouraging meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the courage and determination to reach out and make a difference in the world.

  • To Look Back - This is a reflective and thoughtful meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the wisdom to look back and learn from their experiences.

  • To Be Discriminating - This is a wise and mature meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the discernment to make wise decisions.

  • To Be Detailed - This is a precise and analytical meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the attention to detail to make sure things are done correctly.

means "intermediary, mediate, shellfish."

  • Helping - To assist or aid someone.

  • Intervening - To come between two or more people or things.

  • Mediating - To act as a mediator between two or more parties.

  • Separating - To divide or keep apart.

  • Armor - To wear armor.

  • Isolation - To be alone or isolated.

  • Magnifying - To make something larger or greater.

  • Edge - The outermost part of something.

  • Shell - The hard outer covering of certain animals.

  • Ancient Japanese Official - A fourth-ranking official in ancient Japan, second in rank to the kokushi.

Name ideas examples

  • Help - To provide assistance or support to someone in need.

  • Intervene - To come between two or more people or things in order to resolve a dispute or conflict.

  • Separate - To divide or keep apart two or more people or things.

  • Armor - A protective covering, usually made of metal, worn to defend against attack.

  • Isolate - To be alone or apart from others.

  • Magnify - To make something appear larger or more important than it actually is.

  • Boundary - A line that marks the limits of an area, the edge or limit of something.

  • Carapace - The hard outer shell of some animals, such as turtles and crabs.

  • Second In Command - A person who is second in rank or authority to the leader of an organization.

勝亮- Syousuke -

Add to First Names Favorites Share勝亮 - Syousuke - Copy 勝亮

means "victory, win."

  • Win - To be victorious over an opponent.

  • Outperform - To be better than others.

  • Endure - To be able to withstand or bear something.

  • All - Everything without exception.

Name ideas examples

means "brightness, clearness."

Name ideas examples

  • Bright - Symbolizing a bright and shining future for the baby.

  • Sincere - Representing a genuine and truthful character.

  • Assist - Signifying the hope that the baby will be able to help others in need.

勝介- Syousuke -

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means "victory, win."

  • Win - To be victorious over an opponent.

  • Outperform - To be better than others.

  • Endure - To be able to withstand or bear something.

  • All - Everything without exception.

Name ideas examples

means "intermediary, mediate, shellfish."

  • Helping - To assist or aid someone.

  • Intervening - To come between two or more people or things.

  • Mediating - To act as a mediator between two or more parties.

  • Separating - To divide or keep apart.

  • Armor - To wear armor.

  • Isolation - To be alone or isolated.

  • Magnifying - To make something larger or greater.

  • Edge - The outermost part of something.

  • Shell - The hard outer covering of certain animals.

  • Ancient Japanese Official - A fourth-ranking official in ancient Japan, second in rank to the kokushi.

Name ideas examples

  • Help - To provide assistance or support to someone in need.

  • Intervene - To come between two or more people or things in order to resolve a dispute or conflict.

  • Separate - To divide or keep apart two or more people or things.

  • Armor - A protective covering, usually made of metal, worn to defend against attack.

  • Isolate - To be alone or apart from others.

  • Magnify - To make something appear larger or more important than it actually is.

  • Boundary - A line that marks the limits of an area, the edge or limit of something.

  • Carapace - The hard outer shell of some animals, such as turtles and crabs.

  • Second In Command - A person who is second in rank or authority to the leader of an organization.

勝佑- Syousuke -

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means "victory, win."

  • Win - To be victorious over an opponent.

  • Outperform - To be better than others.

  • Endure - To be able to withstand or bear something.

  • All - Everything without exception.

Name ideas examples

means "assistance, help, aid."

  • Help - To provide assistance or support.

  • Protect - To shield or guard from harm or danger.

  • Aid - To give assistance or support.

Name ideas examples

  • Help - To provide assistance or support to the baby throughout their life.

  • Protect - To shield or guard the baby from harm or danger.

  • Aid - To give assistance or support to the baby in times of need.

勝助- Syousuke -

Add to First Names Favorites Share勝助 - Syousuke - Copy 勝助

means "victory, win."

  • Win - To be victorious over an opponent.

  • Outperform - To be better than others.

  • Endure - To be able to withstand or bear something.

  • All - Everything without exception.

Name ideas examples

means "aid, help, assist."

  • To Help Or Assist - This kanji can be used to express the idea of helping or assisting someone. It can also be used to describe the act of lending strength or power to someone.

  • To Plow A Field - This kanji can be used to describe the act of putting a hoe into a field and tilling it.

  • A Nickname - This kanji can be used to give someone a nickname based on their characteristics. For example, someone who likes to drink could be called “呑み助(Nomisuke)”.

Name ideas examples

  • To Help Or Assist - This kanji implies that the baby will be a source of help and support to those around them.

  • To Lend Strength Or Power - This kanji implies that the baby will be a source of strength and power to those around them.

  • To Plow A Field - This kanji implies that the baby will be a hard worker and will be able to accomplish great things.

  • To Give A Person A Name Based On Their Characteristics - This kanji implies that the baby will be unique and have their own individual characteristics.

勝輔- Syousuke -

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means "victory, win."

  • Win - To be victorious over an opponent.

  • Outperform - To be better than others.

  • Endure - To be able to withstand or bear something.

  • All - Everything without exception.

Name ideas examples

means "assistance, help, aid."

  • Help, Aid - To provide assistance or support.

  • Reinforce - To strengthen or support something.

  • Cheekbone - The bone in the face that forms the sides of the lower jaw.

  • Jaw - The lower part of the face that holds the teeth.

  • Upper Jaw - The part of the jaw that is above the lower jaw.

  • Assistant - A person who helps or supports another.

  • Official - A person who holds a position of authority in a government or organization.

Name ideas examples

  • Help - To provide assistance or support to someone.

  • Reinforce - To strengthen or support something.

  • Cheekbone - A symbol of strength and beauty.

  • Jaw - A symbol of determination and resilience.

  • Upper Jaw - A symbol of courage and confidence.

  • Assistant - A reminder to always be helpful and supportive.

  • Official - A reminder to always strive for excellence and success.

匠佑- Syousuke -

Add to First Names Favorites Share匠佑 - Syousuke - Copy 匠佑

means "artisan, craftsman, master of a trade."

  • Craftsman - A skilled worker who is highly skilled in a particular field.

  • Skill - Expertise and dexterity in a particular field.

  • Idea - A creative thought or concept.

  • Refinement - The act of refining or perfecting something.

  • Outstanding Person - Someone who is exceptionally talented in a particular field.

Name ideas examples

  • Craftsman - This kanji that symbolizes skill and expertise in a particular field.

  • Skill - This kanji that symbolizes the ability to master a particular field.

  • Idea - This kanji that symbolizes creativity and originality.

  • Refinement - This kanji that symbolizes the act of perfecting something.

  • Outstanding Person - This kanji that symbolizes exceptional talent in a particular field.

means "assistance, help, aid."

  • Help - To provide assistance or support.

  • Protect - To shield or guard from harm or danger.

  • Aid - To give assistance or support.

Name ideas examples

  • Help - To provide assistance or support to the baby throughout their life.

  • Protect - To shield or guard the baby from harm or danger.

  • Aid - To give assistance or support to the baby in times of need.

匠助- Syousuke -

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means "artisan, craftsman, master of a trade."

  • Craftsman - A skilled worker who is highly skilled in a particular field.

  • Skill - Expertise and dexterity in a particular field.

  • Idea - A creative thought or concept.

  • Refinement - The act of refining or perfecting something.

  • Outstanding Person - Someone who is exceptionally talented in a particular field.

Name ideas examples

  • Craftsman - This kanji that symbolizes skill and expertise in a particular field.

  • Skill - This kanji that symbolizes the ability to master a particular field.

  • Idea - This kanji that symbolizes creativity and originality.

  • Refinement - This kanji that symbolizes the act of perfecting something.

  • Outstanding Person - This kanji that symbolizes exceptional talent in a particular field.

means "aid, help, assist."

  • To Help Or Assist - This kanji can be used to express the idea of helping or assisting someone. It can also be used to describe the act of lending strength or power to someone.

  • To Plow A Field - This kanji can be used to describe the act of putting a hoe into a field and tilling it.

  • A Nickname - This kanji can be used to give someone a nickname based on their characteristics. For example, someone who likes to drink could be called “呑み助(Nomisuke)”.

Name ideas examples

  • To Help Or Assist - This kanji implies that the baby will be a source of help and support to those around them.

  • To Lend Strength Or Power - This kanji implies that the baby will be a source of strength and power to those around them.

  • To Plow A Field - This kanji implies that the baby will be a hard worker and will be able to accomplish great things.

  • To Give A Person A Name Based On Their Characteristics - This kanji implies that the baby will be unique and have their own individual characteristics.

匠祐- Syousuke -

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means "artisan, craftsman, master of a trade."

  • Craftsman - A skilled worker who is highly skilled in a particular field.

  • Skill - Expertise and dexterity in a particular field.

  • Idea - A creative thought or concept.

  • Refinement - The act of refining or perfecting something.

  • Outstanding Person - Someone who is exceptionally talented in a particular field.

Name ideas examples

  • Craftsman - This kanji that symbolizes skill and expertise in a particular field.

  • Skill - This kanji that symbolizes the ability to master a particular field.

  • Idea - This kanji that symbolizes creativity and originality.

  • Refinement - This kanji that symbolizes the act of perfecting something.

  • Outstanding Person - This kanji that symbolizes exceptional talent in a particular field.

means "help, assist, protect."

Name ideas examples

  • Help, Helping - This is a very suitable meaning for a baby's name, as it conveys the idea of being a source of assistance and support. It also implies that the child will be blessed with divine help and guidance.

  • Fortune, Fortunate - This is a great meaning for a baby's name, as it conveys the idea of being blessed with good luck and fortune. It also implies that the child will be blessed with divine guidance and protection.

  • Advance, Advancing - This is a suitable meaning for a baby's name, as it conveys the idea of being a source of progress and success. It also implies that the child will be blessed with divine guidance and protection as they move forward in life.

咲裕- Syousuke -

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means "bloom, blossom, flourish."

  • To Laugh, Smile - To express joy or amusement with a facial expression.

  • To Bloom, Blossom - To open and display the petals of a flower.

  • To Open, Unfold - To reveal or expand something that was previously hidden or closed.

Name ideas examples

  • Joy - A feeling of great pleasure and happiness.

  • Beauty - The quality of being attractive, pleasing, or delightful.

  • Unfolding - The process of revealing or expanding something that was previously hidden or closed.

means "abundance, plenty, spaciousness."

  • Abundant - Having more than enough of something, plentiful.

  • Generous - Having or giving more than is necessary or expected, open-handed.

  • Ample - More than enough, sufficient.

  • Relaxed - Not tense, rigid, or strict, easygoing.

  • Spacious - Having a lot of space, roomy.

  • Open Minded - Willing to consider new ideas, tolerant.

  • Comfortable - Providing physical ease and relaxation, cozy.

Name ideas examples

  • Abundant - This kanji implies that the baby will have an abundance of resources and opportunities in life.

  • Generous - This kanji implies that the baby will be generous and kind-hearted, always willing to share and help others.

  • Ample - This kanji implies that the baby will have plenty of resources and opportunities in life.

  • Prosperous - This kanji implies that the baby will have a prosperous and successful life.

  • Relaxed - This kanji implies that the baby will have a relaxed and laid-back attitude towards life.

  • Spacious - This kanji implies that the baby will have a wide range of interests and activities.

  • Open Minded - This kanji implies that the baby will have an open and accepting attitude towards life.

  • Comfortable - This kanji implies that the baby will have a comfortable and secure life.

奨丞- Syousuke -

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means "encouragement, recommendation, award."

  • Encourage - To recognize something as good and to encourage someone to do it.

  • Praise - To express admiration or approval.

  • Motivate - To give someone strength and help them.

Name ideas examples

  • Encourage - To give a baby a name that will inspire them to strive for greatness and to reach their goals.

  • Praise - To give a baby a name that will remind them of the admiration and approval they receive from others.

  • Motivate - To give a baby a name that will give them the strength and courage to face any challenge.

means "assistant, aide, help."

  • Help, Assist - To provide assistance or support.

  • Adviser, Counselor - To provide advice or guidance.

  • Judge - A government official responsible for administering justice.

  • Fourth Rank Official - A government official of the fourth rank in the hierarchy of the Imperial Court.

Name ideas examples

  • Helper - One who provides assistance or support.

  • Wise One - One who is wise and provides guidance.

  • Just One - One who is just and fair in their decisions.

  • Noble One - One who is noble and of high rank.

奨介- Syousuke -

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means "encouragement, recommendation, award."

  • Encourage - To recognize something as good and to encourage someone to do it.

  • Praise - To express admiration or approval.

  • Motivate - To give someone strength and help them.

Name ideas examples

  • Encourage - To give a baby a name that will inspire them to strive for greatness and to reach their goals.

  • Praise - To give a baby a name that will remind them of the admiration and approval they receive from others.

  • Motivate - To give a baby a name that will give them the strength and courage to face any challenge.

means "intermediary, mediate, shellfish."

  • Helping - To assist or aid someone.

  • Intervening - To come between two or more people or things.

  • Mediating - To act as a mediator between two or more parties.

  • Separating - To divide or keep apart.

  • Armor - To wear armor.

  • Isolation - To be alone or isolated.

  • Magnifying - To make something larger or greater.

  • Edge - The outermost part of something.

  • Shell - The hard outer covering of certain animals.

  • Ancient Japanese Official - A fourth-ranking official in ancient Japan, second in rank to the kokushi.

Name ideas examples

  • Help - To provide assistance or support to someone in need.

  • Intervene - To come between two or more people or things in order to resolve a dispute or conflict.

  • Separate - To divide or keep apart two or more people or things.

  • Armor - A protective covering, usually made of metal, worn to defend against attack.

  • Isolate - To be alone or apart from others.

  • Magnify - To make something appear larger or more important than it actually is.

  • Boundary - A line that marks the limits of an area, the edge or limit of something.

  • Carapace - The hard outer shell of some animals, such as turtles and crabs.

  • Second In Command - A person who is second in rank or authority to the leader of an organization.

奨助- Syousuke -

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means "encouragement, recommendation, award."

  • Encourage - To recognize something as good and to encourage someone to do it.

  • Praise - To express admiration or approval.

  • Motivate - To give someone strength and help them.

Name ideas examples

  • Encourage - To give a baby a name that will inspire them to strive for greatness and to reach their goals.

  • Praise - To give a baby a name that will remind them of the admiration and approval they receive from others.

  • Motivate - To give a baby a name that will give them the strength and courage to face any challenge.

means "aid, help, assist."

  • To Help Or Assist - This kanji can be used to express the idea of helping or assisting someone. It can also be used to describe the act of lending strength or power to someone.

  • To Plow A Field - This kanji can be used to describe the act of putting a hoe into a field and tilling it.

  • A Nickname - This kanji can be used to give someone a nickname based on their characteristics. For example, someone who likes to drink could be called “呑み助(Nomisuke)”.

Name ideas examples

  • To Help Or Assist - This kanji implies that the baby will be a source of help and support to those around them.

  • To Lend Strength Or Power - This kanji implies that the baby will be a source of strength and power to those around them.

  • To Plow A Field - This kanji implies that the baby will be a hard worker and will be able to accomplish great things.

  • To Give A Person A Name Based On Their Characteristics - This kanji implies that the baby will be unique and have their own individual characteristics.

将丞- Syousuke -

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means "general, commander, leader."

  • To Lead Troops - To lead an army or troops.

  • To Help - To rescue, to support.

  • To Advance - To move forward.

  • To Do - To perform an action.

  • To Suggest - To imply something that will happen in the future.

  • To Intend - To express one's will to do something in the future.

  • To Be Almost - To express something that is almost the same.

  • To Choose - To express a choice between two or more options.

  • To Use - To use something to do something.

Name ideas examples

  • Leader - This kanji symbolizes a leader, someone who is able to lead and guide others. It is a great choice for a baby's name, as it conveys strength and courage.

  • Help - This kanji symbolizes helping and rescuing others. It is a great choice for a baby's name, as it conveys kindness and compassion.

  • Progress - This kanji symbolizes progress and advancement. It is a great choice for a baby's name, as it conveys ambition and determination.

  • Action - This kanji symbolizes taking action and doing something. It is a great choice for a baby's name, as it conveys a sense of purpose and drive.

  • Speculation - This kanji symbolizes the ability to speculate and make predictions. It is a great choice for a baby who is destined to be a thinker and a visionary.

  • Will - This kanji symbolizes the ability to have a strong will and determination. It is a great choice for a baby who is destined to be a determined and ambitious individual.

  • Nearness - This kanji symbolizes the ability to be close to something or someone.

means "assistant, aide, help."

  • Help, Assist - To provide assistance or support.

  • Adviser, Counselor - To provide advice or guidance.

  • Judge - A government official responsible for administering justice.

  • Fourth Rank Official - A government official of the fourth rank in the hierarchy of the Imperial Court.

Name ideas examples

  • Helper - One who provides assistance or support.

  • Wise One - One who is wise and provides guidance.

  • Just One - One who is just and fair in their decisions.

  • Noble One - One who is noble and of high rank.

将亮- Syousuke -

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means "general, commander, leader."

  • To Lead Troops - To lead an army or troops.

  • To Help - To rescue, to support.

  • To Advance - To move forward.

  • To Do - To perform an action.

  • To Suggest - To imply something that will happen in the future.

  • To Intend - To express one's will to do something in the future.

  • To Be Almost - To express something that is almost the same.

  • To Choose - To express a choice between two or more options.

  • To Use - To use something to do something.

Name ideas examples

  • Leader - This kanji symbolizes a leader, someone who is able to lead and guide others. It is a great choice for a baby's name, as it conveys strength and courage.

  • Help - This kanji symbolizes helping and rescuing others. It is a great choice for a baby's name, as it conveys kindness and compassion.

  • Progress - This kanji symbolizes progress and advancement. It is a great choice for a baby's name, as it conveys ambition and determination.

  • Action - This kanji symbolizes taking action and doing something. It is a great choice for a baby's name, as it conveys a sense of purpose and drive.

  • Speculation - This kanji symbolizes the ability to speculate and make predictions. It is a great choice for a baby who is destined to be a thinker and a visionary.

  • Will - This kanji symbolizes the ability to have a strong will and determination. It is a great choice for a baby who is destined to be a determined and ambitious individual.

  • Nearness - This kanji symbolizes the ability to be close to something or someone.

means "brightness, clearness."

Name ideas examples

  • Bright - Symbolizing a bright and shining future for the baby.

  • Sincere - Representing a genuine and truthful character.

  • Assist - Signifying the hope that the baby will be able to help others in need.

将右- Syousuke -

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means "general, commander, leader."

  • To Lead Troops - To lead an army or troops.

  • To Help - To rescue, to support.

  • To Advance - To move forward.

  • To Do - To perform an action.

  • To Suggest - To imply something that will happen in the future.

  • To Intend - To express one's will to do something in the future.

  • To Be Almost - To express something that is almost the same.

  • To Choose - To express a choice between two or more options.

  • To Use - To use something to do something.

Name ideas examples

  • Leader - This kanji symbolizes a leader, someone who is able to lead and guide others. It is a great choice for a baby's name, as it conveys strength and courage.

  • Help - This kanji symbolizes helping and rescuing others. It is a great choice for a baby's name, as it conveys kindness and compassion.

  • Progress - This kanji symbolizes progress and advancement. It is a great choice for a baby's name, as it conveys ambition and determination.

  • Action - This kanji symbolizes taking action and doing something. It is a great choice for a baby's name, as it conveys a sense of purpose and drive.

  • Speculation - This kanji symbolizes the ability to speculate and make predictions. It is a great choice for a baby who is destined to be a thinker and a visionary.

  • Will - This kanji symbolizes the ability to have a strong will and determination. It is a great choice for a baby who is destined to be a determined and ambitious individual.

  • Nearness - This kanji symbolizes the ability to be close to something or someone.

means "right, correct, right-hand side."

  • Right - Refers to the right side or direction.

  • West - Refers to the western direction.

  • Superior - Refers to a higher rank or status.

  • Help - Refers to providing assistance, protection, or support.

  • Conservative - Refers to a conservative ideology.

Name ideas examples

  • Right - Refers to the right side or direction, and can symbolize a baby's journey in life being guided in the right direction.

  • West - Refers to the western direction, and can symbolize a baby's journey in life being guided in the direction of progress and success.

  • Superior - Refers to a higher rank or status, and can symbolize a baby's journey in life being guided to reach greater heights.

  • Help - Refers to providing assistance, protection, or support, and can symbolize a baby's journey in life being guided by those who will help them along the way.

  • Conservative - Refers to a conservative ideology, and can symbolize a baby's journey in life being guided by traditional values and principles.

将諒- Syousuke -

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means "general, commander, leader."

  • To Lead Troops - To lead an army or troops.

  • To Help - To rescue, to support.

  • To Advance - To move forward.

  • To Do - To perform an action.

  • To Suggest - To imply something that will happen in the future.

  • To Intend - To express one's will to do something in the future.

  • To Be Almost - To express something that is almost the same.

  • To Choose - To express a choice between two or more options.

  • To Use - To use something to do something.

Name ideas examples

  • Leader - This kanji symbolizes a leader, someone who is able to lead and guide others. It is a great choice for a baby's name, as it conveys strength and courage.

  • Help - This kanji symbolizes helping and rescuing others. It is a great choice for a baby's name, as it conveys kindness and compassion.

  • Progress - This kanji symbolizes progress and advancement. It is a great choice for a baby's name, as it conveys ambition and determination.

  • Action - This kanji symbolizes taking action and doing something. It is a great choice for a baby's name, as it conveys a sense of purpose and drive.

  • Speculation - This kanji symbolizes the ability to speculate and make predictions. It is a great choice for a baby who is destined to be a thinker and a visionary.

  • Will - This kanji symbolizes the ability to have a strong will and determination. It is a great choice for a baby who is destined to be a determined and ambitious individual.

  • Nearness - This kanji symbolizes the ability to be close to something or someone.

means "understanding, comprehension, sympathy."

  • Honesty - Being truthful and sincere.

  • Believing - Having faith and trust in someone or something.

  • Compassion - Showing kindness and understanding towards others.

  • Revealing - Making something clear or known.

  • Knowing - Having knowledge or understanding of something.

Name ideas examples

  • Honesty - A quality of being honest and truthful, which is an admirable trait to have in life.

  • Believing - Having faith and trust in oneself and others, which is essential for a successful life.

  • Compassion - Showing kindness and understanding towards others, which is a sign of a good heart.

  • Revealing - Making something clear or known, which can be a sign of wisdom and insight.

  • Knowing - Having knowledge or understanding of something, which can be a sign of intelligence and insight.

將介- Syousuke -

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means "will, shall, future tense marker."

  • To Lead - To lead troops or an army.

  • A Person - Someone who leads or commands.

  • To Help - To save or support.

  • To Advance - To move forward.

  • To Do - To carry out an action.

  • To Be About To - To be on the verge of doing something.

  • To Want To - To have the intention of doing something.

  • To Be Almost - To be close to a certain degree.

  • Or - To indicate a choice between two or more options.

  • By Means Of - To indicate a method or means.

Name ideas examples

  • Leader - Someone who is strong and capable of leading and guiding others.

  • Helper - Someone who is kind and willing to help and support others.

  • Advancer - Someone who is ambitious and strives to move forward and progress.

  • Doer - Someone who is determined and takes action to achieve their goals.

means "intermediary, mediate, shellfish."

  • Helping - To assist or aid someone.

  • Intervening - To come between two or more people or things.

  • Mediating - To act as a mediator between two or more parties.

  • Separating - To divide or keep apart.

  • Armor - To wear armor.

  • Isolation - To be alone or isolated.

  • Magnifying - To make something larger or greater.

  • Edge - The outermost part of something.

  • Shell - The hard outer covering of certain animals.

  • Ancient Japanese Official - A fourth-ranking official in ancient Japan, second in rank to the kokushi.

Name ideas examples

  • Help - To provide assistance or support to someone in need.

  • Intervene - To come between two or more people or things in order to resolve a dispute or conflict.

  • Separate - To divide or keep apart two or more people or things.

  • Armor - A protective covering, usually made of metal, worn to defend against attack.

  • Isolate - To be alone or apart from others.

  • Magnify - To make something appear larger or more important than it actually is.

  • Boundary - A line that marks the limits of an area, the edge or limit of something.

  • Carapace - The hard outer shell of some animals, such as turtles and crabs.

  • Second In Command - A person who is second in rank or authority to the leader of an organization.

尚佑- Syousuke -

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means "still, yet, further, more."

  • To respect and revere.

  • To add or attach.

  • To make higher or elevate.

  • To wish or desire.

  • To read as “nao”, meaning “on top of that” or “furthermore”.

  • To read as “nao”, meaning “still” or “as before”.

  • To read as “koinegawakuwa”, meaning “to wish for” or “to hope for”.

Name ideas examples

  • Respect - To honor and revere, to show admiration and appreciation.

  • Elevation - To raise up, to make higher or greater.

  • Wish - To desire, to hope for, to long for.

means "assistance, help, aid."

  • Help - To provide assistance or support.

  • Protect - To shield or guard from harm or danger.

  • Aid - To give assistance or support.

Name ideas examples

  • Help - To provide assistance or support to the baby throughout their life.

  • Protect - To shield or guard the baby from harm or danger.

  • Aid - To give assistance or support to the baby in times of need.

庄助- Syousuke -

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means "village, manor, hamlet."

  • Village Or Rural Area - A village or rural area, typically one with a small population.

  • Manor Or Estate - A large estate or manor, usually owned by a wealthy family.

  • Remnant Of A Place Name - A place name that has been retained from a previous era.

Name ideas examples

  • Village - This kanji that evokes the peacefulness and tranquility of a rural village.

  • Estate - This kanji that conveys the grandeur and wealth of a large estate.

  • Place Name - This kanji that pays homage to a place that has been part of the family's history.

means "aid, help, assist."

  • To Help Or Assist - This kanji can be used to express the idea of helping or assisting someone. It can also be used to describe the act of lending strength or power to someone.

  • To Plow A Field - This kanji can be used to describe the act of putting a hoe into a field and tilling it.

  • A Nickname - This kanji can be used to give someone a nickname based on their characteristics. For example, someone who likes to drink could be called “呑み助(Nomisuke)”.

Name ideas examples

  • To Help Or Assist - This kanji implies that the baby will be a source of help and support to those around them.

  • To Lend Strength Or Power - This kanji implies that the baby will be a source of strength and power to those around them.

  • To Plow A Field - This kanji implies that the baby will be a hard worker and will be able to accomplish great things.

  • To Give A Person A Name Based On Their Characteristics - This kanji implies that the baby will be unique and have their own individual characteristics.

彰亮- Syousuke -

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means "manifest, clear, evident."

Name ideas examples

  • Clear, Obvious - To suggest that the baby will be clear-minded and have a strong sense of purpose.

  • Manifest, Reveal - To suggest that the baby will be able to manifest their true potential and reveal their inner beauty.

  • Pattern, Design - To suggest that the baby will be able to create their own unique pattern or design in life.

means "brightness, clearness."

Name ideas examples

  • Bright - Symbolizing a bright and shining future for the baby.

  • Sincere - Representing a genuine and truthful character.

  • Assist - Signifying the hope that the baby will be able to help others in need.

彰佑- Syousuke -

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means "manifest, clear, evident."

Name ideas examples

  • Clear, Obvious - To suggest that the baby will be clear-minded and have a strong sense of purpose.

  • Manifest, Reveal - To suggest that the baby will be able to manifest their true potential and reveal their inner beauty.

  • Pattern, Design - To suggest that the baby will be able to create their own unique pattern or design in life.

means "assistance, help, aid."

  • Help - To provide assistance or support.

  • Protect - To shield or guard from harm or danger.

  • Aid - To give assistance or support.

Name ideas examples

  • Help - To provide assistance or support to the baby throughout their life.

  • Protect - To shield or guard the baby from harm or danger.

  • Aid - To give assistance or support to the baby in times of need.

彰助- Syousuke -

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means "manifest, clear, evident."

Name ideas examples

  • Clear, Obvious - To suggest that the baby will be clear-minded and have a strong sense of purpose.

  • Manifest, Reveal - To suggest that the baby will be able to manifest their true potential and reveal their inner beauty.

  • Pattern, Design - To suggest that the baby will be able to create their own unique pattern or design in life.

means "aid, help, assist."

  • To Help Or Assist - This kanji can be used to express the idea of helping or assisting someone. It can also be used to describe the act of lending strength or power to someone.

  • To Plow A Field - This kanji can be used to describe the act of putting a hoe into a field and tilling it.

  • A Nickname - This kanji can be used to give someone a nickname based on their characteristics. For example, someone who likes to drink could be called “呑み助(Nomisuke)”.

Name ideas examples

  • To Help Or Assist - This kanji implies that the baby will be a source of help and support to those around them.

  • To Lend Strength Or Power - This kanji implies that the baby will be a source of strength and power to those around them.

  • To Plow A Field - This kanji implies that the baby will be a hard worker and will be able to accomplish great things.

  • To Give A Person A Name Based On Their Characteristics - This kanji implies that the baby will be unique and have their own individual characteristics.

彰祐- Syousuke -

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means "manifest, clear, evident."

Name ideas examples

  • Clear, Obvious - To suggest that the baby will be clear-minded and have a strong sense of purpose.

  • Manifest, Reveal - To suggest that the baby will be able to manifest their true potential and reveal their inner beauty.

  • Pattern, Design - To suggest that the baby will be able to create their own unique pattern or design in life.

means "help, assist, protect."

Name ideas examples

  • Help, Helping - This is a very suitable meaning for a baby's name, as it conveys the idea of being a source of assistance and support. It also implies that the child will be blessed with divine help and guidance.

  • Fortune, Fortunate - This is a great meaning for a baby's name, as it conveys the idea of being blessed with good luck and fortune. It also implies that the child will be blessed with divine guidance and protection.

  • Advance, Advancing - This is a suitable meaning for a baby's name, as it conveys the idea of being a source of progress and success. It also implies that the child will be blessed with divine guidance and protection as they move forward in life.

捷輔- Syousuke -

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means "victory, triumph, success."

  • Win - To be victorious in a battle or competition.

  • Quick - To move or act with speed.

  • Shortcut - To take a quicker route or method to achieve a goal.

Name ideas examples

  • Victory - To win in a battle or competition. This is a positive name that symbolizes success and strength.

  • Swiftness - To move quickly and efficiently. This is a great name for a baby who is active and energetic.

  • Shortcut - To take a shortcut or find a quicker way to do something. This is a great name for a baby who is clever and resourceful.

means "assistance, help, aid."

  • Help, Aid - To provide assistance or support.

  • Reinforce - To strengthen or support something.

  • Cheekbone - The bone in the face that forms the sides of the lower jaw.

  • Jaw - The lower part of the face that holds the teeth.

  • Upper Jaw - The part of the jaw that is above the lower jaw.

  • Assistant - A person who helps or supports another.

  • Official - A person who holds a position of authority in a government or organization.

Name ideas examples

  • Help - To provide assistance or support to someone.

  • Reinforce - To strengthen or support something.

  • Cheekbone - A symbol of strength and beauty.

  • Jaw - A symbol of determination and resilience.

  • Upper Jaw - A symbol of courage and confidence.

  • Assistant - A reminder to always be helpful and supportive.

  • Official - A reminder to always strive for excellence and success.

昇亮- Syousuke -

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means "rise, ascend."

  • Rise - To go up or ascend.

  • Climb - To ascend to a higher place.

Name ideas examples

  • Ascend - To move or climb to a higher level or position.

  • Elevate - To raise or lift up to a higher level or position.

  • Uplift - To raise or lift up to a higher level or position.

means "brightness, clearness."

Name ideas examples

  • Bright - Symbolizing a bright and shining future for the baby.

  • Sincere - Representing a genuine and truthful character.

  • Assist - Signifying the hope that the baby will be able to help others in need.

昇輔- Syousuke -

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means "rise, ascend."

  • Rise - To go up or ascend.

  • Climb - To ascend to a higher place.

Name ideas examples

  • Ascend - To move or climb to a higher level or position.

  • Elevate - To raise or lift up to a higher level or position.

  • Uplift - To raise or lift up to a higher level or position.

means "assistance, help, aid."

  • Help, Aid - To provide assistance or support.

  • Reinforce - To strengthen or support something.

  • Cheekbone - The bone in the face that forms the sides of the lower jaw.

  • Jaw - The lower part of the face that holds the teeth.

  • Upper Jaw - The part of the jaw that is above the lower jaw.

  • Assistant - A person who helps or supports another.

  • Official - A person who holds a position of authority in a government or organization.

Name ideas examples

  • Help - To provide assistance or support to someone.

  • Reinforce - To strengthen or support something.

  • Cheekbone - A symbol of strength and beauty.

  • Jaw - A symbol of determination and resilience.

  • Upper Jaw - A symbol of courage and confidence.

  • Assistant - A reminder to always be helpful and supportive.

  • Official - A reminder to always strive for excellence and success.

昌介- Syousuke -

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means "prosperity, thriving, flourishing."

Name ideas examples

  • Prosperous - Symbolizing success and good fortune.

  • Vigorous - Representing strength and power.

  • Bright - Signifying cheerfulness and optimism.

  • Distinct - Representing clarity and certainty.

  • Good - Symbolizing quality and excellence.

  • Splendid - Representing magnificence and beauty.

means "intermediary, mediate, shellfish."

  • Helping - To assist or aid someone.

  • Intervening - To come between two or more people or things.

  • Mediating - To act as a mediator between two or more parties.

  • Separating - To divide or keep apart.

  • Armor - To wear armor.

  • Isolation - To be alone or isolated.

  • Magnifying - To make something larger or greater.

  • Edge - The outermost part of something.

  • Shell - The hard outer covering of certain animals.

  • Ancient Japanese Official - A fourth-ranking official in ancient Japan, second in rank to the kokushi.

Name ideas examples

  • Help - To provide assistance or support to someone in need.

  • Intervene - To come between two or more people or things in order to resolve a dispute or conflict.

  • Separate - To divide or keep apart two or more people or things.

  • Armor - A protective covering, usually made of metal, worn to defend against attack.

  • Isolate - To be alone or apart from others.

  • Magnify - To make something appear larger or more important than it actually is.

  • Boundary - A line that marks the limits of an area, the edge or limit of something.

  • Carapace - The hard outer shell of some animals, such as turtles and crabs.

  • Second In Command - A person who is second in rank or authority to the leader of an organization.

昌輔- Syousuke -

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means "prosperity, thriving, flourishing."

Name ideas examples

  • Prosperous - Symbolizing success and good fortune.

  • Vigorous - Representing strength and power.

  • Bright - Signifying cheerfulness and optimism.

  • Distinct - Representing clarity and certainty.

  • Good - Symbolizing quality and excellence.

  • Splendid - Representing magnificence and beauty.

means "assistance, help, aid."

  • Help, Aid - To provide assistance or support.

  • Reinforce - To strengthen or support something.

  • Cheekbone - The bone in the face that forms the sides of the lower jaw.

  • Jaw - The lower part of the face that holds the teeth.

  • Upper Jaw - The part of the jaw that is above the lower jaw.

  • Assistant - A person who helps or supports another.

  • Official - A person who holds a position of authority in a government or organization.

Name ideas examples

  • Help - To provide assistance or support to someone.

  • Reinforce - To strengthen or support something.

  • Cheekbone - A symbol of strength and beauty.

  • Jaw - A symbol of determination and resilience.

  • Upper Jaw - A symbol of courage and confidence.

  • Assistant - A reminder to always be helpful and supportive.

  • Official - A reminder to always strive for excellence and success.

昭介- Syousuke -

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means "shining, bright, luminous."

  • Clear - Easily seen or understood

  • Bright - Giving off or reflecting a lot of light

  • Obvious - Easily seen or understood

Name ideas examples

  • Illuminating - Shedding light on a situation, making something clear or understandable.

  • Radiant - Bright and cheerful, full of life and energy.

  • Apparent - Easily seen or understood, obvious.

means "intermediary, mediate, shellfish."

  • Helping - To assist or aid someone.

  • Intervening - To come between two or more people or things.

  • Mediating - To act as a mediator between two or more parties.

  • Separating - To divide or keep apart.

  • Armor - To wear armor.

  • Isolation - To be alone or isolated.

  • Magnifying - To make something larger or greater.

  • Edge - The outermost part of something.

  • Shell - The hard outer covering of certain animals.

  • Ancient Japanese Official - A fourth-ranking official in ancient Japan, second in rank to the kokushi.

Name ideas examples

  • Help - To provide assistance or support to someone in need.

  • Intervene - To come between two or more people or things in order to resolve a dispute or conflict.

  • Separate - To divide or keep apart two or more people or things.

  • Armor - A protective covering, usually made of metal, worn to defend against attack.

  • Isolate - To be alone or apart from others.

  • Magnify - To make something appear larger or more important than it actually is.

  • Boundary - A line that marks the limits of an area, the edge or limit of something.

  • Carapace - The hard outer shell of some animals, such as turtles and crabs.

  • Second In Command - A person who is second in rank or authority to the leader of an organization.

松助- Syousuke -

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means "pine tree."

  • Pine Tree - A tall evergreen tree of the pine family, often seen as a symbol of longevity and prosperity.

Name ideas examples

  • Longevity - A long life, symbolizing a long and healthy life for the baby.

  • Prosperity - Symbolizing a life of abundance and success for the baby.

  • Strength - Symbolizing strength and resilience for the baby.

means "aid, help, assist."

  • To Help Or Assist - This kanji can be used to express the idea of helping or assisting someone. It can also be used to describe the act of lending strength or power to someone.

  • To Plow A Field - This kanji can be used to describe the act of putting a hoe into a field and tilling it.

  • A Nickname - This kanji can be used to give someone a nickname based on their characteristics. For example, someone who likes to drink could be called “呑み助(Nomisuke)”.

Name ideas examples

  • To Help Or Assist - This kanji implies that the baby will be a source of help and support to those around them.

  • To Lend Strength Or Power - This kanji implies that the baby will be a source of strength and power to those around them.

  • To Plow A Field - This kanji implies that the baby will be a hard worker and will be able to accomplish great things.

  • To Give A Person A Name Based On Their Characteristics - This kanji implies that the baby will be unique and have their own individual characteristics.

正助- Syousuke -

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means "correct, right, proper."

  • Correct, Right - Being true and accurate, without any mistakes. To make something right and accurate.

  • Main, Original - The officially recognized or accepted version.

  • Exactly, Precisely - Exactly, precisely, correctly, just right.

  • New Year - The beginning of the year, the first month of the year.

  • Target - The center of a target.

Name ideas examples

  • Correct, Right - This kanji that symbolizes being true and accurate, without any mistakes.

  • Main, Original - This kanji that symbolizes being the officially recognized or accepted version.

  • Exactly, Precisely - This kanji that symbolizes being exactly, precisely, correctly, just right.

  • New Year - This kanji that symbolizes the beginning of the year, the first month of the year.

  • Target - This kanji that symbolizes the center of a target.

means "aid, help, assist."

  • To Help Or Assist - This kanji can be used to express the idea of helping or assisting someone. It can also be used to describe the act of lending strength or power to someone.

  • To Plow A Field - This kanji can be used to describe the act of putting a hoe into a field and tilling it.

  • A Nickname - This kanji can be used to give someone a nickname based on their characteristics. For example, someone who likes to drink could be called “呑み助(Nomisuke)”.

Name ideas examples

  • To Help Or Assist - This kanji implies that the baby will be a source of help and support to those around them.

  • To Lend Strength Or Power - This kanji implies that the baby will be a source of strength and power to those around them.

  • To Plow A Field - This kanji implies that the baby will be a hard worker and will be able to accomplish great things.

  • To Give A Person A Name Based On Their Characteristics - This kanji implies that the baby will be unique and have their own individual characteristics.

正奨- Syousuke -

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means "correct, right, proper."

  • Correct, Right - Being true and accurate, without any mistakes. To make something right and accurate.

  • Main, Original - The officially recognized or accepted version.

  • Exactly, Precisely - Exactly, precisely, correctly, just right.

  • New Year - The beginning of the year, the first month of the year.

  • Target - The center of a target.

Name ideas examples

  • Correct, Right - This kanji that symbolizes being true and accurate, without any mistakes.

  • Main, Original - This kanji that symbolizes being the officially recognized or accepted version.

  • Exactly, Precisely - This kanji that symbolizes being exactly, precisely, correctly, just right.

  • New Year - This kanji that symbolizes the beginning of the year, the first month of the year.

  • Target - This kanji that symbolizes the center of a target.

means "encouragement, recommendation, award."

  • Encourage - To recognize something as good and to encourage someone to do it.

  • Praise - To express admiration or approval.

  • Motivate - To give someone strength and help them.

Name ideas examples

  • Encourage - To give a baby a name that will inspire them to strive for greatness and to reach their goals.

  • Praise - To give a baby a name that will remind them of the admiration and approval they receive from others.

  • Motivate - To give a baby a name that will give them the strength and courage to face any challenge.

渉介- Syousuke -

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means "crossing, wading, involved in, concerned with."

  • Relate, Connect - To be related or connected to something.

  • Entrust - To entrust something to someone.

  • Cross - To cross a river or water by walking.

  • Roam - To roam around in various directions.

  • Research - To research and gain knowledge.

Name ideas examples

  • Relate - To be related to something, to be connected to something, to have a strong bond with someone.

  • Entrust - To entrust someone with something, to have faith in someone, to trust someone.

  • Cross - To cross boundaries, to overcome obstacles, to go beyond limits.

  • Roam - To explore the world, to seek knowledge, to wander freely.

  • Research - To seek knowledge, to explore the unknown, to discover new things.

means "intermediary, mediate, shellfish."

  • Helping - To assist or aid someone.

  • Intervening - To come between two or more people or things.

  • Mediating - To act as a mediator between two or more parties.

  • Separating - To divide or keep apart.

  • Armor - To wear armor.

  • Isolation - To be alone or isolated.

  • Magnifying - To make something larger or greater.

  • Edge - The outermost part of something.

  • Shell - The hard outer covering of certain animals.

  • Ancient Japanese Official - A fourth-ranking official in ancient Japan, second in rank to the kokushi.

Name ideas examples

  • Help - To provide assistance or support to someone in need.

  • Intervene - To come between two or more people or things in order to resolve a dispute or conflict.

  • Separate - To divide or keep apart two or more people or things.

  • Armor - A protective covering, usually made of metal, worn to defend against attack.

  • Isolate - To be alone or apart from others.

  • Magnify - To make something appear larger or more important than it actually is.

  • Boundary - A line that marks the limits of an area, the edge or limit of something.

  • Carapace - The hard outer shell of some animals, such as turtles and crabs.

  • Second In Command - A person who is second in rank or authority to the leader of an organization.

渉佑- Syousuke -

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means "crossing, wading, involved in, concerned with."

  • Relate, Connect - To be related or connected to something.

  • Entrust - To entrust something to someone.

  • Cross - To cross a river or water by walking.

  • Roam - To roam around in various directions.

  • Research - To research and gain knowledge.

Name ideas examples

  • Relate - To be related to something, to be connected to something, to have a strong bond with someone.

  • Entrust - To entrust someone with something, to have faith in someone, to trust someone.

  • Cross - To cross boundaries, to overcome obstacles, to go beyond limits.

  • Roam - To explore the world, to seek knowledge, to wander freely.

  • Research - To seek knowledge, to explore the unknown, to discover new things.

means "assistance, help, aid."

  • Help - To provide assistance or support.

  • Protect - To shield or guard from harm or danger.

  • Aid - To give assistance or support.

Name ideas examples

  • Help - To provide assistance or support to the baby throughout their life.

  • Protect - To shield or guard the baby from harm or danger.

  • Aid - To give assistance or support to the baby in times of need.

渉助- Syousuke -

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means "crossing, wading, involved in, concerned with."

  • Relate, Connect - To be related or connected to something.

  • Entrust - To entrust something to someone.

  • Cross - To cross a river or water by walking.

  • Roam - To roam around in various directions.

  • Research - To research and gain knowledge.

Name ideas examples

  • Relate - To be related to something, to be connected to something, to have a strong bond with someone.

  • Entrust - To entrust someone with something, to have faith in someone, to trust someone.

  • Cross - To cross boundaries, to overcome obstacles, to go beyond limits.

  • Roam - To explore the world, to seek knowledge, to wander freely.

  • Research - To seek knowledge, to explore the unknown, to discover new things.

means "aid, help, assist."

  • To Help Or Assist - This kanji can be used to express the idea of helping or assisting someone. It can also be used to describe the act of lending strength or power to someone.

  • To Plow A Field - This kanji can be used to describe the act of putting a hoe into a field and tilling it.

  • A Nickname - This kanji can be used to give someone a nickname based on their characteristics. For example, someone who likes to drink could be called “呑み助(Nomisuke)”.

Name ideas examples

  • To Help Or Assist - This kanji implies that the baby will be a source of help and support to those around them.

  • To Lend Strength Or Power - This kanji implies that the baby will be a source of strength and power to those around them.

  • To Plow A Field - This kanji implies that the baby will be a hard worker and will be able to accomplish great things.

  • To Give A Person A Name Based On Their Characteristics - This kanji implies that the baby will be unique and have their own individual characteristics.

省介- Syousuke -

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means "government ministry, to economize, to omit."

Name ideas examples

  • Reflection - To remind the baby to take time to think about their actions and feelings.

  • Inquiry - To remind the baby to always ask about the well-being of others.

  • Visit - To remind the baby to go and see people.

  • Reduction - To remind the baby to take away or lessen negative things in their life.

means "intermediary, mediate, shellfish."

  • Helping - To assist or aid someone.

  • Intervening - To come between two or more people or things.

  • Mediating - To act as a mediator between two or more parties.

  • Separating - To divide or keep apart.

  • Armor - To wear armor.

  • Isolation - To be alone or isolated.

  • Magnifying - To make something larger or greater.

  • Edge - The outermost part of something.

  • Shell - The hard outer covering of certain animals.

  • Ancient Japanese Official - A fourth-ranking official in ancient Japan, second in rank to the kokushi.

Name ideas examples

  • Help - To provide assistance or support to someone in need.

  • Intervene - To come between two or more people or things in order to resolve a dispute or conflict.

  • Separate - To divide or keep apart two or more people or things.

  • Armor - A protective covering, usually made of metal, worn to defend against attack.

  • Isolate - To be alone or apart from others.

  • Magnify - To make something appear larger or more important than it actually is.

  • Boundary - A line that marks the limits of an area, the edge or limit of something.

  • Carapace - The hard outer shell of some animals, such as turtles and crabs.

  • Second In Command - A person who is second in rank or authority to the leader of an organization.

祥佑- Syousuke -

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means "happiness, good fortune."

Name ideas examples

  • Good Fortune - This is a positive and uplifting meaning that is perfect for a baby, as it symbolizes a bright future and a life full of joy and happiness.

  • Blessing - It conveys the idea that the child is a blessing from God and will be blessed throughout their life.

  • Joy - This is a wonderful name for a baby, as it conveys the idea that the child will bring joy and happiness to those around them.

  • Celebration - It conveys the idea that the child will bring joy and celebration to those around them.

  • Omen - It conveys the idea that the child will bring good luck and fortune to those around them.

  • Sign - It conveys the idea that the child will bring good news and hope to those around them.

  • Festival - It conveys the idea that the child will bring joy and celebration to those around them.

means "assistance, help, aid."

  • Help - To provide assistance or support.

  • Protect - To shield or guard from harm or danger.

  • Aid - To give assistance or support.

Name ideas examples

  • Help - To provide assistance or support to the baby throughout their life.

  • Protect - To shield or guard the baby from harm or danger.

  • Aid - To give assistance or support to the baby in times of need.

祥助- Syousuke -

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means "happiness, good fortune."

Name ideas examples

  • Good Fortune - This is a positive and uplifting meaning that is perfect for a baby, as it symbolizes a bright future and a life full of joy and happiness.

  • Blessing - It conveys the idea that the child is a blessing from God and will be blessed throughout their life.

  • Joy - This is a wonderful name for a baby, as it conveys the idea that the child will bring joy and happiness to those around them.

  • Celebration - It conveys the idea that the child will bring joy and celebration to those around them.

  • Omen - It conveys the idea that the child will bring good luck and fortune to those around them.

  • Sign - It conveys the idea that the child will bring good news and hope to those around them.

  • Festival - It conveys the idea that the child will bring joy and celebration to those around them.

means "aid, help, assist."

  • To Help Or Assist - This kanji can be used to express the idea of helping or assisting someone. It can also be used to describe the act of lending strength or power to someone.

  • To Plow A Field - This kanji can be used to describe the act of putting a hoe into a field and tilling it.

  • A Nickname - This kanji can be used to give someone a nickname based on their characteristics. For example, someone who likes to drink could be called “呑み助(Nomisuke)”.

Name ideas examples

  • To Help Or Assist - This kanji implies that the baby will be a source of help and support to those around them.

  • To Lend Strength Or Power - This kanji implies that the baby will be a source of strength and power to those around them.

  • To Plow A Field - This kanji implies that the baby will be a hard worker and will be able to accomplish great things.

  • To Give A Person A Name Based On Their Characteristics - This kanji implies that the baby will be unique and have their own individual characteristics.

章介- Syousuke -

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means "chapter, section, article."

Name ideas examples

  • Beautiful Pattern - A beautiful pattern or design, often used to represent something meaningful.

  • Document - A written or printed work, such as a book, article, or letter.

  • Rule - A set of regulations or principles governing conduct or procedure.

  • Law - A system of rules that are enforced by a governing authority.

  • Make Clear - To make something clear or understandable.

  • Seal - A stamp or mark used to authenticate a document or signify ownership.

  • Section - A distinct part or division of something, such as a musical or literary composition.

means "intermediary, mediate, shellfish."

  • Helping - To assist or aid someone.

  • Intervening - To come between two or more people or things.

  • Mediating - To act as a mediator between two or more parties.

  • Separating - To divide or keep apart.

  • Armor - To wear armor.

  • Isolation - To be alone or isolated.

  • Magnifying - To make something larger or greater.

  • Edge - The outermost part of something.

  • Shell - The hard outer covering of certain animals.

  • Ancient Japanese Official - A fourth-ranking official in ancient Japan, second in rank to the kokushi.

Name ideas examples

  • Help - To provide assistance or support to someone in need.

  • Intervene - To come between two or more people or things in order to resolve a dispute or conflict.

  • Separate - To divide or keep apart two or more people or things.

  • Armor - A protective covering, usually made of metal, worn to defend against attack.

  • Isolate - To be alone or apart from others.

  • Magnify - To make something appear larger or more important than it actually is.

  • Boundary - A line that marks the limits of an area, the edge or limit of something.

  • Carapace - The hard outer shell of some animals, such as turtles and crabs.

  • Second In Command - A person who is second in rank or authority to the leader of an organization.

章輔- Syousuke -

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means "chapter, section, article."

Name ideas examples

  • Beautiful Pattern - A beautiful pattern or design, often used to represent something meaningful.

  • Document - A written or printed work, such as a book, article, or letter.

  • Rule - A set of regulations or principles governing conduct or procedure.

  • Law - A system of rules that are enforced by a governing authority.

  • Make Clear - To make something clear or understandable.

  • Seal - A stamp or mark used to authenticate a document or signify ownership.

  • Section - A distinct part or division of something, such as a musical or literary composition.

means "assistance, help, aid."

  • Help, Aid - To provide assistance or support.

  • Reinforce - To strengthen or support something.

  • Cheekbone - The bone in the face that forms the sides of the lower jaw.

  • Jaw - The lower part of the face that holds the teeth.

  • Upper Jaw - The part of the jaw that is above the lower jaw.

  • Assistant - A person who helps or supports another.

  • Official - A person who holds a position of authority in a government or organization.

Name ideas examples

  • Help - To provide assistance or support to someone.

  • Reinforce - To strengthen or support something.

  • Cheekbone - A symbol of strength and beauty.

  • Jaw - A symbol of determination and resilience.

  • Upper Jaw - A symbol of courage and confidence.

  • Assistant - A reminder to always be helpful and supportive.

  • Official - A reminder to always strive for excellence and success.

笑裕- Syousuke -

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means "laugh, smile."

  • Laughing - To express joy, amusement, or pleasure through facial expressions and/or sounds.

  • Smiling - To express pleasure, happiness, or amusement through facial expressions.

  • Chuckling - To express amusement or pleasure through a low, gentle sound.

  • Giggling - To express joy, amusement, or pleasure through a series of short, high-pitched sounds.

  • Grinning - To express pleasure, happiness, or amusement through a wide smile.

  • Chuckle - To express amusement or pleasure through a low, gentle sound.

Name ideas examples

  • Joy - To express a feeling of great pleasure and happiness.

  • Amusement - To cause to be entertained or amused.

  • Pleasure - To experience a feeling of great satisfaction or delight.

  • Happiness - To experience a feeling of contentment, joy, or satisfaction.

  • Gratitude - To express appreciation or thanks.

means "abundance, plenty, spaciousness."

  • Abundant - Having more than enough of something, plentiful.

  • Generous - Having or giving more than is necessary or expected, open-handed.

  • Ample - More than enough, sufficient.

  • Relaxed - Not tense, rigid, or strict, easygoing.

  • Spacious - Having a lot of space, roomy.

  • Open Minded - Willing to consider new ideas, tolerant.

  • Comfortable - Providing physical ease and relaxation, cozy.

Name ideas examples

  • Abundant - This kanji implies that the baby will have an abundance of resources and opportunities in life.

  • Generous - This kanji implies that the baby will be generous and kind-hearted, always willing to share and help others.

  • Ample - This kanji implies that the baby will have plenty of resources and opportunities in life.

  • Prosperous - This kanji implies that the baby will have a prosperous and successful life.

  • Relaxed - This kanji implies that the baby will have a relaxed and laid-back attitude towards life.

  • Spacious - This kanji implies that the baby will have a wide range of interests and activities.

  • Open Minded - This kanji implies that the baby will have an open and accepting attitude towards life.

  • Comfortable - This kanji implies that the baby will have a comfortable and secure life.

翔亮- Syousuke -

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means "soar, fly, glide."

  • To Soar - To fly through the air with grace and ease.

  • To Fly Around - To move in circles or loops in the air.

  • To Go Forth With Both Hands Outstretched - To move forward with determination and confidence.

  • To Circle - To turn around and look back.

  • To Be Discerning - To be able to make wise decisions based on careful consideration.

  • To Be Detailed - To be thorough and precise in one's work.

Name ideas examples

  • To Fly - This is a positive and uplifting meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the courage and strength to soar to great heights.

  • To Soar - This is a powerful and inspiring meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the courage and determination to reach their goals.

  • To Circulate - This is a meaningful and encouraging meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the ability to move freely and make connections with others.

  • To Reach Out - This is a hopeful and encouraging meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the courage and determination to reach out and make a difference in the world.

  • To Look Back - This is a reflective and thoughtful meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the wisdom to look back and learn from their experiences.

  • To Be Discriminating - This is a wise and mature meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the discernment to make wise decisions.

  • To Be Detailed - This is a precise and analytical meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the attention to detail to make sure things are done correctly.

means "brightness, clearness."

Name ideas examples

  • Bright - Symbolizing a bright and shining future for the baby.

  • Sincere - Representing a genuine and truthful character.

  • Assist - Signifying the hope that the baby will be able to help others in need.

翔佐- Syousuke -

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means "soar, fly, glide."

  • To Soar - To fly through the air with grace and ease.

  • To Fly Around - To move in circles or loops in the air.

  • To Go Forth With Both Hands Outstretched - To move forward with determination and confidence.

  • To Circle - To turn around and look back.

  • To Be Discerning - To be able to make wise decisions based on careful consideration.

  • To Be Detailed - To be thorough and precise in one's work.

Name ideas examples

  • To Fly - This is a positive and uplifting meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the courage and strength to soar to great heights.

  • To Soar - This is a powerful and inspiring meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the courage and determination to reach their goals.

  • To Circulate - This is a meaningful and encouraging meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the ability to move freely and make connections with others.

  • To Reach Out - This is a hopeful and encouraging meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the courage and determination to reach out and make a difference in the world.

  • To Look Back - This is a reflective and thoughtful meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the wisdom to look back and learn from their experiences.

  • To Be Discriminating - This is a wise and mature meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the discernment to make wise decisions.

  • To Be Detailed - This is a precise and analytical meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the attention to detail to make sure things are done correctly.

means "assistant, help, aid."

  • To Help - To provide assistance or aid.

  • To Assist - To give support or aid.

  • To Recommend - To suggest or advise.

  • Aide - A subordinate official.

Name ideas examples

  • Help - To provide assistance or aid to someone in need.

  • Support - To provide assistance or encouragement to someone.

  • Encourage - To inspire someone to do something.

  • Guide - To provide direction or advice to someone.

翔佑- Syousuke -

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means "soar, fly, glide."

  • To Soar - To fly through the air with grace and ease.

  • To Fly Around - To move in circles or loops in the air.

  • To Go Forth With Both Hands Outstretched - To move forward with determination and confidence.

  • To Circle - To turn around and look back.

  • To Be Discerning - To be able to make wise decisions based on careful consideration.

  • To Be Detailed - To be thorough and precise in one's work.

Name ideas examples

  • To Fly - This is a positive and uplifting meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the courage and strength to soar to great heights.

  • To Soar - This is a powerful and inspiring meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the courage and determination to reach their goals.

  • To Circulate - This is a meaningful and encouraging meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the ability to move freely and make connections with others.

  • To Reach Out - This is a hopeful and encouraging meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the courage and determination to reach out and make a difference in the world.

  • To Look Back - This is a reflective and thoughtful meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the wisdom to look back and learn from their experiences.

  • To Be Discriminating - This is a wise and mature meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the discernment to make wise decisions.

  • To Be Detailed - This is a precise and analytical meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the attention to detail to make sure things are done correctly.

means "assistance, help, aid."

  • Help - To provide assistance or support.

  • Protect - To shield or guard from harm or danger.

  • Aid - To give assistance or support.

Name ideas examples

  • Help - To provide assistance or support to the baby throughout their life.

  • Protect - To shield or guard the baby from harm or danger.

  • Aid - To give assistance or support to the baby in times of need.

翔助- Syousuke -

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means "soar, fly, glide."

  • To Soar - To fly through the air with grace and ease.

  • To Fly Around - To move in circles or loops in the air.

  • To Go Forth With Both Hands Outstretched - To move forward with determination and confidence.

  • To Circle - To turn around and look back.

  • To Be Discerning - To be able to make wise decisions based on careful consideration.

  • To Be Detailed - To be thorough and precise in one's work.

Name ideas examples

  • To Fly - This is a positive and uplifting meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the courage and strength to soar to great heights.

  • To Soar - This is a powerful and inspiring meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the courage and determination to reach their goals.

  • To Circulate - This is a meaningful and encouraging meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the ability to move freely and make connections with others.

  • To Reach Out - This is a hopeful and encouraging meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the courage and determination to reach out and make a difference in the world.

  • To Look Back - This is a reflective and thoughtful meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the wisdom to look back and learn from their experiences.

  • To Be Discriminating - This is a wise and mature meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the discernment to make wise decisions.

  • To Be Detailed - This is a precise and analytical meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the attention to detail to make sure things are done correctly.

means "aid, help, assist."

  • To Help Or Assist - This kanji can be used to express the idea of helping or assisting someone. It can also be used to describe the act of lending strength or power to someone.

  • To Plow A Field - This kanji can be used to describe the act of putting a hoe into a field and tilling it.

  • A Nickname - This kanji can be used to give someone a nickname based on their characteristics. For example, someone who likes to drink could be called “呑み助(Nomisuke)”.

Name ideas examples

  • To Help Or Assist - This kanji implies that the baby will be a source of help and support to those around them.

  • To Lend Strength Or Power - This kanji implies that the baby will be a source of strength and power to those around them.

  • To Plow A Field - This kanji implies that the baby will be a hard worker and will be able to accomplish great things.

  • To Give A Person A Name Based On Their Characteristics - This kanji implies that the baby will be unique and have their own individual characteristics.

翔祐- Syousuke -

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means "soar, fly, glide."

  • To Soar - To fly through the air with grace and ease.

  • To Fly Around - To move in circles or loops in the air.

  • To Go Forth With Both Hands Outstretched - To move forward with determination and confidence.

  • To Circle - To turn around and look back.

  • To Be Discerning - To be able to make wise decisions based on careful consideration.

  • To Be Detailed - To be thorough and precise in one's work.

Name ideas examples

  • To Fly - This is a positive and uplifting meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the courage and strength to soar to great heights.

  • To Soar - This is a powerful and inspiring meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the courage and determination to reach their goals.

  • To Circulate - This is a meaningful and encouraging meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the ability to move freely and make connections with others.

  • To Reach Out - This is a hopeful and encouraging meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the courage and determination to reach out and make a difference in the world.

  • To Look Back - This is a reflective and thoughtful meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the wisdom to look back and learn from their experiences.

  • To Be Discriminating - This is a wise and mature meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the discernment to make wise decisions.

  • To Be Detailed - This is a precise and analytical meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the attention to detail to make sure things are done correctly.

means "help, assist, protect."

Name ideas examples

  • Help, Helping - This is a very suitable meaning for a baby's name, as it conveys the idea of being a source of assistance and support. It also implies that the child will be blessed with divine help and guidance.

  • Fortune, Fortunate - This is a great meaning for a baby's name, as it conveys the idea of being blessed with good luck and fortune. It also implies that the child will be blessed with divine guidance and protection.

  • Advance, Advancing - This is a suitable meaning for a baby's name, as it conveys the idea of being a source of progress and success. It also implies that the child will be blessed with divine guidance and protection as they move forward in life.

翔翼- Syousuke -

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means "soar, fly, glide."

  • To Soar - To fly through the air with grace and ease.

  • To Fly Around - To move in circles or loops in the air.

  • To Go Forth With Both Hands Outstretched - To move forward with determination and confidence.

  • To Circle - To turn around and look back.

  • To Be Discerning - To be able to make wise decisions based on careful consideration.

  • To Be Detailed - To be thorough and precise in one's work.

Name ideas examples

  • To Fly - This is a positive and uplifting meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the courage and strength to soar to great heights.

  • To Soar - This is a powerful and inspiring meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the courage and determination to reach their goals.

  • To Circulate - This is a meaningful and encouraging meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the ability to move freely and make connections with others.

  • To Reach Out - This is a hopeful and encouraging meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the courage and determination to reach out and make a difference in the world.

  • To Look Back - This is a reflective and thoughtful meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the wisdom to look back and learn from their experiences.

  • To Be Discriminating - This is a wise and mature meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the discernment to make wise decisions.

  • To Be Detailed - This is a precise and analytical meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the attention to detail to make sure things are done correctly.

means "wing."

  • Wings - The left and right wings of a bird or insect.

  • Help - To assist, to aid, to protect.

  • Tomorrow - The following day.

Name ideas examples

  • Wings - Symbolizing freedom, strength, and protection.

  • Help - Representing kindness, support, and guidance.

  • Tomorrow - Signifying hope, optimism, and a bright future.

翔舗- Syousuke -

Add to First Names Favorites Share翔舗 - Syousuke - Copy 翔舗

means "soar, fly, glide."

  • To Soar - To fly through the air with grace and ease.

  • To Fly Around - To move in circles or loops in the air.

  • To Go Forth With Both Hands Outstretched - To move forward with determination and confidence.

  • To Circle - To turn around and look back.

  • To Be Discerning - To be able to make wise decisions based on careful consideration.

  • To Be Detailed - To be thorough and precise in one's work.

Name ideas examples

  • To Fly - This is a positive and uplifting meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the courage and strength to soar to great heights.

  • To Soar - This is a powerful and inspiring meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the courage and determination to reach their goals.

  • To Circulate - This is a meaningful and encouraging meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the ability to move freely and make connections with others.

  • To Reach Out - This is a hopeful and encouraging meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the courage and determination to reach out and make a difference in the world.

  • To Look Back - This is a reflective and thoughtful meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the wisdom to look back and learn from their experiences.

  • To Be Discriminating - This is a wise and mature meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the discernment to make wise decisions.

  • To Be Detailed - This is a precise and analytical meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the attention to detail to make sure things are done correctly.

means "store, shop, pavement."

  • Shop - A place where goods and services are sold.

  • Lay Down - To place something in a flat position.

  • Line Up - To arrange things in a line.

  • Connect - To join two or more things together.

  • Fitting - A metal device attached to a gate.

  • Spread - To cover a wide area.

  • Vessel - A container for holding liquids or other substances.

  • Stop - To cause something to come to an end.

  • Stay - To remain in a place.

  • Place - A designated area for a particular purpose.

Name ideas examples

  • Shop, Store - A place where goods and services are sold.

  • Lay, Arrange - To put something in a particular position or order.

  • Connect, Link - To join two or more things together.

  • Fixture - A metal fitting attached to a door.

  • Spread, Extend - To cover a large area.

  • Name Of An Object - A word or phrase used to refer to a particular thing.

  • Stop, Halt - To cause something to come to an end.

翔資- Syousuke -

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means "soar, fly, glide."

  • To Soar - To fly through the air with grace and ease.

  • To Fly Around - To move in circles or loops in the air.

  • To Go Forth With Both Hands Outstretched - To move forward with determination and confidence.

  • To Circle - To turn around and look back.

  • To Be Discerning - To be able to make wise decisions based on careful consideration.

  • To Be Detailed - To be thorough and precise in one's work.

Name ideas examples

  • To Fly - This is a positive and uplifting meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the courage and strength to soar to great heights.

  • To Soar - This is a powerful and inspiring meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the courage and determination to reach their goals.

  • To Circulate - This is a meaningful and encouraging meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the ability to move freely and make connections with others.

  • To Reach Out - This is a hopeful and encouraging meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the courage and determination to reach out and make a difference in the world.

  • To Look Back - This is a reflective and thoughtful meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the wisdom to look back and learn from their experiences.

  • To Be Discriminating - This is a wise and mature meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the discernment to make wise decisions.

  • To Be Detailed - This is a precise and analytical meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the attention to detail to make sure things are done correctly.

means "resources, funds, capital."

Name ideas examples

  • Wealth - A reminder of the importance of having wealth and material possessions.

  • Help - A reminder of the importance of helping others and being generous.

  • Obtain - A reminder of the importance of striving to obtain one's goals.

  • Rely - A reminder of the importance of relying on others and having trust.

  • Birthright - A reminder of the importance of honoring one's family and ancestors.

翔輔- Syousuke -

Add to First Names Favorites Share翔輔 - Syousuke - Copy 翔輔

means "soar, fly, glide."

  • To Soar - To fly through the air with grace and ease.

  • To Fly Around - To move in circles or loops in the air.

  • To Go Forth With Both Hands Outstretched - To move forward with determination and confidence.

  • To Circle - To turn around and look back.

  • To Be Discerning - To be able to make wise decisions based on careful consideration.

  • To Be Detailed - To be thorough and precise in one's work.

Name ideas examples

  • To Fly - This is a positive and uplifting meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the courage and strength to soar to great heights.

  • To Soar - This is a powerful and inspiring meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the courage and determination to reach their goals.

  • To Circulate - This is a meaningful and encouraging meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the ability to move freely and make connections with others.

  • To Reach Out - This is a hopeful and encouraging meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the courage and determination to reach out and make a difference in the world.

  • To Look Back - This is a reflective and thoughtful meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the wisdom to look back and learn from their experiences.

  • To Be Discriminating - This is a wise and mature meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the discernment to make wise decisions.

  • To Be Detailed - This is a precise and analytical meaning, suggesting that the baby will have the attention to detail to make sure things are done correctly.

means "assistance, help, aid."

  • Help, Aid - To provide assistance or support.

  • Reinforce - To strengthen or support something.

  • Cheekbone - The bone in the face that forms the sides of the lower jaw.

  • Jaw - The lower part of the face that holds the teeth.

  • Upper Jaw - The part of the jaw that is above the lower jaw.

  • Assistant - A person who helps or supports another.

  • Official - A person who holds a position of authority in a government or organization.

Name ideas examples

  • Help - To provide assistance or support to someone.

  • Reinforce - To strengthen or support something.

  • Cheekbone - A symbol of strength and beauty.

  • Jaw - A symbol of determination and resilience.

  • Upper Jaw - A symbol of courage and confidence.

  • Assistant - A reminder to always be helpful and supportive.

  • Official - A reminder to always strive for excellence and success.

菖介- Syousuke -

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means "sweet flag, calamus."

  • Iris - A genus of flowering plants with sword-shaped leaves and showy flowers.

  • Sweet Flag - A perennial plant with fragrant leaves and flowers.

Name ideas examples

  • Iris - A symbol of hope, faith, and courage.

  • Sweet Flag - A symbol of purity, innocence, and beauty.

means "intermediary, mediate, shellfish."

  • Helping - To assist or aid someone.

  • Intervening - To come between two or more people or things.

  • Mediating - To act as a mediator between two or more parties.

  • Separating - To divide or keep apart.

  • Armor - To wear armor.

  • Isolation - To be alone or isolated.

  • Magnifying - To make something larger or greater.

  • Edge - The outermost part of something.

  • Shell - The hard outer covering of certain animals.

  • Ancient Japanese Official - A fourth-ranking official in ancient Japan, second in rank to the kokushi.

Name ideas examples

  • Help - To provide assistance or support to someone in need.

  • Intervene - To come between two or more people or things in order to resolve a dispute or conflict.

  • Separate - To divide or keep apart two or more people or things.

  • Armor - A protective covering, usually made of metal, worn to defend against attack.

  • Isolate - To be alone or apart from others.

  • Magnify - To make something appear larger or more important than it actually is.

  • Boundary - A line that marks the limits of an area, the edge or limit of something.

  • Carapace - The hard outer shell of some animals, such as turtles and crabs.

  • Second In Command - A person who is second in rank or authority to the leader of an organization.

菖輔- Syousuke -

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means "sweet flag, calamus."

  • Iris - A genus of flowering plants with sword-shaped leaves and showy flowers.

  • Sweet Flag - A perennial plant with fragrant leaves and flowers.

Name ideas examples

  • Iris - A symbol of hope, faith, and courage.

  • Sweet Flag - A symbol of purity, innocence, and beauty.

means "assistance, help, aid."

  • Help, Aid - To provide assistance or support.

  • Reinforce - To strengthen or support something.

  • Cheekbone - The bone in the face that forms the sides of the lower jaw.

  • Jaw - The lower part of the face that holds the teeth.

  • Upper Jaw - The part of the jaw that is above the lower jaw.

  • Assistant - A person who helps or supports another.

  • Official - A person who holds a position of authority in a government or organization.

Name ideas examples

  • Help - To provide assistance or support to someone.

  • Reinforce - To strengthen or support something.

  • Cheekbone - A symbol of strength and beauty.

  • Jaw - A symbol of determination and resilience.

  • Upper Jaw - A symbol of courage and confidence.

  • Assistant - A reminder to always be helpful and supportive.

  • Official - A reminder to always strive for excellence and success.

Real Persons

The list features individuals mentioned on Wikipedia. The Wikipedia JP links are in Japanese only. Sorry!

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