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26,919 first names, 70,620 last names, 326,959 kanji variations.
one of the best Japanese name searches for a baby!

Kanji '階' - floor, storey, rank, level

This character can be used for naming.

Examples of ideas to incorporate into a name

  • Staircase - Symbolizing the journey of life, a staircase can represent the steps taken to reach success and happiness.

  • Tool - A tool can represent the tools and skills needed to achieve success in life.

  • Rank - Representing the importance of striving for excellence, rank can symbolize the importance of achieving a high level of success.

  • Order - Order can represent the importance of having a plan and following it to reach one's goals.

  • Guide - A guide can represent the importance of having a mentor or guide to help one reach their goals.

  • Floor - Representing the importance of building a strong foundation, floor can symbolize the importance of having a strong base to build upon.

Explore names by Tags

First Names containing 階 - 12 names

Last Names containing 階 - 59 names

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