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26,919 first names, 70,620 last names, 326,959 kanji variations.
one of the best Japanese name searches for a baby!

Kanji '言' - word, language, to say

This character can be used for naming.

  • Meaning
    • To Speak - To express one's thoughts and feelings through words.

    • Words - A unit of language that carries meaning and conveys information.

    • Self - A word used to refer to oneself.

    • Here - A word used to give emphasis or to adjust the tone of a sentence.

  • Onyomitip

    gon Click to speech 'gon', gin Click to speech 'gin', gen Click to speech 'gen'

  • Kunyomitip
  • Radicaltip
  • Strokestip

    7 strokes

Examples of ideas to incorporate into a name

  • Speak - To encourage the baby to express themselves and communicate their thoughts and feelings.

  • Words - To remind the baby of the power of language and the importance of using words wisely.

  • Self - To remind the baby to be confident and proud of who they are.

  • Here - To remind the baby to be present and mindful in the moment.

Explore names by Tags

First Names containing 言 - 44 names

Last Names containing 言 - 10 names

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