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Click to speech こうのAdd to Last Names FavoritesShare this page Copy Kouno

  • Hiraganatip:こうの
  • Katakanatip:コウノ
  • Householdstip:aprx. 50,000
  • English transcriptiontip:Kouno, Kono

Kanji Names & Meanings - 58 variations

In Japanese culture, kanji are characters that originated from Chinese script, and the meaning of a name changes depending on the kanji characters chosen. Even surnames with the same pronunciation can have different meanings based on the kanji used. Below are the kanji choices for "Kouno," sorted by the number of households in Japan that use each variation.

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河野- Kouno -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share河野 - Kouno - Copy 河野

means "river, stream, watercourse."

  • River - A large river, such as the Yellow River in China.

  • Milky Way - The celestial river in the night sky.

means "field, plain, wilderness."

  • Wild - Refers to the natural state of the environment, untamed and free.

  • Open - Refers to the wide open spaces, with no boundaries or restrictions.

  • Unpretentious - Refers to the simplicity and lack of ornamentation.

  • Natural - Refers to the untouched state of the environment, with no human interference.

  • Area - Refers to the geographical area, with its own boundaries and limits.

  • Uninhabited - Refers to the lack of human presence in the area.

  • Countryside - Refers to the rural areas, with its own unique culture and traditions.

  • Householdstip: aprx. 50,000

高野- Kouno -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share高野 - Kouno - Copy 高野

means "high, tall."

  • High - Used to describe physical height, position, status, or rank.

  • Excellent - Used to describe a high grade or level.

  • Famous - Used to describe someone or something that is well-known.

  • Increase - Used to describe something that is rising or becoming higher.

  • Respect - Used to show respect for someone's actions or words.

  • Arrogant - Used to describe someone who is overly proud or haughty.

  • Amount - Used to describe a quantity or degree.

means "field, plain, wilderness."

  • Wild - Refers to the natural state of the environment, untamed and free.

  • Open - Refers to the wide open spaces, with no boundaries or restrictions.

  • Unpretentious - Refers to the simplicity and lack of ornamentation.

  • Natural - Refers to the untouched state of the environment, with no human interference.

  • Area - Refers to the geographical area, with its own boundaries and limits.

  • Uninhabited - Refers to the lack of human presence in the area.

  • Countryside - Refers to the rural areas, with its own unique culture and traditions.

  • Householdstip: aprx. 1,000

幸野- Kouno -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share幸野 - Kouno - Copy 幸野

means "happiness, good fortune, luck."

means "field, plain, wilderness."

  • Wild - Refers to the natural state of the environment, untamed and free.

  • Open - Refers to the wide open spaces, with no boundaries or restrictions.

  • Unpretentious - Refers to the simplicity and lack of ornamentation.

  • Natural - Refers to the untouched state of the environment, with no human interference.

  • Area - Refers to the geographical area, with its own boundaries and limits.

  • Uninhabited - Refers to the lack of human presence in the area.

  • Countryside - Refers to the rural areas, with its own unique culture and traditions.

  • Householdstip: aprx. 900

向野- Kouno -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share向野 - Kouno - Copy 向野

means "direction, orientation, to face, to turn towards."

  • To Go Towards - This refers to the action of moving in a certain direction.

  • To Face - This refers to the action of turning one's face or body towards a certain direction.

  • To Direct - This refers to the action of pointing or aiming something towards a certain direction.

  • To Proceed Towards A Certain Direction - This refers to the action of moving in a certain direction.

  • Direction - This refers to the orientation or path that something is facing or moving towards.

  • The Opposite Side - This refers to the side that is opposite to the one that is being referred to.

  • The Front - This refers to the side that is facing the person or object that is being referred to.

  • The Forward Side - This refers to the side that is in front of the person or object that is being referred to.

  • The Other Side - This refers to the side that is on the other side of the person or object that is being referred to.

  • Suitable - This refers to something that is appropriate or fitting for a certain situation.

means "field, plain, wilderness."

  • Wild - Refers to the natural state of the environment, untamed and free.

  • Open - Refers to the wide open spaces, with no boundaries or restrictions.

  • Unpretentious - Refers to the simplicity and lack of ornamentation.

  • Natural - Refers to the untouched state of the environment, with no human interference.

  • Area - Refers to the geographical area, with its own boundaries and limits.

  • Uninhabited - Refers to the lack of human presence in the area.

  • Countryside - Refers to the rural areas, with its own unique culture and traditions.

  • Householdstip: aprx. 500

川野- Kouno -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share川野 - Kouno - Copy 川野

means "river, stream, brook."

  • River - A natural stream of water flowing in a channel to the sea, a lake, or another river.

  • Stream - A small, narrow river or a body of flowing water.

means "field, plain, wilderness."

  • Wild - Refers to the natural state of the environment, untamed and free.

  • Open - Refers to the wide open spaces, with no boundaries or restrictions.

  • Unpretentious - Refers to the simplicity and lack of ornamentation.

  • Natural - Refers to the untouched state of the environment, with no human interference.

  • Area - Refers to the geographical area, with its own boundaries and limits.

  • Uninhabited - Refers to the lack of human presence in the area.

  • Countryside - Refers to the rural areas, with its own unique culture and traditions.

  • Householdstip: aprx. 400

甲野- Kouno -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share甲野 - Kouno - Copy 甲野

means "armor, first, a (in a sequence of items)."

  • First In Rank Or Order - The first in a series of things or a class of things.

  • Hard Outer Covering - A hard outer covering that covers the exterior of something. e.g. Turtle shell(甲羅).

  • Armor - Protective clothing that covers the body. e.g. 甲冑.

  • Element Of Wood - In the Five Elements, it is associated with Wood.

  • Direction Of East - In the Eight Directions, it is associated with East.

  • High Pitch - Refers to a high pitch in sound.

means "field, plain, wilderness."

  • Wild - Refers to the natural state of the environment, untamed and free.

  • Open - Refers to the wide open spaces, with no boundaries or restrictions.

  • Unpretentious - Refers to the simplicity and lack of ornamentation.

  • Natural - Refers to the untouched state of the environment, with no human interference.

  • Area - Refers to the geographical area, with its own boundaries and limits.

  • Uninhabited - Refers to the lack of human presence in the area.

  • Countryside - Refers to the rural areas, with its own unique culture and traditions.

  • Householdstip: aprx. 400

香野- Kouno -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share香野 - Kouno - Copy 香野

means "fragrance, aroma, scent."

means "field, plain, wilderness."

  • Wild - Refers to the natural state of the environment, untamed and free.

  • Open - Refers to the wide open spaces, with no boundaries or restrictions.

  • Unpretentious - Refers to the simplicity and lack of ornamentation.

  • Natural - Refers to the untouched state of the environment, with no human interference.

  • Area - Refers to the geographical area, with its own boundaries and limits.

  • Uninhabited - Refers to the lack of human presence in the area.

  • Countryside - Refers to the rural areas, with its own unique culture and traditions.

  • Householdstip: aprx. 300

紅野- Kouno -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share紅野 - Kouno - Copy 紅野

means "crimson, deep red."

  • Red - A bright, vivid red color.

  • Pigment - A red pigment used in cosmetics.

  • Woman - A woman, especially one with a single red feature.

  • Silk - Red silk fabric.

means "field, plain, wilderness."

  • Wild - Refers to the natural state of the environment, untamed and free.

  • Open - Refers to the wide open spaces, with no boundaries or restrictions.

  • Unpretentious - Refers to the simplicity and lack of ornamentation.

  • Natural - Refers to the untouched state of the environment, with no human interference.

  • Area - Refers to the geographical area, with its own boundaries and limits.

  • Uninhabited - Refers to the lack of human presence in the area.

  • Countryside - Refers to the rural areas, with its own unique culture and traditions.

  • Householdstip: aprx. 90

広野- Kouno -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share広野 - Kouno - Copy 広野

means "wide, broad, spacious."

means "field, plain, wilderness."

  • Wild - Refers to the natural state of the environment, untamed and free.

  • Open - Refers to the wide open spaces, with no boundaries or restrictions.

  • Unpretentious - Refers to the simplicity and lack of ornamentation.

  • Natural - Refers to the untouched state of the environment, with no human interference.

  • Area - Refers to the geographical area, with its own boundaries and limits.

  • Uninhabited - Refers to the lack of human presence in the area.

  • Countryside - Refers to the rural areas, with its own unique culture and traditions.

  • Householdstip: aprx. 80

神野- Kouno -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share神野 - Kouno - Copy 神野

means "god, deity."

  • God - The divine being, the creator of all things.

  • Mysterious Work - Unfathomable and spiritual work.

  • Soul - The spiritual essence of a person.

  • Heart - The innermost part of a person.

  • Excellence - The highest level of achievement.

  • Preciousness - Something of great value.

means "field, plain, wilderness."

  • Wild - Refers to the natural state of the environment, untamed and free.

  • Open - Refers to the wide open spaces, with no boundaries or restrictions.

  • Unpretentious - Refers to the simplicity and lack of ornamentation.

  • Natural - Refers to the untouched state of the environment, with no human interference.

  • Area - Refers to the geographical area, with its own boundaries and limits.

  • Uninhabited - Refers to the lack of human presence in the area.

  • Countryside - Refers to the rural areas, with its own unique culture and traditions.

  • Householdstip: aprx. 80

狩野- Kouno -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share狩野 - Kouno - Copy 狩野

means "hunt, chase, pursue."

  • Hunting - The act of chasing and capturing wild animals. Example

  • Territory - A territory governed by a vassal of the emperor by imperial decree.

  • Searching - The act of seeking and searching for something.

means "field, plain, wilderness."

  • Wild - Refers to the natural state of the environment, untamed and free.

  • Open - Refers to the wide open spaces, with no boundaries or restrictions.

  • Unpretentious - Refers to the simplicity and lack of ornamentation.

  • Natural - Refers to the untouched state of the environment, with no human interference.

  • Area - Refers to the geographical area, with its own boundaries and limits.

  • Uninhabited - Refers to the lack of human presence in the area.

  • Countryside - Refers to the rural areas, with its own unique culture and traditions.

  • Householdstip: aprx. 50

神埜- Kouno -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share神埜 - Kouno - Copy 神埜

means "god, deity."

  • God - The divine being, the creator of all things.

  • Mysterious Work - Unfathomable and spiritual work.

  • Soul - The spiritual essence of a person.

  • Heart - The innermost part of a person.

  • Excellence - The highest level of achievement.

  • Preciousness - Something of great value.

means "field, plain."

  • Open Field Or Plain - A wide, open area of land.

  • Rural Area - Outside of the city, in the countryside.

  • Common People - Opposite of the court or government.

  • Humble - Plain, unadorned, and unpretentious.

  • Region - A large area or expanse.

  • Wild - Untamed, unruly, and natural.

  • Isolated - Uninhabited, uncultivated, and undeveloped.

  • Householdstip: aprx. 50

甲能- Kouno -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share甲能 - Kouno - Copy 甲能

means "armor, first, a (in a sequence of items)."

  • First In Rank Or Order - The first in a series of things or a class of things.

  • Hard Outer Covering - A hard outer covering that covers the exterior of something. e.g. Turtle shell(甲羅).

  • Armor - Protective clothing that covers the body. e.g. 甲冑.

  • Element Of Wood - In the Five Elements, it is associated with Wood.

  • Direction Of East - In the Eight Directions, it is associated with East.

  • High Pitch - Refers to a high pitch in sound.

means "ability, talent, skill."

  • Ability - The ability to do something well or to have a special talent.

  • Effectiveness - The power to produce a desired result.

  • Talent - Outstanding ability or skill.

  • Endurance - The ability to withstand or tolerate something.

  • Noh - A form of traditional Japanese musical drama.

  • Householdstip: aprx. 50

耕野- Kouno -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share耕野 - Kouno - Copy 耕野

means "cultivate, plow."

  • To Cultivate A Field Or Land - To till the soil.

  • To work in agriculture.

  • To work hard to make a living.

means "field, plain, wilderness."

  • Wild - Refers to the natural state of the environment, untamed and free.

  • Open - Refers to the wide open spaces, with no boundaries or restrictions.

  • Unpretentious - Refers to the simplicity and lack of ornamentation.

  • Natural - Refers to the untouched state of the environment, with no human interference.

  • Area - Refers to the geographical area, with its own boundaries and limits.

  • Uninhabited - Refers to the lack of human presence in the area.

  • Countryside - Refers to the rural areas, with its own unique culture and traditions.

  • Householdstip: aprx. 40

沖野- Kouno -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share沖野 - Kouno - Copy 沖野

means "offshore, open sea."

  • To Surge - Water surging up.

  • To Feel Empty - To make something feel empty.

  • To Be Peaceful - To be impartial and certain.

  • To Be Young - To be youthful.

  • To Be Deep - To be profound.

  • Offshore - Away from the shore in a body of water such as the sea or a lake.

means "field, plain, wilderness."

  • Wild - Refers to the natural state of the environment, untamed and free.

  • Open - Refers to the wide open spaces, with no boundaries or restrictions.

  • Unpretentious - Refers to the simplicity and lack of ornamentation.

  • Natural - Refers to the untouched state of the environment, with no human interference.

  • Area - Refers to the geographical area, with its own boundaries and limits.

  • Uninhabited - Refers to the lack of human presence in the area.

  • Countryside - Refers to the rural areas, with its own unique culture and traditions.

  • Householdstip: aprx. 40

上野- Kouno -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share上野 - Kouno - Copy 上野

means "up, above, top."

  • Going Up - Moving from a lower place to a higher place.

  • High Position - Having a high position, value, age, etc.

  • Before - In terms of time, order, or flow of things.

  • Offer - To give or present something.

  • Ascend - To go to the center.

  • Landlady - A woman who is the wife of a person or the mistress of a house.

means "field, plain, wilderness."

  • Wild - Refers to the natural state of the environment, untamed and free.

  • Open - Refers to the wide open spaces, with no boundaries or restrictions.

  • Unpretentious - Refers to the simplicity and lack of ornamentation.

  • Natural - Refers to the untouched state of the environment, with no human interference.

  • Area - Refers to the geographical area, with its own boundaries and limits.

  • Uninhabited - Refers to the lack of human presence in the area.

  • Countryside - Refers to the rural areas, with its own unique culture and traditions.

  • Householdstip: aprx. 40

功野- Kouno -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share功野 - Kouno - Copy 功野

means "achievement, merit, success."

  • Achievement - Accomplishment, success, or a feat that is worthy of praise.

  • Merit - A quality or action that is worthy of reward or recognition.

  • Work - The effort put into a task or job.

  • Effectiveness - The ability to produce a desired result.

means "field, plain, wilderness."

  • Wild - Refers to the natural state of the environment, untamed and free.

  • Open - Refers to the wide open spaces, with no boundaries or restrictions.

  • Unpretentious - Refers to the simplicity and lack of ornamentation.

  • Natural - Refers to the untouched state of the environment, with no human interference.

  • Area - Refers to the geographical area, with its own boundaries and limits.

  • Uninhabited - Refers to the lack of human presence in the area.

  • Countryside - Refers to the rural areas, with its own unique culture and traditions.

  • Householdstip: aprx. 40

古野- Kouno -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share古野 - Kouno - Copy 古野

means "old, ancient, antique."

  • Old - Describes something that is from the past or has been around for a long time.

  • Ancient - Describes something that is very old or from a distant past.

  • Antiquated - Describes something that is old-fashioned or out of date.

  • Former - Describes something that was once in use but is no longer.

means "field, plain, wilderness."

  • Wild - Refers to the natural state of the environment, untamed and free.

  • Open - Refers to the wide open spaces, with no boundaries or restrictions.

  • Unpretentious - Refers to the simplicity and lack of ornamentation.

  • Natural - Refers to the untouched state of the environment, with no human interference.

  • Area - Refers to the geographical area, with its own boundaries and limits.

  • Uninhabited - Refers to the lack of human presence in the area.

  • Countryside - Refers to the rural areas, with its own unique culture and traditions.

  • Householdstip: aprx. 40

公野- Kouno -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share公野 - Kouno - Copy 公野

means "public, official, prince."

  • Fairness And Impartiality - The kanji 公 can refer to fairness and impartiality, such as in the context of a court or government.

  • Openness And Transparency - The kanji 公 can also refer to openness and transparency, such as in the context of a public announcement.

  • Ruler Or Monarch - The kanji 公 can also refer to a ruler or monarch, such as in the context of a king or emperor.

  • Official Title - The kanji 公 can also refer to an official title, such as in the context of a court official or advisor to the ruler.

  • Rank Of Nobility - The kanji 公 can also refer to the first rank of nobility, such as in the context of the five ranks of nobility (公・侯・伯・子・男).

  • Respectful Title - The kanji 公 can also refer to a respectful title, such as in the context of an elder in a family, such as a grandfather or father.

means "field, plain, wilderness."

  • Wild - Refers to the natural state of the environment, untamed and free.

  • Open - Refers to the wide open spaces, with no boundaries or restrictions.

  • Unpretentious - Refers to the simplicity and lack of ornamentation.

  • Natural - Refers to the untouched state of the environment, with no human interference.

  • Area - Refers to the geographical area, with its own boundaries and limits.

  • Uninhabited - Refers to the lack of human presence in the area.

  • Countryside - Refers to the rural areas, with its own unique culture and traditions.

  • Householdstip: aprx. 30

黄野- Kouno -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share黄野 - Kouno - Copy 黄野

means "yellow."

  • Yellow - A color that is bright and cheerful.

  • To Become Yellow - To take on a yellow hue.

  • Child - A young person or infant.

means "field, plain, wilderness."

  • Wild - Refers to the natural state of the environment, untamed and free.

  • Open - Refers to the wide open spaces, with no boundaries or restrictions.

  • Unpretentious - Refers to the simplicity and lack of ornamentation.

  • Natural - Refers to the untouched state of the environment, with no human interference.

  • Area - Refers to the geographical area, with its own boundaries and limits.

  • Uninhabited - Refers to the lack of human presence in the area.

  • Countryside - Refers to the rural areas, with its own unique culture and traditions.

  • Householdstip: aprx. 30

耕納- Kouno -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share耕納 - Kouno - Copy 耕納

means "cultivate, plow."

  • To Cultivate A Field Or Land - To till the soil.

  • To work in agriculture.

  • To work hard to make a living.

means "payment, supply, acceptance."

  • Receive - To accept or take in something.

  • Insert - To place something inside.

  • Draw In - To bring something in.

  • Adopt - To take something in and make it part of something.

  • Store - To put something away for safekeeping.

  • Accommodate - To make room for something.

  • Conclude - To bring something to an end.

  • Offer - To present something for consideration.

  • Pay - To give money in exchange for something.

  • Settle - To pay a debt or obligation.

  • Householdstip: aprx. 20

光野- Kouno -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share光野 - Kouno - Copy 光野

means "light, radiance."

  • Light - Brightness, illumination, to shine, to sparkle.

  • Honor - Fame, reputation, glory.

  • Scene - Appearance, state.

  • Blessing - Benefit, grace.

  • Time - Moment, date.

  • Respect - Showing respect for another's actions. e.g. 光臨(visit)

means "field, plain, wilderness."

  • Wild - Refers to the natural state of the environment, untamed and free.

  • Open - Refers to the wide open spaces, with no boundaries or restrictions.

  • Unpretentious - Refers to the simplicity and lack of ornamentation.

  • Natural - Refers to the untouched state of the environment, with no human interference.

  • Area - Refers to the geographical area, with its own boundaries and limits.

  • Uninhabited - Refers to the lack of human presence in the area.

  • Countryside - Refers to the rural areas, with its own unique culture and traditions.

  • Householdstip: aprx. 20

孝野- Kouno -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share孝野 - Kouno - Copy 孝野

means "filial piety, respect for parents and ancestors."

means "field, plain, wilderness."

  • Wild - Refers to the natural state of the environment, untamed and free.

  • Open - Refers to the wide open spaces, with no boundaries or restrictions.

  • Unpretentious - Refers to the simplicity and lack of ornamentation.

  • Natural - Refers to the untouched state of the environment, with no human interference.

  • Area - Refers to the geographical area, with its own boundaries and limits.

  • Uninhabited - Refers to the lack of human presence in the area.

  • Countryside - Refers to the rural areas, with its own unique culture and traditions.

  • Householdstip: aprx. 20

鴻野- Kouno -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share鴻野 - Kouno - Copy 鴻野

means "wild goose, great, large."

  • Feng - A large white bird of the duck family.

  • Big - Large in size.

  • Vast - Extensive in size.

means "field, plain, wilderness."

  • Wild - Refers to the natural state of the environment, untamed and free.

  • Open - Refers to the wide open spaces, with no boundaries or restrictions.

  • Unpretentious - Refers to the simplicity and lack of ornamentation.

  • Natural - Refers to the untouched state of the environment, with no human interference.

  • Area - Refers to the geographical area, with its own boundaries and limits.

  • Uninhabited - Refers to the lack of human presence in the area.

  • Countryside - Refers to the rural areas, with its own unique culture and traditions.

  • Householdstip: aprx. 10

江野- Kouno -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share江野 - Kouno - Copy 江野

means "river."

  • River - A large river, especially in southern China.

  • Inlet - An inlet of water, such as a sea or lake, that enters into land.

means "field, plain, wilderness."

  • Wild - Refers to the natural state of the environment, untamed and free.

  • Open - Refers to the wide open spaces, with no boundaries or restrictions.

  • Unpretentious - Refers to the simplicity and lack of ornamentation.

  • Natural - Refers to the untouched state of the environment, with no human interference.

  • Area - Refers to the geographical area, with its own boundaries and limits.

  • Uninhabited - Refers to the lack of human presence in the area.

  • Countryside - Refers to the rural areas, with its own unique culture and traditions.

  • Householdstip: aprx. 10

畊野- Kouno -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share畊野 - Kouno - Copy 畊野

means "to cultivate fields. to make a living by working."

means "field, plain, wilderness."

  • Wild - Refers to the natural state of the environment, untamed and free.

  • Open - Refers to the wide open spaces, with no boundaries or restrictions.

  • Unpretentious - Refers to the simplicity and lack of ornamentation.

  • Natural - Refers to the untouched state of the environment, with no human interference.

  • Area - Refers to the geographical area, with its own boundaries and limits.

  • Uninhabited - Refers to the lack of human presence in the area.

  • Countryside - Refers to the rural areas, with its own unique culture and traditions.

  • Householdstip: aprx. 10

巷野- Kouno -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share巷野 - Kouno - Copy 巷野

means "street, neighborhood, community."

  • Street - A small road located in a town or village.

  • Town - The center of a town.

  • World - The general public.

means "field, plain, wilderness."

  • Wild - Refers to the natural state of the environment, untamed and free.

  • Open - Refers to the wide open spaces, with no boundaries or restrictions.

  • Unpretentious - Refers to the simplicity and lack of ornamentation.

  • Natural - Refers to the untouched state of the environment, with no human interference.

  • Area - Refers to the geographical area, with its own boundaries and limits.

  • Uninhabited - Refers to the lack of human presence in the area.

  • Countryside - Refers to the rural areas, with its own unique culture and traditions.

  • Householdstip: aprx. 10

功能- Kouno -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share功能 - Kouno - Copy 功能

means "achievement, merit, success."

  • Achievement - Accomplishment, success, or a feat that is worthy of praise.

  • Merit - A quality or action that is worthy of reward or recognition.

  • Work - The effort put into a task or job.

  • Effectiveness - The ability to produce a desired result.

means "ability, talent, skill."

  • Ability - The ability to do something well or to have a special talent.

  • Effectiveness - The power to produce a desired result.

  • Talent - Outstanding ability or skill.

  • Endurance - The ability to withstand or tolerate something.

  • Noh - A form of traditional Japanese musical drama.

  • Householdstip: aprx. 10

鉱納- Kouno -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share鉱納 - Kouno - Copy 鉱納

means "mineral, ore."

  • Ore - Unrefined metal that has been dug up.

means "payment, supply, acceptance."

  • Receive - To accept or take in something.

  • Insert - To place something inside.

  • Draw In - To bring something in.

  • Adopt - To take something in and make it part of something.

  • Store - To put something away for safekeeping.

  • Accommodate - To make room for something.

  • Conclude - To bring something to an end.

  • Offer - To present something for consideration.

  • Pay - To give money in exchange for something.

  • Settle - To pay a debt or obligation.

  • Householdstip: under 10

昿野- Kouno -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share昿野 - Kouno - Copy 昿野

means "clear. clear. wide."

means "field, plain, wilderness."

  • Wild - Refers to the natural state of the environment, untamed and free.

  • Open - Refers to the wide open spaces, with no boundaries or restrictions.

  • Unpretentious - Refers to the simplicity and lack of ornamentation.

  • Natural - Refers to the untouched state of the environment, with no human interference.

  • Area - Refers to the geographical area, with its own boundaries and limits.

  • Uninhabited - Refers to the lack of human presence in the area.

  • Countryside - Refers to the rural areas, with its own unique culture and traditions.

  • Householdstip: under 10

構野- Kouno -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share構野 - Kouno - Copy 構野

means "structure, frame, build, posture, pretend."

  • To Arrange - To assemble or put together in a certain order. To plan or devise.

  • To Prepare - To make ready beforehand. To get ready.

  • To Build - To construct a building or other structure.

  • To Posture - To assume a particular stance or attitude.

  • To Involve - To take part in or be connected with something.

  • Kashi Tree - A deciduous tree of the Quercus family.

means "field, plain, wilderness."

  • Wild - Refers to the natural state of the environment, untamed and free.

  • Open - Refers to the wide open spaces, with no boundaries or restrictions.

  • Unpretentious - Refers to the simplicity and lack of ornamentation.

  • Natural - Refers to the untouched state of the environment, with no human interference.

  • Area - Refers to the geographical area, with its own boundaries and limits.

  • Uninhabited - Refers to the lack of human presence in the area.

  • Countryside - Refers to the rural areas, with its own unique culture and traditions.

  • Householdstip: under 10

- Kouno -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share高 - Kouno - Copy 高

means "high, tall."

  • High - Used to describe physical height, position, status, or rank.

  • Excellent - Used to describe a high grade or level.

  • Famous - Used to describe someone or something that is well-known.

  • Increase - Used to describe something that is rising or becoming higher.

  • Respect - Used to show respect for someone's actions or words.

  • Arrogant - Used to describe someone who is overly proud or haughty.

  • Amount - Used to describe a quantity or degree.

  • Householdstip: under 10

郷野- Kouno -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share郷野 - Kouno - Copy 郷野

means "village, hometown, rural area."

means "field, plain, wilderness."

  • Wild - Refers to the natural state of the environment, untamed and free.

  • Open - Refers to the wide open spaces, with no boundaries or restrictions.

  • Unpretentious - Refers to the simplicity and lack of ornamentation.

  • Natural - Refers to the untouched state of the environment, with no human interference.

  • Area - Refers to the geographical area, with its own boundaries and limits.

  • Uninhabited - Refers to the lack of human presence in the area.

  • Countryside - Refers to the rural areas, with its own unique culture and traditions.

  • Householdstip: under 10

廣野- Kouno -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share廣野 - Kouno - Copy 廣野

means "wide, spacious, vast."

means "field, plain, wilderness."

  • Wild - Refers to the natural state of the environment, untamed and free.

  • Open - Refers to the wide open spaces, with no boundaries or restrictions.

  • Unpretentious - Refers to the simplicity and lack of ornamentation.

  • Natural - Refers to the untouched state of the environment, with no human interference.

  • Area - Refers to the geographical area, with its own boundaries and limits.

  • Uninhabited - Refers to the lack of human presence in the area.

  • Countryside - Refers to the rural areas, with its own unique culture and traditions.

  • Householdstip: under 10

河埜- Kouno -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share河埜 - Kouno - Copy 河埜

means "river, stream, watercourse."

  • River - A large river, such as the Yellow River in China.

  • Milky Way - The celestial river in the night sky.

means "field, plain."

  • Open Field Or Plain - A wide, open area of land.

  • Rural Area - Outside of the city, in the countryside.

  • Common People - Opposite of the court or government.

  • Humble - Plain, unadorned, and unpretentious.

  • Region - A large area or expanse.

  • Wild - Untamed, unruly, and natural.

  • Isolated - Uninhabited, uncultivated, and undeveloped.

  • Householdstip: under 10

甲埜- Kouno -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share甲埜 - Kouno - Copy 甲埜

means "armor, first, a (in a sequence of items)."

  • First In Rank Or Order - The first in a series of things or a class of things.

  • Hard Outer Covering - A hard outer covering that covers the exterior of something. e.g. Turtle shell(甲羅).

  • Armor - Protective clothing that covers the body. e.g. 甲冑.

  • Element Of Wood - In the Five Elements, it is associated with Wood.

  • Direction Of East - In the Eight Directions, it is associated with East.

  • High Pitch - Refers to a high pitch in sound.

means "field, plain."

  • Open Field Or Plain - A wide, open area of land.

  • Rural Area - Outside of the city, in the countryside.

  • Common People - Opposite of the court or government.

  • Humble - Plain, unadorned, and unpretentious.

  • Region - A large area or expanse.

  • Wild - Untamed, unruly, and natural.

  • Isolated - Uninhabited, uncultivated, and undeveloped.

  • Householdstip: under 10

荒野- Kouno -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share荒野 - Kouno - Copy 荒野

means "rough, wild, violent."

  • To Be Wild Or Desolate - This refers to land that is wild or desolate, or to a state of disrepair. It can also refer to a famine or crop failure.

  • To Be Chaotic Or Disordered - This refers to a state of chaos or disorder, or to something that is disorderly or chaotic.

  • To Cover Or Envelop - This refers to covering or enveloping something, or to something that is covered or enveloped.

  • To Be Large Or To Become Larger - This refers to something that is large, or to something that is becoming larger or expanding.

  • To Be Distant Or Remote - This refers to something that is distant or remote, or to a distant or remote place.

  • To Be Random Or Nonsensical - This refers to something that is random or nonsensical, or to a lie or fabrication.

  • To Be Rough Or Coarse - This refers to something that is rough or coarse, or to something that is done in a rough or coarse manner. It can also refer to a storm or strong winds.

  • To Be Inflamed Or Irritated - This refers to skin that is inflamed or irritated, or to a state of inflammation or irritation.

means "field, plain, wilderness."

  • Wild - Refers to the natural state of the environment, untamed and free.

  • Open - Refers to the wide open spaces, with no boundaries or restrictions.

  • Unpretentious - Refers to the simplicity and lack of ornamentation.

  • Natural - Refers to the untouched state of the environment, with no human interference.

  • Area - Refers to the geographical area, with its own boundaries and limits.

  • Uninhabited - Refers to the lack of human presence in the area.

  • Countryside - Refers to the rural areas, with its own unique culture and traditions.

  • Householdstip: under 10

高埜- Kouno -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share高埜 - Kouno - Copy 高埜

means "high, tall."

  • High - Used to describe physical height, position, status, or rank.

  • Excellent - Used to describe a high grade or level.

  • Famous - Used to describe someone or something that is well-known.

  • Increase - Used to describe something that is rising or becoming higher.

  • Respect - Used to show respect for someone's actions or words.

  • Arrogant - Used to describe someone who is overly proud or haughty.

  • Amount - Used to describe a quantity or degree.

means "field, plain."

  • Open Field Or Plain - A wide, open area of land.

  • Rural Area - Outside of the city, in the countryside.

  • Common People - Opposite of the court or government.

  • Humble - Plain, unadorned, and unpretentious.

  • Region - A large area or expanse.

  • Wild - Untamed, unruly, and natural.

  • Isolated - Uninhabited, uncultivated, and undeveloped.

  • Householdstip: under 10

幸埜- Kouno -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share幸埜 - Kouno - Copy 幸埜

means "happiness, good fortune, luck."

means "field, plain."

  • Open Field Or Plain - A wide, open area of land.

  • Rural Area - Outside of the city, in the countryside.

  • Common People - Opposite of the court or government.

  • Humble - Plain, unadorned, and unpretentious.

  • Region - A large area or expanse.

  • Wild - Untamed, unruly, and natural.

  • Isolated - Uninhabited, uncultivated, and undeveloped.

  • Householdstip: under 10

神於- Kouno -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share神於 - Kouno - Copy 神於

means "god, deity."

  • God - The divine being, the creator of all things.

  • Mysterious Work - Unfathomable and spiritual work.

  • Soul - The spiritual essence of a person.

  • Heart - The innermost part of a person.

  • Excellence - The highest level of achievement.

  • Preciousness - Something of great value.

means "at, in, on."

  • At, On, In - This kanji is used to indicate a time or place.

  • Oh - This kanji is used to express emotion, such as awe or admiration.

  • Householdstip: under 10

means "excitement, interest, enthusiasm."

  • To Start Something New - To begin something new or to start something up.

  • To Raise Or Use - To raise or use something for a purpose.

  • To Build - To construct or build something.

  • To Become Lively - To become lively or active.

  • To Stand Up - To stand up or rise up.

  • Enjoyment - To experience pleasure or joy.

  • Delight - To be delighted or to take pleasure in something.

  • Interest - To have an interest in something.

  • To Enjoy - To take pleasure in something or to be happy about something.

means "field, plain, wilderness."

  • Wild - Refers to the natural state of the environment, untamed and free.

  • Open - Refers to the wide open spaces, with no boundaries or restrictions.

  • Unpretentious - Refers to the simplicity and lack of ornamentation.

  • Natural - Refers to the untouched state of the environment, with no human interference.

  • Area - Refers to the geographical area, with its own boundaries and limits.

  • Uninhabited - Refers to the lack of human presence in the area.

  • Countryside - Refers to the rural areas, with its own unique culture and traditions.

  • Householdstip: under 10

鴻埜- Kouno -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share鴻埜 - Kouno - Copy 鴻埜

means "wild goose, great, large."

  • Feng - A large white bird of the duck family.

  • Big - Large in size.

  • Vast - Extensive in size.

means "field, plain."

  • Open Field Or Plain - A wide, open area of land.

  • Rural Area - Outside of the city, in the countryside.

  • Common People - Opposite of the court or government.

  • Humble - Plain, unadorned, and unpretentious.

  • Region - A large area or expanse.

  • Wild - Untamed, unruly, and natural.

  • Isolated - Uninhabited, uncultivated, and undeveloped.

  • Householdstip: under 10

川埜- Kouno -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share川埜 - Kouno - Copy 川埜

means "river, stream, brook."

  • River - A natural stream of water flowing in a channel to the sea, a lake, or another river.

  • Stream - A small, narrow river or a body of flowing water.

means "field, plain."

  • Open Field Or Plain - A wide, open area of land.

  • Rural Area - Outside of the city, in the countryside.

  • Common People - Opposite of the court or government.

  • Humble - Plain, unadorned, and unpretentious.

  • Region - A large area or expanse.

  • Wild - Untamed, unruly, and natural.

  • Isolated - Uninhabited, uncultivated, and undeveloped.

  • Householdstip: under 10

洪野- Kouno -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share洪野 - Kouno - Copy 洪野

means "flood, deluge."

  • Flood - A large amount of water, such as a river or lake, overflowing its banks. Example

  • Great - Large, vast, excellent, generous, splendid.

  • Abbreviation of the country name Hungary.

means "field, plain, wilderness."

  • Wild - Refers to the natural state of the environment, untamed and free.

  • Open - Refers to the wide open spaces, with no boundaries or restrictions.

  • Unpretentious - Refers to the simplicity and lack of ornamentation.

  • Natural - Refers to the untouched state of the environment, with no human interference.

  • Area - Refers to the geographical area, with its own boundaries and limits.

  • Uninhabited - Refers to the lack of human presence in the area.

  • Countryside - Refers to the rural areas, with its own unique culture and traditions.

  • Householdstip: under 10

河之野- Kouno -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share河之野 - Kouno - Copy 河之野

means "river, stream, watercourse."

  • River - A large river, such as the Yellow River in China.

  • Milky Way - The celestial river in the night sky.

means "of, this, that."

  • This, That, These, Those - Used to refer to people, things, or events.

  • To Go, To Reach - Used to indicate that something has arrived or is going somewhere.

  • Of - Read as “no(の)” and used to indicate the subject of a sentence.

means "field, plain, wilderness."

  • Wild - Refers to the natural state of the environment, untamed and free.

  • Open - Refers to the wide open spaces, with no boundaries or restrictions.

  • Unpretentious - Refers to the simplicity and lack of ornamentation.

  • Natural - Refers to the untouched state of the environment, with no human interference.

  • Area - Refers to the geographical area, with its own boundaries and limits.

  • Uninhabited - Refers to the lack of human presence in the area.

  • Countryside - Refers to the rural areas, with its own unique culture and traditions.

  • Householdstip: under 10

国府- Kouno -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share国府 - Kouno - Copy 国府

means "country, nation."

  • Country - A nation or state governed by a particular government.

  • Region - An area belonging to a particular government.

  • City - A capital or major city.

  • Home Country - One's own country.

means "prefecture, district, or urban prefecture."

  • Householdstip: under 10

後野- Kouno -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share後野 - Kouno - Copy 後野

means "after, later."

means "field, plain, wilderness."

  • Wild - Refers to the natural state of the environment, untamed and free.

  • Open - Refers to the wide open spaces, with no boundaries or restrictions.

  • Unpretentious - Refers to the simplicity and lack of ornamentation.

  • Natural - Refers to the untouched state of the environment, with no human interference.

  • Area - Refers to the geographical area, with its own boundaries and limits.

  • Uninhabited - Refers to the lack of human presence in the area.

  • Countryside - Refers to the rural areas, with its own unique culture and traditions.

  • Householdstip: under 10

神納- Kouno -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share神納 - Kouno - Copy 神納

means "god, deity."

  • God - The divine being, the creator of all things.

  • Mysterious Work - Unfathomable and spiritual work.

  • Soul - The spiritual essence of a person.

  • Heart - The innermost part of a person.

  • Excellence - The highest level of achievement.

  • Preciousness - Something of great value.

means "payment, supply, acceptance."

  • Receive - To accept or take in something.

  • Insert - To place something inside.

  • Draw In - To bring something in.

  • Adopt - To take something in and make it part of something.

  • Store - To put something away for safekeeping.

  • Accommodate - To make room for something.

  • Conclude - To bring something to an end.

  • Offer - To present something for consideration.

  • Pay - To give money in exchange for something.

  • Settle - To pay a debt or obligation.

  • Householdstip: under 10

交野- Kouno -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share交野 - Kouno - Copy 交野

means "exchange, mix, intersect."

means "field, plain, wilderness."

  • Wild - Refers to the natural state of the environment, untamed and free.

  • Open - Refers to the wide open spaces, with no boundaries or restrictions.

  • Unpretentious - Refers to the simplicity and lack of ornamentation.

  • Natural - Refers to the untouched state of the environment, with no human interference.

  • Area - Refers to the geographical area, with its own boundaries and limits.

  • Uninhabited - Refers to the lack of human presence in the area.

  • Countryside - Refers to the rural areas, with its own unique culture and traditions.

  • Householdstip: under 10

糠野- Kouno -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share糠野 - Kouno - Copy 糠野

means "nuka. powder produced when brown rice is polished."

means "field, plain, wilderness."

  • Wild - Refers to the natural state of the environment, untamed and free.

  • Open - Refers to the wide open spaces, with no boundaries or restrictions.

  • Unpretentious - Refers to the simplicity and lack of ornamentation.

  • Natural - Refers to the untouched state of the environment, with no human interference.

  • Area - Refers to the geographical area, with its own boundaries and limits.

  • Uninhabited - Refers to the lack of human presence in the area.

  • Countryside - Refers to the rural areas, with its own unique culture and traditions.

  • Householdstip: under 10

好野- Kouno -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share好野 - Kouno - Copy 好野

means "like, fond of, prefer."

means "field, plain, wilderness."

  • Wild - Refers to the natural state of the environment, untamed and free.

  • Open - Refers to the wide open spaces, with no boundaries or restrictions.

  • Unpretentious - Refers to the simplicity and lack of ornamentation.

  • Natural - Refers to the untouched state of the environment, with no human interference.

  • Area - Refers to the geographical area, with its own boundaries and limits.

  • Uninhabited - Refers to the lack of human presence in the area.

  • Countryside - Refers to the rural areas, with its own unique culture and traditions.

  • Householdstip: under 10

弘野- Kouno -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share弘野 - Kouno - Copy 弘野

means "vast, wide, broad."

means "field, plain, wilderness."

  • Wild - Refers to the natural state of the environment, untamed and free.

  • Open - Refers to the wide open spaces, with no boundaries or restrictions.

  • Unpretentious - Refers to the simplicity and lack of ornamentation.

  • Natural - Refers to the untouched state of the environment, with no human interference.

  • Area - Refers to the geographical area, with its own boundaries and limits.

  • Uninhabited - Refers to the lack of human presence in the area.

  • Countryside - Refers to the rural areas, with its own unique culture and traditions.

  • Householdstip: under 10

國府- Kouno -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share國府 - Kouno - Copy 國府

means "country, nation."

  • Country - A nation or state governed by a particular government.

  • Region - An area belonging to a particular government.

  • City - A capital or major city.

  • Home Country - One's own nation or homeland.

means "prefecture, district, or urban prefecture."

  • Householdstip: under 10

鴻農- Kouno -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share鴻農 - Kouno - Copy 鴻農

means "wild goose, great, large."

  • Feng - A large white bird of the duck family.

  • Big - Large in size.

  • Vast - Extensive in size.

means "agriculture, farming."

  • To Cultivate - To cultivate fields and till the soil.

  • Agriculture - The practice of farming and raising crops.

  • Farmers - People who work in agriculture.

  • To Serve - To make an effort and do one's best.

  • Householdstip: under 10

河納- Kouno -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share河納 - Kouno - Copy 河納

means "river, stream, watercourse."

  • River - A large river, such as the Yellow River in China.

  • Milky Way - The celestial river in the night sky.

means "payment, supply, acceptance."

  • Receive - To accept or take in something.

  • Insert - To place something inside.

  • Draw In - To bring something in.

  • Adopt - To take something in and make it part of something.

  • Store - To put something away for safekeeping.

  • Accommodate - To make room for something.

  • Conclude - To bring something to an end.

  • Offer - To present something for consideration.

  • Pay - To give money in exchange for something.

  • Settle - To pay a debt or obligation.

  • Householdstip: under 10

湟野- Kouno -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share湟野 - Kouno - Copy 湟野

means "a pond. a moat around a castle."

means "field, plain, wilderness."

  • Wild - Refers to the natural state of the environment, untamed and free.

  • Open - Refers to the wide open spaces, with no boundaries or restrictions.

  • Unpretentious - Refers to the simplicity and lack of ornamentation.

  • Natural - Refers to the untouched state of the environment, with no human interference.

  • Area - Refers to the geographical area, with its own boundaries and limits.

  • Uninhabited - Refers to the lack of human presence in the area.

  • Countryside - Refers to the rural areas, with its own unique culture and traditions.

  • Householdstip: under 10

曠野- Kouno -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share曠野 - Kouno - Copy 曠野

means "clear."

means "field, plain, wilderness."

  • Wild - Refers to the natural state of the environment, untamed and free.

  • Open - Refers to the wide open spaces, with no boundaries or restrictions.

  • Unpretentious - Refers to the simplicity and lack of ornamentation.

  • Natural - Refers to the untouched state of the environment, with no human interference.

  • Area - Refers to the geographical area, with its own boundaries and limits.

  • Uninhabited - Refers to the lack of human presence in the area.

  • Countryside - Refers to the rural areas, with its own unique culture and traditions.

  • Householdstip: under 10

巧野- Kouno -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share巧野 - Kouno - Copy 巧野

means "skill, adroit, clever."

  • Skillful - Having great skill or expertise in a particular activity or field.

  • Craftsmanship - The skill and ability to create something of high quality.

  • Technique - A method or skill used to achieve a particular goal.

  • Delicious - Pleasantly pleasing to the taste.

  • Deceptive - Intended to deceive or mislead.

  • Showy - Ostentatious or designed to attract attention.

means "field, plain, wilderness."

  • Wild - Refers to the natural state of the environment, untamed and free.

  • Open - Refers to the wide open spaces, with no boundaries or restrictions.

  • Unpretentious - Refers to the simplicity and lack of ornamentation.

  • Natural - Refers to the untouched state of the environment, with no human interference.

  • Area - Refers to the geographical area, with its own boundaries and limits.

  • Uninhabited - Refers to the lack of human presence in the area.

  • Countryside - Refers to the rural areas, with its own unique culture and traditions.

  • Householdstip: under 10

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