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Click to speech えびすAdd to Last Names FavoritesShare this page Copy Ebisu

  • Hiraganatip:えびす
  • Katakanatip:エビス
  • Householdstip:aprx. 1,000
  • English transcriptiontip:Ebisu

Kanji Names & Meanings - 18 variations

In Japanese culture, kanji are characters that originated from Chinese script, and the meaning of a name changes depending on the kanji characters chosen. Even surnames with the same pronunciation can have different meanings based on the kanji used. Below are the kanji choices for "Ebisu," sorted by the number of households in Japan that use each variation.

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- Ebisu -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share戎 - Ebisu - Copy 戎

means "soldier. army."

  • Householdstip: aprx. 700

恵比須- Ebisu -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share恵比須 - Ebisu - Copy 恵比須

means "blessing, favor, grace."

  • To Bestow - To give something to someone, usually out of kindness or generosity.

  • Compassionate - Showing kindness and sympathy towards others.

  • Generous - Willing to give more than is expected or needed.

  • Calm - Having a peaceful and tranquil demeanor.

  • Wise - Having good judgement and understanding.

  • Insightful - Having the ability to understand and interpret things quickly and accurately.

means "comparison, ratio."

  • Compare - To look for differences between two or more things. To consider the relative merits and demerits. To compare.

  • Learn - To exemplify. To imitate. To mimic.

  • Fellow - A person of the same kind or class.

  • Trial - A rule or precedent.

  • Ratio - A proportion or rate.

  • Line Up - To stand side by side. To arrange in a line.

  • Intimate - To become close. To draw near. To be on friendly terms.

  • Favor - To show partiality.

  • Match - To fit together.

  • These Days - A reference to the present time.

  • Philippines - An abbreviation of the country name "The Republic of the Philippines(比律賓)".

means "must, necessary, required."

  • Necessary - Required or essential.

  • Use - To use or employ something.

  • Request - To ask for something.

  • Wait - To remain in a state of expectation.

  • Await - To wait for something to happen.

  • Anticipate - To look forward to something.

  • Awhile - For a short period of time.

  • Chin Beard - A small beard on the chin.

  • Householdstip: aprx. 80

- Ebisu -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share夷 - Ebisu - Copy 夷

means "barbarian, savage, non-Japanese."

  • Foreigner - A derogatory term for someone from a foreign country.

  • Flat - Level, even, smooth, tranquil.

  • Subdue - To make calm or peaceful, to pacify, to put down.

  • Destroy - To kill, to crush.

  • Squat - To sit with one's legs bent and feet flat on the ground.

  • Wound - To cause injury.

  • Householdstip: aprx. 50

戎子- Ebisu -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share戎子 - Ebisu - Copy 戎子

means "soldier. army."

means "child, offspring, young, junior, small thing."

  • Child - A child born from parents.

  • Female Name - Used as a female name.

  • Boy - For usage with "子" for boys and "女" for girls.

  • Respectful Address - A respectful address for teachers, masters, and people of knowledge and status.

  • Thinker - A person knowledgeable in scholarship and philosophy, as well as their writings and thoughts.

  • Seed - A fruit or a biological egg.

  • Small Thing - A small or fine thing.

  • Rank - The fourth rank of the five-rank peerage system (公・侯・伯・子・男).

  • Direction - The first of the twelve directions, representing the north.

  • Time - The twelfth hour of the night, and the two hours before and after it.

  • Rat - The first of the twelve signs of the Chinese zodiac.

  • Householdstip: aprx. 40

恵美須- Ebisu -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share恵美須 - Ebisu - Copy 恵美須

means "blessing, favor, grace."

  • To Bestow - To give something to someone, usually out of kindness or generosity.

  • Compassionate - Showing kindness and sympathy towards others.

  • Generous - Willing to give more than is expected or needed.

  • Calm - Having a peaceful and tranquil demeanor.

  • Wise - Having good judgement and understanding.

  • Insightful - Having the ability to understand and interpret things quickly and accurately.

means "beauty, beautiful, pretty."

  • Beautiful - Having a pleasing appearance or attractive qualities.

  • Splendid - Impressive in appearance or quality.

  • Admirable - Inspiring admiration or approval.

  • Delicious - Having a pleasant, enjoyable taste.

  • Praiseworthy - Deserving of praise or admiration.

means "must, necessary, required."

  • Necessary - Required or essential.

  • Use - To use or employ something.

  • Request - To ask for something.

  • Wait - To remain in a state of expectation.

  • Await - To wait for something to happen.

  • Anticipate - To look forward to something.

  • Awhile - For a short period of time.

  • Chin Beard - A small beard on the chin.

  • Householdstip: aprx. 40

恵比寿- Ebisu -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share恵比寿 - Ebisu - Copy 恵比寿

means "blessing, favor, grace."

  • To Bestow - To give something to someone, usually out of kindness or generosity.

  • Compassionate - Showing kindness and sympathy towards others.

  • Generous - Willing to give more than is expected or needed.

  • Calm - Having a peaceful and tranquil demeanor.

  • Wise - Having good judgement and understanding.

  • Insightful - Having the ability to understand and interpret things quickly and accurately.

means "comparison, ratio."

  • Compare - To look for differences between two or more things. To consider the relative merits and demerits. To compare.

  • Learn - To exemplify. To imitate. To mimic.

  • Fellow - A person of the same kind or class.

  • Trial - A rule or precedent.

  • Ratio - A proportion or rate.

  • Line Up - To stand side by side. To arrange in a line.

  • Intimate - To become close. To draw near. To be on friendly terms.

  • Favor - To show partiality.

  • Match - To fit together.

  • These Days - A reference to the present time.

  • Philippines - An abbreviation of the country name "The Republic of the Philippines(比律賓)".

寿 means "longevity, congratulations, auspiciousness."

  • Long Life - Living for a long time, having a long lifespan.

  • Age - The number of years a person has lived.

  • Celebrate - To rejoice and celebrate a long life or a happy occasion.

  • Householdstip: aprx. 40

恵飛須- Ebisu -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share恵飛須 - Ebisu - Copy 恵飛須

means "blessing, favor, grace."

  • To Bestow - To give something to someone, usually out of kindness or generosity.

  • Compassionate - Showing kindness and sympathy towards others.

  • Generous - Willing to give more than is expected or needed.

  • Calm - Having a peaceful and tranquil demeanor.

  • Wise - Having good judgement and understanding.

  • Insightful - Having the ability to understand and interpret things quickly and accurately.

means "fly, jump, leap."

  • Fly - To move through the air like a bird. To move quickly.

  • High - To be located in a high place.

  • Unfounded - Without evidence or basis.

  • Shogi Piece - One of the pieces in the Japanese game of Shogi, the Flying Chariot.

means "must, necessary, required."

  • Necessary - Required or essential.

  • Use - To use or employ something.

  • Request - To ask for something.

  • Wait - To remain in a state of expectation.

  • Await - To wait for something to happen.

  • Anticipate - To look forward to something.

  • Awhile - For a short period of time.

  • Chin Beard - A small beard on the chin.

  • Householdstip: aprx. 30

蛭子- Ebisu -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share蛭子 - Ebisu - Copy 蛭子

means "leech, blood-sucking insect, worm."

  • Leech - A type of worm that sucks blood from humans or animals.

means "child, offspring, young, junior, small thing."

  • Child - A child born from parents.

  • Female Name - Used as a female name.

  • Boy - For usage with "子" for boys and "女" for girls.

  • Respectful Address - A respectful address for teachers, masters, and people of knowledge and status.

  • Thinker - A person knowledgeable in scholarship and philosophy, as well as their writings and thoughts.

  • Seed - A fruit or a biological egg.

  • Small Thing - A small or fine thing.

  • Rank - The fourth rank of the five-rank peerage system (公・侯・伯・子・男).

  • Direction - The first of the twelve directions, representing the north.

  • Time - The twelfth hour of the night, and the two hours before and after it.

  • Rat - The first of the twelve signs of the Chinese zodiac.

  • Householdstip: aprx. 10

蛯子- Ebisu -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share蛯子 - Ebisu - Copy 蛯子

means "shrimp, crustacean, prawn."

  • Shrimp - A type of crustacean.

  • Prawn - In general, a term for shrimp in Japan.

means "child, offspring, young, junior, small thing."

  • Child - A child born from parents.

  • Female Name - Used as a female name.

  • Boy - For usage with "子" for boys and "女" for girls.

  • Respectful Address - A respectful address for teachers, masters, and people of knowledge and status.

  • Thinker - A person knowledgeable in scholarship and philosophy, as well as their writings and thoughts.

  • Seed - A fruit or a biological egg.

  • Small Thing - A small or fine thing.

  • Rank - The fourth rank of the five-rank peerage system (公・侯・伯・子・男).

  • Direction - The first of the twelve directions, representing the north.

  • Time - The twelfth hour of the night, and the two hours before and after it.

  • Rat - The first of the twelve signs of the Chinese zodiac.

  • Householdstip: aprx. 10

- Ebisu -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share胡 - Ebisu - Copy 胡

means "hu, foreign, barbarian."

  • A question word used to express doubt.

  • Longevity, living a long life.

  • Ebisu - An ancient ethnic group living in the north and west of China.

  • Chaotian - Carelessly.

  • Householdstip: under 10

胡家- Ebisu -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share胡家 - Ebisu - Copy 胡家

means "hu, foreign, barbarian."

  • A question word used to express doubt.

  • Longevity, living a long life.

  • Ebisu - An ancient ethnic group living in the north and west of China.

  • Chaotian - Carelessly.

means "house, home, family."

  • House, Residence - A building where people live.

  • Family - A group of people related by blood or marriage.

  • Lineage - A group of people descended from a common ancestor.

  • Specialty - A branch of knowledge or art. People belonging to it.

  • To Live - To inhabit or reside in a place.

  • Householdstip: under 10

夷子- Ebisu -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share夷子 - Ebisu - Copy 夷子

means "barbarian, savage, non-Japanese."

  • Foreigner - A derogatory term for someone from a foreign country.

  • Flat - Level, even, smooth, tranquil.

  • Subdue - To make calm or peaceful, to pacify, to put down.

  • Destroy - To kill, to crush.

  • Squat - To sit with one's legs bent and feet flat on the ground.

  • Wound - To cause injury.

means "child, offspring, young, junior, small thing."

  • Child - A child born from parents.

  • Female Name - Used as a female name.

  • Boy - For usage with "子" for boys and "女" for girls.

  • Respectful Address - A respectful address for teachers, masters, and people of knowledge and status.

  • Thinker - A person knowledgeable in scholarship and philosophy, as well as their writings and thoughts.

  • Seed - A fruit or a biological egg.

  • Small Thing - A small or fine thing.

  • Rank - The fourth rank of the five-rank peerage system (公・侯・伯・子・男).

  • Direction - The first of the twelve directions, representing the north.

  • Time - The twelfth hour of the night, and the two hours before and after it.

  • Rat - The first of the twelve signs of the Chinese zodiac.

  • Householdstip: under 10

惠比須- Ebisu -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share惠比須 - Ebisu - Copy 惠比須

means "benefit, favor, kindness."

means "comparison, ratio."

  • Compare - To look for differences between two or more things. To consider the relative merits and demerits. To compare.

  • Learn - To exemplify. To imitate. To mimic.

  • Fellow - A person of the same kind or class.

  • Trial - A rule or precedent.

  • Ratio - A proportion or rate.

  • Line Up - To stand side by side. To arrange in a line.

  • Intimate - To become close. To draw near. To be on friendly terms.

  • Favor - To show partiality.

  • Match - To fit together.

  • These Days - A reference to the present time.

  • Philippines - An abbreviation of the country name "The Republic of the Philippines(比律賓)".

means "must, necessary, required."

  • Necessary - Required or essential.

  • Use - To use or employ something.

  • Request - To ask for something.

  • Wait - To remain in a state of expectation.

  • Await - To wait for something to happen.

  • Anticipate - To look forward to something.

  • Awhile - For a short period of time.

  • Chin Beard - A small beard on the chin.

  • Householdstip: under 10

胡子- Ebisu -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share胡子 - Ebisu - Copy 胡子

means "hu, foreign, barbarian."

  • A question word used to express doubt.

  • Longevity, living a long life.

  • Ebisu - An ancient ethnic group living in the north and west of China.

  • Chaotian - Carelessly.

means "child, offspring, young, junior, small thing."

  • Child - A child born from parents.

  • Female Name - Used as a female name.

  • Boy - For usage with "子" for boys and "女" for girls.

  • Respectful Address - A respectful address for teachers, masters, and people of knowledge and status.

  • Thinker - A person knowledgeable in scholarship and philosophy, as well as their writings and thoughts.

  • Seed - A fruit or a biological egg.

  • Small Thing - A small or fine thing.

  • Rank - The fourth rank of the five-rank peerage system (公・侯・伯・子・男).

  • Direction - The first of the twelve directions, representing the north.

  • Time - The twelfth hour of the night, and the two hours before and after it.

  • Rat - The first of the twelve signs of the Chinese zodiac.

  • Householdstip: under 10

海老主- Ebisu -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share海老主 - Ebisu - Copy 海老主

means "ocean, sea."

  • Sea - A large body of water, usually salty, that covers much of the Earth's surface.

  • Sea God - A deity associated with the sea, often depicted as a powerful and benevolent figure.

  • Lake Or Pond - A large body of fresh water, usually surrounded by land.

  • Wide And Large - Describing something that is very broad and expansive.

  • Gathering Place - A place where many people or things come together.

means "old, aged, senior."

  • To Age - To grow old, to become elderly.

  • Elderly Person - Someone who has accumulated experience and is experienced.

  • To Treat As Elderly - To treat someone with respect due to their age.

  • To Retire Due To Age - To retire from work due to having reached a certain age.

  • Lao Tzu - A Chinese philosopher, also known as Laozi, whose abbreviated name is "Lao".

means "master, owner, head, main, primary."

  • Important - Being of great significance or value.

  • Fundamental - Serving as the basis or source of something.

  • Central - Being at the center or core of something.

  • Ruler - A person who has the power to govern or control.

  • Administrator - A person responsible for managing or supervising something.

  • Householdstip: under 10

- Ebisu -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share蛭 - Ebisu - Copy 蛭

means "leech, blood-sucking insect, worm."

  • Leech - A type of worm that sucks blood from humans or animals.

  • Householdstip: under 10

蛯寿- Ebisu -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share蛯寿 - Ebisu - Copy 蛯寿

means "shrimp, crustacean, prawn."

  • Shrimp - A type of crustacean.

  • Prawn - In general, a term for shrimp in Japan.

寿 means "longevity, congratulations, auspiciousness."

  • Long Life - Living for a long time, having a long lifespan.

  • Age - The number of years a person has lived.

  • Celebrate - To rejoice and celebrate a long life or a happy occasion.

  • Householdstip: under 10

恵比壽- Ebisu -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share恵比壽 - Ebisu - Copy 恵比壽

means "blessing, favor, grace."

  • To Bestow - To give something to someone, usually out of kindness or generosity.

  • Compassionate - Showing kindness and sympathy towards others.

  • Generous - Willing to give more than is expected or needed.

  • Calm - Having a peaceful and tranquil demeanor.

  • Wise - Having good judgement and understanding.

  • Insightful - Having the ability to understand and interpret things quickly and accurately.

means "comparison, ratio."

  • Compare - To look for differences between two or more things. To consider the relative merits and demerits. To compare.

  • Learn - To exemplify. To imitate. To mimic.

  • Fellow - A person of the same kind or class.

  • Trial - A rule or precedent.

  • Ratio - A proportion or rate.

  • Line Up - To stand side by side. To arrange in a line.

  • Intimate - To become close. To draw near. To be on friendly terms.

  • Favor - To show partiality.

  • Match - To fit together.

  • These Days - A reference to the present time.

  • Philippines - An abbreviation of the country name "The Republic of the Philippines(比律賓)".

means "longevity, congratulations, celebration."

  • Long Life - Living for a long time and having a long lifespan.

  • Age - The number of years a person has lived.

  • Longevity - Celebrating a long life and wishing for a long life.

  • Celebrating A Happy Occasion - Celebrating and wishing for a happy occasion.

  • Householdstip: under 10

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