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Japanese boy(male) name Takeshi
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  • Gender:Male
  • Hiraganatip:たけし
  • Katakanatip:タケシ
  • English transcriptionstip:Takeshi
  • Nickname examplestip:

    Takechan(たけちゃん)Click to speech たけちゃんKecchan( けっちゃん)Click to speech  けっちゃんTakepi( たけぴー)Click to speech  たけぴー

Kanji Names & Meanings - 78 variations

In Japanese culture, kanji are characters that originated from Chinese script, and the meaning of a name changes depending on the kanji characters chosen. The more variations of kanji a name has, the more common it is in Japan. Conversely, a name with very few kanji variations is considered unique and rare. Below are the kanji choices for "Takeshi," sorted by the total number of "Good!" votes.

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- Takeshi -

Add to First Names Favorites Share赳 - Takeshi - Copy 赳

means "fierce, brave, valiant."

  • Strong - Having great physical power and force.

  • Bold - Showing an ability to take risks, confident and courageous.

  • Brave - Having or showing courage and determination in the face of danger or difficulty.

Name ideas examples

  • Strong - This kanji conveys a sense of strength and resilience, making it a suitable choice for a baby's name.

  • Brave - The kanji also implies courage and bravery, making it a great choice for a baby's name.

  • Determined - The kanji also implies determination and perseverance, making it a great choice for a baby's name.

  • Bold - The kanji also implies boldness and confidence, making it a great choice for a baby's name.

  • Fearless - The kanji also implies fearlessness and intrepidity, making it a great choice for a baby's name.

- Takeshi -

Add to First Names Favorites Share剛 - Takeshi - Copy 剛

means "strong, sturdy, tough."

  • Strong - Having great physical or mental strength.

  • Firm - Having a solid, almost unyielding structure or consistency.

  • Sturdy - Strong and durable.

  • Resolute - Having a strong determination and a firm purpose.

  • Fierce - Having a violent or aggressive nature.

  • Precise - Exact and accurate.

  • Immediate - Happening or done without delay.

Name ideas examples

  • Strong - Having great physical or mental strength, suggesting a baby who will be resilient and brave.

  • Firm - Having a solid, almost unyielding structure or consistency, suggesting a baby who will be reliable and dependable.

  • Sturdy - Strong and durable, suggesting a baby who will be reliable and hardworking.

  • Resolute - Having a strong determination and a firm purpose, suggesting a baby who will be determined and persistent.

  • Precise - Exact and accurate, suggesting a baby who will be meticulous and detail-oriented.

武志- Takeshi -

Add to First Names Favorites Share武志 - Takeshi - Copy 武志

means "warrior, military, martial arts."

  • Strong And Fierce - Refers to strength and courage.

  • War - Refers to battle, warfare, and conflict.

  • Warrior - Refers to a strong person, a soldier, or a fighter.

  • Trace - Refers to the footprints of a predecessor or the legacy of a past endeavor.

  • To Succeed - Refers to taking up the mantle of a predecessor.

  • Unit Of Measurement - Refers to half the length of a step.

Name ideas examples

  • Strength - Refers to courage and fortitude.

  • Warrior - Refers to a strong and brave person.

  • Legacy - Refers to the passing down of a tradition or a family name.

means "aspiration, ambition, goal."

  • Aspiration - To direct one's heart towards a certain goal or objective.

  • Resolution - A goal or objective determined in one's heart.

  • Record - To remember or recall.

  • Document - To record or document.

  • Writings - A record written down. A book.

  • Shima - An abbreviation of Shima.

Name ideas examples

  • Ambition - It conveys the idea of having a strong desire to achieve something. It can also be seen as a reminder to the child to strive for their goals and to never give up.

  • Determination - It conveys the idea of having a strong will and dedication to reach a certain goal. It can also be seen as a reminder to the child to stay focused and never give up.

  • Memory - It conveys the idea of having a strong ability to remember things. It can also be seen as a reminder to the child to always remember the important things in life.

  • Record - It conveys the idea of having a strong ability to record and document things. It can also be seen as a reminder to the child to always document their experiences and achievements.

  • Writing - It conveys the idea of having a strong ability to write and express oneself. It can also be seen as a reminder to the child to always express their thoughts and feelings.

- Takeshi -

Add to First Names Favorites Share毅 - Takeshi - Copy 毅

means "perseverance, fortitude, determination."

  • Strong - Having great strength or power.

  • Resolute - Having or showing firm determination.

  • Determined - Having made a firm decision and being resolved not to change it.

Name ideas examples

  • Strength - The quality or state of being strong, physical power or capacity.

  • Resilience - The capacity to recover quickly from difficulties, toughness.

  • Courage - The ability to do something that frightens one, bravery.

壮史- Takeshi -

Add to First Names Favorites Share壮史 - Takeshi - Copy 壮史

means "majestic, robust, heroic."

  • Young And Energetic Man - Refers to a man in his late twenties or early thirties.

  • Vigorous - Full of energy and enthusiasm.

  • Bold - Showing courage and confidence.

  • Impressive - Having a strong impact.

  • Grand - Impressive and majestic in size or appearance.

Name ideas examples

  • Strong - This kanji conveys the idea of strength and vigor, which is a great quality to have in life. It is also a great name for a baby, as it conveys the idea of a strong and healthy child.

  • Vigorous - This kanji conveys the idea of vigor and energy, which is a great quality to have in life. It is also a great name for a baby, as it conveys the idea of a vigorous and energetic child.

  • Robust - This kanji conveys the idea of robustness and resilience, which is a great quality to have in life. It is also a great name for a baby, as it conveys the idea of a robust and resilient child.

  • Bold - This kanji conveys the idea of boldness and courage, which is a great quality to have in life. It is also a great name for a baby, as it conveys the idea of a bold and courageous child.

  • Grand - This kanji conveys the idea of grandeur and magnificence, which is a great quality to have in life. It is also a great name for a baby, as it conveys the idea of a grand and magnificent child.

means "history, chronicle, annals."

  • Record Keeper - A record keeper is someone who is responsible for keeping records.

  • Writing - Writing is the act of recording information.

  • History Book - A history book is a book that records historical events.

Name ideas examples

  • Record - Record is a noun that means to keep a written or other record of something. It can be used to symbolize the importance of keeping records and remembering the past.

  • Writing - Writing is a noun that means the act of recording information. It can be used to symbolize the importance of communication and expressing oneself.

  • History - History is a noun that means the study of past events. It can be used to symbolize the importance of learning from the past.

- Takeshi -

Add to First Names Favorites Share傑 - Takeshi - Copy 傑

means "great, outstanding, remarkable."

Name ideas examples

  • Outstanding - A baby who is outstanding in some way, such as being exceptionally talented or having a special quality that sets them apart from others.

  • Distinguished - A baby who is distinguished in some way, such as having a special talent or being particularly intelligent.

  • Superior - A baby who is superior in some way, such as having a special ability or being exceptionally gifted.

  • Exceptional - A baby who is exceptionally good in some way, such as being exceptionally talented or having a special quality that sets them apart from others.

  • Notable - A baby who is notable in some way, such as having a special talent or being particularly intelligent.

偉史- Takeshi -

Add to First Names Favorites Share偉史 - Takeshi - Copy 偉史

means "great, eminent, distinguished."

  • Great - Having or showing exceptional quality, skill, or strength.

  • Outstanding - Exceptionally good or impressive.

  • Impressive - Making a strong or vivid impression.

  • Magnificent - Impressive in size, beauty, or skill.

  • Grand - Impressive and imposing in size, appearance, or style.

  • Prosperous - Having or indicating success or wealth.

Name ideas examples

  • Great, Outstanding - This kanji that conveys excellence and greatness.

  • Splendid - This kanji that implies grandeur and magnificence.

  • Impressive - This kanji that suggests admiration and respect.

  • Majestic - This kanji that implies grandeur and power.

  • Grand - This kanji that implies greatness and grandeur.

  • Magnificent - This kanji that conveys grandeur and beauty.

  • Noble - This kanji that implies honor and nobility.

  • Dignified - This kanji that conveys respect and honor.

  • Glorious - This kanji that implies greatness and glory.

  • Resplendent - This kanji that conveys brilliance and radiance.

means "history, chronicle, annals."

  • Record Keeper - A record keeper is someone who is responsible for keeping records.

  • Writing - Writing is the act of recording information.

  • History Book - A history book is a book that records historical events.

Name ideas examples

  • Record - Record is a noun that means to keep a written or other record of something. It can be used to symbolize the importance of keeping records and remembering the past.

  • Writing - Writing is a noun that means the act of recording information. It can be used to symbolize the importance of communication and expressing oneself.

  • History - History is a noun that means the study of past events. It can be used to symbolize the importance of learning from the past.

- Takeshi -

Add to First Names Favorites Share豪 - Takeshi - Copy 豪

means "powerful, strong, great, magnificent."

  • Outstanding - Having superior ability or qualities compared to others. Strong, fierce, brave.

  • Leader - A person who leads or commands.

  • Wealthy - Having a lot of money or possessions. Rich, noble.

  • A Single Hair - Extremely small.

  • Coarse hair.

  • A type of wild animal.

  • Australia - Abbreviated as Australia.

Name ideas examples

  • Strong - This kanji implies strength and courage, and is a great choice for a baby who is born into a family with a long history of strength and courage.

  • Leader - This kanji implies leadership and the ability to lead others, and is a great choice for a baby who is born into a family with a long history of leadership and the ability to lead others.

  • Wealthy - This kanji implies wealth and power, and is a great choice for a baby who is born into a family with a long history of wealth and power.

  • Daring - This kanji implies daring and boldness, and is a great choice for a baby who is born into a family with a long history of daring and boldness.

  • Elegant - This kanji implies elegance and sophistication, and is a great choice for a baby who is born into a family with a long history of elegance and sophistication.

  • Rare - This kanji implies rarity and uniqueness, and is a great choice for a baby who is born into a family with a long history of rarity and uniqueness.

  • Wild - This kanji implies a sense of adventure and exploration, which are important qualities for a baby to have.

剛志- Takeshi -

Add to First Names Favorites Share剛志 - Takeshi - Copy 剛志

means "strong, sturdy, tough."

  • Strong - Having great physical or mental strength.

  • Firm - Having a solid, almost unyielding structure or consistency.

  • Sturdy - Strong and durable.

  • Resolute - Having a strong determination and a firm purpose.

  • Fierce - Having a violent or aggressive nature.

  • Precise - Exact and accurate.

  • Immediate - Happening or done without delay.

Name ideas examples

  • Strong - Having great physical or mental strength, suggesting a baby who will be resilient and brave.

  • Firm - Having a solid, almost unyielding structure or consistency, suggesting a baby who will be reliable and dependable.

  • Sturdy - Strong and durable, suggesting a baby who will be reliable and hardworking.

  • Resolute - Having a strong determination and a firm purpose, suggesting a baby who will be determined and persistent.

  • Precise - Exact and accurate, suggesting a baby who will be meticulous and detail-oriented.

means "aspiration, ambition, goal."

  • Aspiration - To direct one's heart towards a certain goal or objective.

  • Resolution - A goal or objective determined in one's heart.

  • Record - To remember or recall.

  • Document - To record or document.

  • Writings - A record written down. A book.

  • Shima - An abbreviation of Shima.

Name ideas examples

  • Ambition - It conveys the idea of having a strong desire to achieve something. It can also be seen as a reminder to the child to strive for their goals and to never give up.

  • Determination - It conveys the idea of having a strong will and dedication to reach a certain goal. It can also be seen as a reminder to the child to stay focused and never give up.

  • Memory - It conveys the idea of having a strong ability to remember things. It can also be seen as a reminder to the child to always remember the important things in life.

  • Record - It conveys the idea of having a strong ability to record and document things. It can also be seen as a reminder to the child to always document their experiences and achievements.

  • Writing - It conveys the idea of having a strong ability to write and express oneself. It can also be seen as a reminder to the child to always express their thoughts and feelings.

- Takeshi -

Add to First Names Favorites Share健 - Takeshi - Copy 健

means "healthy, strong, robust."

  • Healthy - Physically strong and robust.

  • Powerful - Having great strength and power.

  • Long Lasting - Having the ability to last for a long time.

Name ideas examples

  • Healthy - This kanji that conveys physical strength and robustness.

  • Powerful - This kanji that conveys great strength and power.

  • Long Lasting - This kanji that conveys the ability to last for a long time.

- Takeshi -

Add to First Names Favorites Share嗣 - Takeshi - Copy 嗣

means "heir, succeed, inherit."

  • To Succeed - To take over and continue the legacy of a family or lineage.

  • To Inherit - To receive something from a predecessor, such as a title, property, or responsibility.

  • To Follow - To take up the mantle of a predecessor and continue their work.

  • To Preserve - To maintain the traditions and customs of a family or lineage.

  • To Continue - To keep the legacy of a family or lineage alive.

Name ideas examples

  • To Succeed - It implies that the child will be successful in life and will carry on the family legacy.

  • To Inherit - It implies that the child will inherit the family's traditions and values.

  • To Follow - It implies that the child will follow in the footsteps of their parents and ancestors.

  • To Continue - It implies that the child will continue the family's legacy and traditions.

  • To Preserve - It implies that the child will preserve the family's traditions and values.

- Takeshi -

Add to First Names Favorites Share威 - Takeshi - Copy 威

means "authority, power, dignity."

Name ideas examples

  • Strength - A quality of being strong and powerful, both physically and mentally.

  • Dignity - A quality of being worthy of respect and admiration.

  • Courage - The ability to face difficult situations with bravery and confidence.

- Takeshi -

Add to First Names Favorites Share彪 - Takeshi - Copy 彪

means "a pattern resembling a tiger's stripes."

  • Spot, Stripe - A pattern of spots or stripes resembling the fur of a tiger.

  • Pattern - A beautiful pattern.

Name ideas examples

  • Stripe - A pattern of stripes that symbolizes strength and courage.

  • Pattern - A beautiful pattern that symbolizes creativity and beauty.

- Takeshi -

Add to First Names Favorites Share武 - Takeshi - Copy 武

means "warrior, military, martial arts."

  • Strong And Fierce - Refers to strength and courage.

  • War - Refers to battle, warfare, and conflict.

  • Warrior - Refers to a strong person, a soldier, or a fighter.

  • Trace - Refers to the footprints of a predecessor or the legacy of a past endeavor.

  • To Succeed - Refers to taking up the mantle of a predecessor.

  • Unit Of Measurement - Refers to half the length of a step.

Name ideas examples

  • Strength - Refers to courage and fortitude.

  • Warrior - Refers to a strong and brave person.

  • Legacy - Refers to the passing down of a tradition or a family name.

偉士- Takeshi -

Add to First Names Favorites Share偉士 - Takeshi - Copy 偉士

means "great, eminent, distinguished."

  • Great - Having or showing exceptional quality, skill, or strength.

  • Outstanding - Exceptionally good or impressive.

  • Impressive - Making a strong or vivid impression.

  • Magnificent - Impressive in size, beauty, or skill.

  • Grand - Impressive and imposing in size, appearance, or style.

  • Prosperous - Having or indicating success or wealth.

Name ideas examples

  • Great, Outstanding - This kanji that conveys excellence and greatness.

  • Splendid - This kanji that implies grandeur and magnificence.

  • Impressive - This kanji that suggests admiration and respect.

  • Majestic - This kanji that implies grandeur and power.

  • Grand - This kanji that implies greatness and grandeur.

  • Magnificent - This kanji that conveys grandeur and beauty.

  • Noble - This kanji that implies honor and nobility.

  • Dignified - This kanji that conveys respect and honor.

  • Glorious - This kanji that implies greatness and glory.

  • Resplendent - This kanji that conveys brilliance and radiance.

means "samurai, warrior, gentleman."

  • Adult Male - Refers to an adult male.

  • Official - Refers to a mid-level official or an official in charge of a court.

  • Duty - Refers to performing duties or serving in an official capacity.

  • Scholar - Refers to a person with excellent knowledge and learning.

  • Gentleman - Refers to a respectable man. It is also a term of endearment for men.

  • Samurai - Refers to a warrior.

  • Qualified Person - Refers to a person with certain qualifications or skills.

Name ideas examples

  • A Man Of Knowledge And Wisdom - It implies that the child will grow up to be a person of great intelligence and understanding.

  • A Man Of Honor - It implies that the child will grow up to be a person of great integrity and respect.

  • A Man Of Distinction - It implies that the child will grow up to be a person of great accomplishment and success.

  • A Man Of Courage - It implies that the child will grow up to be a person of great bravery and strength.

  • A Man Of Virtue - It implies that the child will grow up to be a person of great morality and righteousness.

  • A Man Of Justice - It implies that the child will grow up to be a person of great fairness and justice.

  • A Man Of Loyalty - It implies that the child will grow up to be a person of great loyalty and dedication.

健嗣- Takeshi -

Add to First Names Favorites Share健嗣 - Takeshi - Copy 健嗣

means "healthy, strong, robust."

  • Healthy - Physically strong and robust.

  • Powerful - Having great strength and power.

  • Long Lasting - Having the ability to last for a long time.

Name ideas examples

  • Healthy - This kanji that conveys physical strength and robustness.

  • Powerful - This kanji that conveys great strength and power.

  • Long Lasting - This kanji that conveys the ability to last for a long time.

means "heir, succeed, inherit."

  • To Succeed - To take over and continue the legacy of a family or lineage.

  • To Inherit - To receive something from a predecessor, such as a title, property, or responsibility.

  • To Follow - To take up the mantle of a predecessor and continue their work.

  • To Preserve - To maintain the traditions and customs of a family or lineage.

  • To Continue - To keep the legacy of a family or lineage alive.

Name ideas examples

  • To Succeed - It implies that the child will be successful in life and will carry on the family legacy.

  • To Inherit - It implies that the child will inherit the family's traditions and values.

  • To Follow - It implies that the child will follow in the footsteps of their parents and ancestors.

  • To Continue - It implies that the child will continue the family's legacy and traditions.

  • To Preserve - It implies that the child will preserve the family's traditions and values.

剛嗣- Takeshi -

Add to First Names Favorites Share剛嗣 - Takeshi - Copy 剛嗣

means "strong, sturdy, tough."

  • Strong - Having great physical or mental strength.

  • Firm - Having a solid, almost unyielding structure or consistency.

  • Sturdy - Strong and durable.

  • Resolute - Having a strong determination and a firm purpose.

  • Fierce - Having a violent or aggressive nature.

  • Precise - Exact and accurate.

  • Immediate - Happening or done without delay.

Name ideas examples

  • Strong - Having great physical or mental strength, suggesting a baby who will be resilient and brave.

  • Firm - Having a solid, almost unyielding structure or consistency, suggesting a baby who will be reliable and dependable.

  • Sturdy - Strong and durable, suggesting a baby who will be reliable and hardworking.

  • Resolute - Having a strong determination and a firm purpose, suggesting a baby who will be determined and persistent.

  • Precise - Exact and accurate, suggesting a baby who will be meticulous and detail-oriented.

means "heir, succeed, inherit."

  • To Succeed - To take over and continue the legacy of a family or lineage.

  • To Inherit - To receive something from a predecessor, such as a title, property, or responsibility.

  • To Follow - To take up the mantle of a predecessor and continue their work.

  • To Preserve - To maintain the traditions and customs of a family or lineage.

  • To Continue - To keep the legacy of a family or lineage alive.

Name ideas examples

  • To Succeed - It implies that the child will be successful in life and will carry on the family legacy.

  • To Inherit - It implies that the child will inherit the family's traditions and values.

  • To Follow - It implies that the child will follow in the footsteps of their parents and ancestors.

  • To Continue - It implies that the child will continue the family's legacy and traditions.

  • To Preserve - It implies that the child will preserve the family's traditions and values.

尊師- Takeshi -

Add to First Names Favorites Share尊師 - Takeshi - Copy 尊師

means "respect, honor, esteem."

  • Respectful - Showing respect and reverence for someone or something.

  • Precious - Highly valued and cherished.

  • Admirable - Worthy of admiration and respect.

  • Revered - Highly respected and admired.

  • Sacred - Regarded with great reverence and respect.

Name ideas examples

  • Respectful - Showing respect and reverence for someone or something.

  • Precious - Highly valued and cherished.

  • Admirable - Worthy of admiration and respect.

  • Revered - Highly respected and admired.

  • Sacred - Regarded with great reverence and respect.

means "teacher, master, mentor."

  • Teacher - A person who serves as a model or guide.

  • City - A place where many people gather.

  • Expert - A person with a particular skill or craft.

  • Master - A person who is highly skilled in a craft or art.

  • Military - A unit of 2,500 soldiers in ancient times.

Name ideas examples

  • Teacher - Someone who guides and instructs others.

  • Expert - Someone who has a specialized skill or knowledge.

  • Leader - Someone who is respected and admired for their skill and knowledge.

岳士- Takeshi -

Add to First Names Favorites Share岳士 - Takeshi - Copy 岳士

means "mountain peak, tall mountain."

Name ideas examples

  • Peak - It symbolizes reaching the highest point in life and achieving success.

  • Mountain - It symbolizes strength, resilience, and determination.

  • High Mountain - It symbolizes ambition and the ability to overcome obstacles.

  • Grand Mountain - It symbolizes greatness and grandeur.

means "samurai, warrior, gentleman."

  • Adult Male - Refers to an adult male.

  • Official - Refers to a mid-level official or an official in charge of a court.

  • Duty - Refers to performing duties or serving in an official capacity.

  • Scholar - Refers to a person with excellent knowledge and learning.

  • Gentleman - Refers to a respectable man. It is also a term of endearment for men.

  • Samurai - Refers to a warrior.

  • Qualified Person - Refers to a person with certain qualifications or skills.

Name ideas examples

  • A Man Of Knowledge And Wisdom - It implies that the child will grow up to be a person of great intelligence and understanding.

  • A Man Of Honor - It implies that the child will grow up to be a person of great integrity and respect.

  • A Man Of Distinction - It implies that the child will grow up to be a person of great accomplishment and success.

  • A Man Of Courage - It implies that the child will grow up to be a person of great bravery and strength.

  • A Man Of Virtue - It implies that the child will grow up to be a person of great morality and righteousness.

  • A Man Of Justice - It implies that the child will grow up to be a person of great fairness and justice.

  • A Man Of Loyalty - It implies that the child will grow up to be a person of great loyalty and dedication.

毅史- Takeshi -

Add to First Names Favorites Share毅史 - Takeshi - Copy 毅史

means "perseverance, fortitude, determination."

  • Strong - Having great strength or power.

  • Resolute - Having or showing firm determination.

  • Determined - Having made a firm decision and being resolved not to change it.

Name ideas examples

  • Strength - The quality or state of being strong, physical power or capacity.

  • Resilience - The capacity to recover quickly from difficulties, toughness.

  • Courage - The ability to do something that frightens one, bravery.

means "history, chronicle, annals."

  • Record Keeper - A record keeper is someone who is responsible for keeping records.

  • Writing - Writing is the act of recording information.

  • History Book - A history book is a book that records historical events.

Name ideas examples

  • Record - Record is a noun that means to keep a written or other record of something. It can be used to symbolize the importance of keeping records and remembering the past.

  • Writing - Writing is a noun that means the act of recording information. It can be used to symbolize the importance of communication and expressing oneself.

  • History - History is a noun that means the study of past events. It can be used to symbolize the importance of learning from the past.

竹士- Takeshi -

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means "bamboo."

  • Bamboo - A perennial grass plant of the rice family.

  • Musical Instrument - A wind instrument made of bamboo.

  • One Of The Eight Sounds - One of the eight sounds (gold, stone, thread, bamboo, pottery, earth, leather, and wood).

  • Bamboo Tag - A tag made of bamboo.

  • Book - A written work.

Name ideas examples

  • Bamboo - A symbol of strength, resilience, and flexibility.

  • Musical Instrument - A symbol of creativity and joy.

  • One Of The Eight Sounds - A symbol of harmony and balance.

  • Bamboo Tag - A symbol of luck and protection.

  • Book - A symbol of knowledge and wisdom.

means "samurai, warrior, gentleman."

  • Adult Male - Refers to an adult male.

  • Official - Refers to a mid-level official or an official in charge of a court.

  • Duty - Refers to performing duties or serving in an official capacity.

  • Scholar - Refers to a person with excellent knowledge and learning.

  • Gentleman - Refers to a respectable man. It is also a term of endearment for men.

  • Samurai - Refers to a warrior.

  • Qualified Person - Refers to a person with certain qualifications or skills.

Name ideas examples

  • A Man Of Knowledge And Wisdom - It implies that the child will grow up to be a person of great intelligence and understanding.

  • A Man Of Honor - It implies that the child will grow up to be a person of great integrity and respect.

  • A Man Of Distinction - It implies that the child will grow up to be a person of great accomplishment and success.

  • A Man Of Courage - It implies that the child will grow up to be a person of great bravery and strength.

  • A Man Of Virtue - It implies that the child will grow up to be a person of great morality and righteousness.

  • A Man Of Justice - It implies that the child will grow up to be a person of great fairness and justice.

  • A Man Of Loyalty - It implies that the child will grow up to be a person of great loyalty and dedication.

- Takeshi -

Add to First Names Favorites Share猛 - Takeshi - Copy 猛

means "fierce, violent, intense."

  • Fierce - Intensely strong or powerful.

  • Wild - Unrestrained and violent.

  • Intense - Extremely strong or powerful.

Name ideas examples

  • Brave - Showing courage and determination.

  • Daring - Willing to take risks and try new things.

  • Strong - Having great physical or mental power.

剛士- Takeshi -

Add to First Names Favorites Share剛士 - Takeshi - Copy 剛士

means "strong, sturdy, tough."

  • Strong - Having great physical or mental strength.

  • Firm - Having a solid, almost unyielding structure or consistency.

  • Sturdy - Strong and durable.

  • Resolute - Having a strong determination and a firm purpose.

  • Fierce - Having a violent or aggressive nature.

  • Precise - Exact and accurate.

  • Immediate - Happening or done without delay.

Name ideas examples

  • Strong - Having great physical or mental strength, suggesting a baby who will be resilient and brave.

  • Firm - Having a solid, almost unyielding structure or consistency, suggesting a baby who will be reliable and dependable.

  • Sturdy - Strong and durable, suggesting a baby who will be reliable and hardworking.

  • Resolute - Having a strong determination and a firm purpose, suggesting a baby who will be determined and persistent.

  • Precise - Exact and accurate, suggesting a baby who will be meticulous and detail-oriented.

means "samurai, warrior, gentleman."

  • Adult Male - Refers to an adult male.

  • Official - Refers to a mid-level official or an official in charge of a court.

  • Duty - Refers to performing duties or serving in an official capacity.

  • Scholar - Refers to a person with excellent knowledge and learning.

  • Gentleman - Refers to a respectable man. It is also a term of endearment for men.

  • Samurai - Refers to a warrior.

  • Qualified Person - Refers to a person with certain qualifications or skills.

Name ideas examples

  • A Man Of Knowledge And Wisdom - It implies that the child will grow up to be a person of great intelligence and understanding.

  • A Man Of Honor - It implies that the child will grow up to be a person of great integrity and respect.

  • A Man Of Distinction - It implies that the child will grow up to be a person of great accomplishment and success.

  • A Man Of Courage - It implies that the child will grow up to be a person of great bravery and strength.

  • A Man Of Virtue - It implies that the child will grow up to be a person of great morality and righteousness.

  • A Man Of Justice - It implies that the child will grow up to be a person of great fairness and justice.

  • A Man Of Loyalty - It implies that the child will grow up to be a person of great loyalty and dedication.

武士- Takeshi -

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means "warrior, military, martial arts."

  • Strong And Fierce - Refers to strength and courage.

  • War - Refers to battle, warfare, and conflict.

  • Warrior - Refers to a strong person, a soldier, or a fighter.

  • Trace - Refers to the footprints of a predecessor or the legacy of a past endeavor.

  • To Succeed - Refers to taking up the mantle of a predecessor.

  • Unit Of Measurement - Refers to half the length of a step.

Name ideas examples

  • Strength - Refers to courage and fortitude.

  • Warrior - Refers to a strong and brave person.

  • Legacy - Refers to the passing down of a tradition or a family name.

means "samurai, warrior, gentleman."

  • Adult Male - Refers to an adult male.

  • Official - Refers to a mid-level official or an official in charge of a court.

  • Duty - Refers to performing duties or serving in an official capacity.

  • Scholar - Refers to a person with excellent knowledge and learning.

  • Gentleman - Refers to a respectable man. It is also a term of endearment for men.

  • Samurai - Refers to a warrior.

  • Qualified Person - Refers to a person with certain qualifications or skills.

Name ideas examples

  • A Man Of Knowledge And Wisdom - It implies that the child will grow up to be a person of great intelligence and understanding.

  • A Man Of Honor - It implies that the child will grow up to be a person of great integrity and respect.

  • A Man Of Distinction - It implies that the child will grow up to be a person of great accomplishment and success.

  • A Man Of Courage - It implies that the child will grow up to be a person of great bravery and strength.

  • A Man Of Virtue - It implies that the child will grow up to be a person of great morality and righteousness.

  • A Man Of Justice - It implies that the child will grow up to be a person of great fairness and justice.

  • A Man Of Loyalty - It implies that the child will grow up to be a person of great loyalty and dedication.

- Takeshi -

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means "waterfall, cascade."

  • Rapids - A fast-flowing stream of water that rushes down from a high place.

  • Waterfall - A large amount of water that falls from a high place with great force.

Name ideas examples

  • Rapids - A strong and powerful name that symbolizes the power of nature.

  • Waterfall - A beautiful and majestic name that symbolizes the beauty of nature.

- Takeshi -

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means "male, masculine."

  • Male Animal - A male animal, usually referring to a dominant male in a species.

  • Male Plant - A male plant, usually referring to a plant with male reproductive organs.

  • Superior - To be better than others, to be superior in some way.

  • Outstanding Person - A person who is outstanding in some way, usually referring to someone who is highly skilled or talented.

  • Strong - To be powerful, brave, and forceful.

  • Prosperous - To be full of energy and vigor.

Name ideas examples

  • Superior - To give the baby a name that implies they are better than others, to be superior in some way.

  • Outstanding Person - To give the baby a name that implies they are outstanding in some way, usually referring to someone who is highly skilled or talented.

  • Strong - To give the baby a name that implies they are powerful, brave, and forceful.

  • Prosperous - To give the baby a name that implies they are full of energy and vigor.

- Takeshi -

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means "valiant, brave, heroic."

  • Excellent Horse - A horse of superior quality.

  • Strong - Possessing great strength and power.

  • Brave - Showing courage and determination.

  • Fierce - Showing great intensity and ferocity.

Name ideas examples

  • Excellent - Possessing outstanding qualities or abilities.

  • Strong - Possessing great strength and power.

  • Brave - Showing courage and determination.

  • Fierce - Showing great intensity and ferocity.

健司- Takeshi -

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means "healthy, strong, robust."

  • Healthy - Physically strong and robust.

  • Powerful - Having great strength and power.

  • Long Lasting - Having the ability to last for a long time.

Name ideas examples

  • Healthy - This kanji that conveys physical strength and robustness.

  • Powerful - This kanji that conveys great strength and power.

  • Long Lasting - This kanji that conveys the ability to last for a long time.

means "administer, manage, control."

  • To Serve In An Official Capacity - This refers to someone who is responsible for a certain role or task.

  • To Manage Or Oversee - This refers to taking charge of a certain task or responsibility.

  • To Inquire - This refers to investigating a situation or gathering information.

Name ideas examples

  • To Rule - This meaning implies that the baby will be a leader and have the ability to take charge and make decisions.

  • To Manage - This meaning implies that the baby will be responsible and have the ability to take care of things and make sure everything is running smoothly.

  • To Govern - This meaning implies that the baby will be a responsible and wise leader who can make decisions and guide others.

  • To Supervise - This meaning implies that the baby will be a responsible and reliable leader who can oversee and manage tasks.

  • To Inquire - This meaning implies that the baby will be curious and have the ability to ask questions and seek out information.

健士- Takeshi -

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means "healthy, strong, robust."

  • Healthy - Physically strong and robust.

  • Powerful - Having great strength and power.

  • Long Lasting - Having the ability to last for a long time.

Name ideas examples

  • Healthy - This kanji that conveys physical strength and robustness.

  • Powerful - This kanji that conveys great strength and power.

  • Long Lasting - This kanji that conveys the ability to last for a long time.

means "samurai, warrior, gentleman."

  • Adult Male - Refers to an adult male.

  • Official - Refers to a mid-level official or an official in charge of a court.

  • Duty - Refers to performing duties or serving in an official capacity.

  • Scholar - Refers to a person with excellent knowledge and learning.

  • Gentleman - Refers to a respectable man. It is also a term of endearment for men.

  • Samurai - Refers to a warrior.

  • Qualified Person - Refers to a person with certain qualifications or skills.

Name ideas examples

  • A Man Of Knowledge And Wisdom - It implies that the child will grow up to be a person of great intelligence and understanding.

  • A Man Of Honor - It implies that the child will grow up to be a person of great integrity and respect.

  • A Man Of Distinction - It implies that the child will grow up to be a person of great accomplishment and success.

  • A Man Of Courage - It implies that the child will grow up to be a person of great bravery and strength.

  • A Man Of Virtue - It implies that the child will grow up to be a person of great morality and righteousness.

  • A Man Of Justice - It implies that the child will grow up to be a person of great fairness and justice.

  • A Man Of Loyalty - It implies that the child will grow up to be a person of great loyalty and dedication.

健志- Takeshi -

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means "healthy, strong, robust."

  • Healthy - Physically strong and robust.

  • Powerful - Having great strength and power.

  • Long Lasting - Having the ability to last for a long time.

Name ideas examples

  • Healthy - This kanji that conveys physical strength and robustness.

  • Powerful - This kanji that conveys great strength and power.

  • Long Lasting - This kanji that conveys the ability to last for a long time.

means "aspiration, ambition, goal."

  • Aspiration - To direct one's heart towards a certain goal or objective.

  • Resolution - A goal or objective determined in one's heart.

  • Record - To remember or recall.

  • Document - To record or document.

  • Writings - A record written down. A book.

  • Shima - An abbreviation of Shima.

Name ideas examples

  • Ambition - It conveys the idea of having a strong desire to achieve something. It can also be seen as a reminder to the child to strive for their goals and to never give up.

  • Determination - It conveys the idea of having a strong will and dedication to reach a certain goal. It can also be seen as a reminder to the child to stay focused and never give up.

  • Memory - It conveys the idea of having a strong ability to remember things. It can also be seen as a reminder to the child to always remember the important things in life.

  • Record - It conveys the idea of having a strong ability to record and document things. It can also be seen as a reminder to the child to always document their experiences and achievements.

  • Writing - It conveys the idea of having a strong ability to write and express oneself. It can also be seen as a reminder to the child to always express their thoughts and feelings.

傑司- Takeshi -

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means "great, outstanding, remarkable."

Name ideas examples

  • Outstanding - A baby who is outstanding in some way, such as being exceptionally talented or having a special quality that sets them apart from others.

  • Distinguished - A baby who is distinguished in some way, such as having a special talent or being particularly intelligent.

  • Superior - A baby who is superior in some way, such as having a special ability or being exceptionally gifted.

  • Exceptional - A baby who is exceptionally good in some way, such as being exceptionally talented or having a special quality that sets them apart from others.

  • Notable - A baby who is notable in some way, such as having a special talent or being particularly intelligent.

means "administer, manage, control."

  • To Serve In An Official Capacity - This refers to someone who is responsible for a certain role or task.

  • To Manage Or Oversee - This refers to taking charge of a certain task or responsibility.

  • To Inquire - This refers to investigating a situation or gathering information.

Name ideas examples

  • To Rule - This meaning implies that the baby will be a leader and have the ability to take charge and make decisions.

  • To Manage - This meaning implies that the baby will be responsible and have the ability to take care of things and make sure everything is running smoothly.

  • To Govern - This meaning implies that the baby will be a responsible and wise leader who can make decisions and guide others.

  • To Supervise - This meaning implies that the baby will be a responsible and reliable leader who can oversee and manage tasks.

  • To Inquire - This meaning implies that the baby will be curious and have the ability to ask questions and seek out information.

勇志- Takeshi -

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means "bravery, courage."

  • Brave - Showing courage and strength in the face of danger or difficulty.

  • Daring - Willing to take risks and try new things.

  • Strong - Having great physical or mental power.

  • Courageous - Having or showing courage in the face of danger or difficulty.

  • Resolute - Firmly determined to do something.

  • Soldier - A person who serves in an army.

Name ideas examples

  • Brave - Showing courage and strength in the face of danger or difficulty.

  • Daring - Willing to take risks and try new things.

  • Strong - Having great physical or mental power.

  • Courageous - Having or showing courage in the face of danger or difficulty.

  • Resolute - Firmly determined to do something.

means "aspiration, ambition, goal."

  • Aspiration - To direct one's heart towards a certain goal or objective.

  • Resolution - A goal or objective determined in one's heart.

  • Record - To remember or recall.

  • Document - To record or document.

  • Writings - A record written down. A book.

  • Shima - An abbreviation of Shima.

Name ideas examples

  • Ambition - It conveys the idea of having a strong desire to achieve something. It can also be seen as a reminder to the child to strive for their goals and to never give up.

  • Determination - It conveys the idea of having a strong will and dedication to reach a certain goal. It can also be seen as a reminder to the child to stay focused and never give up.

  • Memory - It conveys the idea of having a strong ability to remember things. It can also be seen as a reminder to the child to always remember the important things in life.

  • Record - It conveys the idea of having a strong ability to record and document things. It can also be seen as a reminder to the child to always document their experiences and achievements.

  • Writing - It conveys the idea of having a strong ability to write and express oneself. It can also be seen as a reminder to the child to always express their thoughts and feelings.

威志- Takeshi -

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means "authority, power, dignity."

Name ideas examples

  • Strength - A quality of being strong and powerful, both physically and mentally.

  • Dignity - A quality of being worthy of respect and admiration.

  • Courage - The ability to face difficult situations with bravery and confidence.

means "aspiration, ambition, goal."

  • Aspiration - To direct one's heart towards a certain goal or objective.

  • Resolution - A goal or objective determined in one's heart.

  • Record - To remember or recall.

  • Document - To record or document.

  • Writings - A record written down. A book.

  • Shima - An abbreviation of Shima.

Name ideas examples

  • Ambition - It conveys the idea of having a strong desire to achieve something. It can also be seen as a reminder to the child to strive for their goals and to never give up.

  • Determination - It conveys the idea of having a strong will and dedication to reach a certain goal. It can also be seen as a reminder to the child to stay focused and never give up.

  • Memory - It conveys the idea of having a strong ability to remember things. It can also be seen as a reminder to the child to always remember the important things in life.

  • Record - It conveys the idea of having a strong ability to record and document things. It can also be seen as a reminder to the child to always document their experiences and achievements.

  • Writing - It conveys the idea of having a strong ability to write and express oneself. It can also be seen as a reminder to the child to always express their thoughts and feelings.

岳史- Takeshi -

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means "mountain peak, tall mountain."

Name ideas examples

  • Peak - It symbolizes reaching the highest point in life and achieving success.

  • Mountain - It symbolizes strength, resilience, and determination.

  • High Mountain - It symbolizes ambition and the ability to overcome obstacles.

  • Grand Mountain - It symbolizes greatness and grandeur.

means "history, chronicle, annals."

  • Record Keeper - A record keeper is someone who is responsible for keeping records.

  • Writing - Writing is the act of recording information.

  • History Book - A history book is a book that records historical events.

Name ideas examples

  • Record - Record is a noun that means to keep a written or other record of something. It can be used to symbolize the importance of keeping records and remembering the past.

  • Writing - Writing is a noun that means the act of recording information. It can be used to symbolize the importance of communication and expressing oneself.

  • History - History is a noun that means the study of past events. It can be used to symbolize the importance of learning from the past.

武史- Takeshi -

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means "warrior, military, martial arts."

  • Strong And Fierce - Refers to strength and courage.

  • War - Refers to battle, warfare, and conflict.

  • Warrior - Refers to a strong person, a soldier, or a fighter.

  • Trace - Refers to the footprints of a predecessor or the legacy of a past endeavor.

  • To Succeed - Refers to taking up the mantle of a predecessor.

  • Unit Of Measurement - Refers to half the length of a step.

Name ideas examples

  • Strength - Refers to courage and fortitude.

  • Warrior - Refers to a strong and brave person.

  • Legacy - Refers to the passing down of a tradition or a family name.

means "history, chronicle, annals."

  • Record Keeper - A record keeper is someone who is responsible for keeping records.

  • Writing - Writing is the act of recording information.

  • History Book - A history book is a book that records historical events.

Name ideas examples

  • Record - Record is a noun that means to keep a written or other record of something. It can be used to symbolize the importance of keeping records and remembering the past.

  • Writing - Writing is a noun that means the act of recording information. It can be used to symbolize the importance of communication and expressing oneself.

  • History - History is a noun that means the study of past events. It can be used to symbolize the importance of learning from the past.

武嗣- Takeshi -

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means "warrior, military, martial arts."

  • Strong And Fierce - Refers to strength and courage.

  • War - Refers to battle, warfare, and conflict.

  • Warrior - Refers to a strong person, a soldier, or a fighter.

  • Trace - Refers to the footprints of a predecessor or the legacy of a past endeavor.

  • To Succeed - Refers to taking up the mantle of a predecessor.

  • Unit Of Measurement - Refers to half the length of a step.

Name ideas examples

  • Strength - Refers to courage and fortitude.

  • Warrior - Refers to a strong and brave person.

  • Legacy - Refers to the passing down of a tradition or a family name.

means "heir, succeed, inherit."

  • To Succeed - To take over and continue the legacy of a family or lineage.

  • To Inherit - To receive something from a predecessor, such as a title, property, or responsibility.

  • To Follow - To take up the mantle of a predecessor and continue their work.

  • To Preserve - To maintain the traditions and customs of a family or lineage.

  • To Continue - To keep the legacy of a family or lineage alive.

Name ideas examples

  • To Succeed - It implies that the child will be successful in life and will carry on the family legacy.

  • To Inherit - It implies that the child will inherit the family's traditions and values.

  • To Follow - It implies that the child will follow in the footsteps of their parents and ancestors.

  • To Continue - It implies that the child will continue the family's legacy and traditions.

  • To Preserve - It implies that the child will preserve the family's traditions and values.

武至- Takeshi -

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means "warrior, military, martial arts."

  • Strong And Fierce - Refers to strength and courage.

  • War - Refers to battle, warfare, and conflict.

  • Warrior - Refers to a strong person, a soldier, or a fighter.

  • Trace - Refers to the footprints of a predecessor or the legacy of a past endeavor.

  • To Succeed - Refers to taking up the mantle of a predecessor.

  • Unit Of Measurement - Refers to half the length of a step.

Name ideas examples

  • Strength - Refers to courage and fortitude.

  • Warrior - Refers to a strong and brave person.

  • Legacy - Refers to the passing down of a tradition or a family name.

means "to arrive at, to reach, to come to."

  • To Reach - To arrive at a destination or to fulfill a goal.

  • To Pass Through - To go from one place to another.

  • To Extend - To reach a certain point or level.

  • To Exceed - To go beyond a certain point or level.

  • To Be The Utmost - To be the highest or most extreme.

  • To Be Extremely - To be very or extremely.

  • Summer Solstice - The longest day of the year, usually occurring around June 21st.

  • Winter Solstice - The shortest day of the year, usually occurring around December 21st.

Name ideas examples

  • To Reach - It conveys the idea of reaching one's goals and aspirations in life.

  • To Arrive - It conveys the idea of arriving at one's destination in life.

  • To Cross - It conveys the idea of crossing boundaries and overcoming obstacles in life.

  • To Attain - It conveys the idea of achieving one's goals and ambitions in life.

  • To Reach The End - It conveys the idea of reaching the end of one's journey in life.

  • Unparalleled - It conveys the idea of being the best and achieving greatness in life.

  • Extremely - It conveys the idea of going above and beyond in life.

  • Exceptionally - It conveys the idea of being extraordinary and unique in life.

  • Very - It conveys the idea of being highly successful and accomplished in life.

  • Summer Solstice - It conveys the idea of the longest day of the year and the start of summer.

  • Winter Solstice - It conveys the idea of the shortest day of the year and the start of winter.

毅至- Takeshi -

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means "perseverance, fortitude, determination."

  • Strong - Having great strength or power.

  • Resolute - Having or showing firm determination.

  • Determined - Having made a firm decision and being resolved not to change it.

Name ideas examples

  • Strength - The quality or state of being strong, physical power or capacity.

  • Resilience - The capacity to recover quickly from difficulties, toughness.

  • Courage - The ability to do something that frightens one, bravery.

means "to arrive at, to reach, to come to."

  • To Reach - To arrive at a destination or to fulfill a goal.

  • To Pass Through - To go from one place to another.

  • To Extend - To reach a certain point or level.

  • To Exceed - To go beyond a certain point or level.

  • To Be The Utmost - To be the highest or most extreme.

  • To Be Extremely - To be very or extremely.

  • Summer Solstice - The longest day of the year, usually occurring around June 21st.

  • Winter Solstice - The shortest day of the year, usually occurring around December 21st.

Name ideas examples

  • To Reach - It conveys the idea of reaching one's goals and aspirations in life.

  • To Arrive - It conveys the idea of arriving at one's destination in life.

  • To Cross - It conveys the idea of crossing boundaries and overcoming obstacles in life.

  • To Attain - It conveys the idea of achieving one's goals and ambitions in life.

  • To Reach The End - It conveys the idea of reaching the end of one's journey in life.

  • Unparalleled - It conveys the idea of being the best and achieving greatness in life.

  • Extremely - It conveys the idea of going above and beyond in life.

  • Exceptionally - It conveys the idea of being extraordinary and unique in life.

  • Very - It conveys the idea of being highly successful and accomplished in life.

  • Summer Solstice - It conveys the idea of the longest day of the year and the start of summer.

  • Winter Solstice - It conveys the idea of the shortest day of the year and the start of winter.

猛史- Takeshi -

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means "fierce, violent, intense."

  • Fierce - Intensely strong or powerful.

  • Wild - Unrestrained and violent.

  • Intense - Extremely strong or powerful.

Name ideas examples

  • Brave - Showing courage and determination.

  • Daring - Willing to take risks and try new things.

  • Strong - Having great physical or mental power.

means "history, chronicle, annals."

  • Record Keeper - A record keeper is someone who is responsible for keeping records.

  • Writing - Writing is the act of recording information.

  • History Book - A history book is a book that records historical events.

Name ideas examples

  • Record - Record is a noun that means to keep a written or other record of something. It can be used to symbolize the importance of keeping records and remembering the past.

  • Writing - Writing is a noun that means the act of recording information. It can be used to symbolize the importance of communication and expressing oneself.

  • History - History is a noun that means the study of past events. It can be used to symbolize the importance of learning from the past.

猛志- Takeshi -

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means "fierce, violent, intense."

  • Fierce - Intensely strong or powerful.

  • Wild - Unrestrained and violent.

  • Intense - Extremely strong or powerful.

Name ideas examples

  • Brave - Showing courage and determination.

  • Daring - Willing to take risks and try new things.

  • Strong - Having great physical or mental power.

means "aspiration, ambition, goal."

  • Aspiration - To direct one's heart towards a certain goal or objective.

  • Resolution - A goal or objective determined in one's heart.

  • Record - To remember or recall.

  • Document - To record or document.

  • Writings - A record written down. A book.

  • Shima - An abbreviation of Shima.

Name ideas examples

  • Ambition - It conveys the idea of having a strong desire to achieve something. It can also be seen as a reminder to the child to strive for their goals and to never give up.

  • Determination - It conveys the idea of having a strong will and dedication to reach a certain goal. It can also be seen as a reminder to the child to stay focused and never give up.

  • Memory - It conveys the idea of having a strong ability to remember things. It can also be seen as a reminder to the child to always remember the important things in life.

  • Record - It conveys the idea of having a strong ability to record and document things. It can also be seen as a reminder to the child to always document their experiences and achievements.

  • Writing - It conveys the idea of having a strong ability to write and express oneself. It can also be seen as a reminder to the child to always express their thoughts and feelings.

猛鷲- Takeshi -

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means "fierce, violent, intense."

  • Fierce - Intensely strong or powerful.

  • Wild - Unrestrained and violent.

  • Intense - Extremely strong or powerful.

Name ideas examples

  • Brave - Showing courage and determination.

  • Daring - Willing to take risks and try new things.

  • Strong - Having great physical or mental power.

means "eagle."

  • Eagle - A bird of the hawk family.

Name ideas examples

  • Eagle - A large bird of prey belonging to the Accipitridae family.

  • Strength - Symbolizing strength, courage, and power.

  • Leadership - Representing leadership, ambition, and determination.

  • Freedom - Eagles are known for their ability to soar high and freely in the sky.

  • Wisdom - Eagles are known for their sharp vision and intelligence.

豪史- Takeshi -

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means "powerful, strong, great, magnificent."

  • Outstanding - Having superior ability or qualities compared to others. Strong, fierce, brave.

  • Leader - A person who leads or commands.

  • Wealthy - Having a lot of money or possessions. Rich, noble.

  • A Single Hair - Extremely small.

  • Coarse hair.

  • A type of wild animal.

  • Australia - Abbreviated as Australia.

Name ideas examples

  • Strong - This kanji implies strength and courage, and is a great choice for a baby who is born into a family with a long history of strength and courage.

  • Leader - This kanji implies leadership and the ability to lead others, and is a great choice for a baby who is born into a family with a long history of leadership and the ability to lead others.

  • Wealthy - This kanji implies wealth and power, and is a great choice for a baby who is born into a family with a long history of wealth and power.

  • Daring - This kanji implies daring and boldness, and is a great choice for a baby who is born into a family with a long history of daring and boldness.

  • Elegant - This kanji implies elegance and sophistication, and is a great choice for a baby who is born into a family with a long history of elegance and sophistication.

  • Rare - This kanji implies rarity and uniqueness, and is a great choice for a baby who is born into a family with a long history of rarity and uniqueness.

  • Wild - This kanji implies a sense of adventure and exploration, which are important qualities for a baby to have.

means "history, chronicle, annals."

  • Record Keeper - A record keeper is someone who is responsible for keeping records.

  • Writing - Writing is the act of recording information.

  • History Book - A history book is a book that records historical events.

Name ideas examples

  • Record - Record is a noun that means to keep a written or other record of something. It can be used to symbolize the importance of keeping records and remembering the past.

  • Writing - Writing is a noun that means the act of recording information. It can be used to symbolize the importance of communication and expressing oneself.

  • History - History is a noun that means the study of past events. It can be used to symbolize the importance of learning from the past.

雄士- Takeshi -

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means "male, masculine."

  • Male Animal - A male animal, usually referring to a dominant male in a species.

  • Male Plant - A male plant, usually referring to a plant with male reproductive organs.

  • Superior - To be better than others, to be superior in some way.

  • Outstanding Person - A person who is outstanding in some way, usually referring to someone who is highly skilled or talented.

  • Strong - To be powerful, brave, and forceful.

  • Prosperous - To be full of energy and vigor.

Name ideas examples

  • Superior - To give the baby a name that implies they are better than others, to be superior in some way.

  • Outstanding Person - To give the baby a name that implies they are outstanding in some way, usually referring to someone who is highly skilled or talented.

  • Strong - To give the baby a name that implies they are powerful, brave, and forceful.

  • Prosperous - To give the baby a name that implies they are full of energy and vigor.

means "samurai, warrior, gentleman."

  • Adult Male - Refers to an adult male.

  • Official - Refers to a mid-level official or an official in charge of a court.

  • Duty - Refers to performing duties or serving in an official capacity.

  • Scholar - Refers to a person with excellent knowledge and learning.

  • Gentleman - Refers to a respectable man. It is also a term of endearment for men.

  • Samurai - Refers to a warrior.

  • Qualified Person - Refers to a person with certain qualifications or skills.

Name ideas examples

  • A Man Of Knowledge And Wisdom - It implies that the child will grow up to be a person of great intelligence and understanding.

  • A Man Of Honor - It implies that the child will grow up to be a person of great integrity and respect.

  • A Man Of Distinction - It implies that the child will grow up to be a person of great accomplishment and success.

  • A Man Of Courage - It implies that the child will grow up to be a person of great bravery and strength.

  • A Man Of Virtue - It implies that the child will grow up to be a person of great morality and righteousness.

  • A Man Of Justice - It implies that the child will grow up to be a person of great fairness and justice.

  • A Man Of Loyalty - It implies that the child will grow up to be a person of great loyalty and dedication.

- Takeshi -

Add to First Names Favorites Share孟 - Takeshi - Copy 孟

means "first month of the season, eldest brother."

  • The eldest of brothers in terms of age. This is usually expressed as "孟・仲・季" from the oldest to the youngest.

  • The beginning of a season or era. This is usually referring to the first month of each of the four seasons (spring, summer, autumn, and winter).

  • To strive or make an effort.

  • To be brave or courageous.

  • An Abbreviation Of "Mencious" - 孟子 in Japanese.

Name ideas examples

  • Beginning - This kanji implies a sense of new beginnings and fresh starts, as it is associated with the start of a season or era. It is a suitable name for a baby as it symbolizes a new beginning for the family.

  • Effort - This kanji implies a sense of hard work and dedication, as it is associated with putting in effort. It is a suitable name for a baby as it symbolizes the parents’ commitment to raising the child with hard work and dedication.

  • Brave - This kanji implies a sense of courage and strength, as it is associated with being big and brave. It is a suitable name for a baby as it symbolizes the parents’ wish for the child to be strong and courageous.

  • Abbreviation Of "Mencious" - This kanji implies a sense of wisdom and knowledge, as it is associated with the abbreviation of “Mouzi”. It is a suitable name for a baby as it symbolizes the parents’ wish for the child to be wise and knowledgeable.

剛史- Takeshi -

Add to First Names Favorites Share剛史 - Takeshi - Copy 剛史

means "strong, sturdy, tough."

  • Strong - Having great physical or mental strength.

  • Firm - Having a solid, almost unyielding structure or consistency.

  • Sturdy - Strong and durable.

  • Resolute - Having a strong determination and a firm purpose.

  • Fierce - Having a violent or aggressive nature.

  • Precise - Exact and accurate.

  • Immediate - Happening or done without delay.

Name ideas examples

  • Strong - Having great physical or mental strength, suggesting a baby who will be resilient and brave.

  • Firm - Having a solid, almost unyielding structure or consistency, suggesting a baby who will be reliable and dependable.

  • Sturdy - Strong and durable, suggesting a baby who will be reliable and hardworking.

  • Resolute - Having a strong determination and a firm purpose, suggesting a baby who will be determined and persistent.

  • Precise - Exact and accurate, suggesting a baby who will be meticulous and detail-oriented.

means "history, chronicle, annals."

  • Record Keeper - A record keeper is someone who is responsible for keeping records.

  • Writing - Writing is the act of recording information.

  • History Book - A history book is a book that records historical events.

Name ideas examples

  • Record - Record is a noun that means to keep a written or other record of something. It can be used to symbolize the importance of keeping records and remembering the past.

  • Writing - Writing is a noun that means the act of recording information. It can be used to symbolize the importance of communication and expressing oneself.

  • History - History is a noun that means the study of past events. It can be used to symbolize the importance of learning from the past.

武司- Takeshi -

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means "warrior, military, martial arts."

  • Strong And Fierce - Refers to strength and courage.

  • War - Refers to battle, warfare, and conflict.

  • Warrior - Refers to a strong person, a soldier, or a fighter.

  • Trace - Refers to the footprints of a predecessor or the legacy of a past endeavor.

  • To Succeed - Refers to taking up the mantle of a predecessor.

  • Unit Of Measurement - Refers to half the length of a step.

Name ideas examples

  • Strength - Refers to courage and fortitude.

  • Warrior - Refers to a strong and brave person.

  • Legacy - Refers to the passing down of a tradition or a family name.

means "administer, manage, control."

  • To Serve In An Official Capacity - This refers to someone who is responsible for a certain role or task.

  • To Manage Or Oversee - This refers to taking charge of a certain task or responsibility.

  • To Inquire - This refers to investigating a situation or gathering information.

Name ideas examples

  • To Rule - This meaning implies that the baby will be a leader and have the ability to take charge and make decisions.

  • To Manage - This meaning implies that the baby will be responsible and have the ability to take care of things and make sure everything is running smoothly.

  • To Govern - This meaning implies that the baby will be a responsible and wise leader who can make decisions and guide others.

  • To Supervise - This meaning implies that the baby will be a responsible and reliable leader who can oversee and manage tasks.

  • To Inquire - This meaning implies that the baby will be curious and have the ability to ask questions and seek out information.

- Takeshi -

Add to First Names Favorites Share洸 - Takeshi - Copy 洸

means "sparkling water, glittering water."

  • Expansive Water - A state of water that is wide and deep.

  • Brave - A state of courage and boldness.

  • Grand - A state of grandeur and dignity.

  • Subtle - A state of being faint and indistinct.

Name ideas examples

  • Expansive - Symbolizing a wide and deep life journey.

  • Brave - Symbolizing courage and boldness in life.

  • Grand - Symbolizing grandeur and dignity in life.

  • Subtle - Symbolizing a life of subtlety and delicacy.

- Takeshi -

Add to First Names Favorites Share英 - Takeshi - Copy 英

means "superior, england."

  • ExcellenceBeauty, Excellence - Refers to a person who is excellent, beautiful, or outstanding.

  • Honor, Glory - Refers to honor or glory.

  • Sprout, Growth - Refers to the sprouting or growth of something.

  • Abbreviation of the Country Name "England" (英吉利)

Name ideas examples

丈史- Takeshi -

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means "height, length, stature."

  • Length - A unit of length in Japan, approximately 303 centimeters.

  • Measurement - To measure something, such as land.

  • Respect - A term used to show respect for elderly people or elders.

  • Honorific - A title used for kabuki actors.

  • Particle - Used to represent the particles "take" and "dake".

Name ideas examples

  • Length - To symbolize the length of the baby's life and the hope for a long and prosperous life.

  • Measurement - To represent the parents' desire to measure and appreciate the baby's growth and development.

  • Respect - To show respect for the baby and to honor their life.

  • Honorific - To give the baby a title of honor and respect.

means "history, chronicle, annals."

  • Record Keeper - A record keeper is someone who is responsible for keeping records.

  • Writing - Writing is the act of recording information.

  • History Book - A history book is a book that records historical events.

Name ideas examples

  • Record - Record is a noun that means to keep a written or other record of something. It can be used to symbolize the importance of keeping records and remembering the past.

  • Writing - Writing is a noun that means the act of recording information. It can be used to symbolize the importance of communication and expressing oneself.

  • History - History is a noun that means the study of past events. It can be used to symbolize the importance of learning from the past.

丈士- Takeshi -

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means "height, length, stature."

  • Length - A unit of length in Japan, approximately 303 centimeters.

  • Measurement - To measure something, such as land.

  • Respect - A term used to show respect for elderly people or elders.

  • Honorific - A title used for kabuki actors.

  • Particle - Used to represent the particles "take" and "dake".

Name ideas examples

  • Length - To symbolize the length of the baby's life and the hope for a long and prosperous life.

  • Measurement - To represent the parents' desire to measure and appreciate the baby's growth and development.

  • Respect - To show respect for the baby and to honor their life.

  • Honorific - To give the baby a title of honor and respect.

means "samurai, warrior, gentleman."

  • Adult Male - Refers to an adult male.

  • Official - Refers to a mid-level official or an official in charge of a court.

  • Duty - Refers to performing duties or serving in an official capacity.

  • Scholar - Refers to a person with excellent knowledge and learning.

  • Gentleman - Refers to a respectable man. It is also a term of endearment for men.

  • Samurai - Refers to a warrior.

  • Qualified Person - Refers to a person with certain qualifications or skills.

Name ideas examples

  • A Man Of Knowledge And Wisdom - It implies that the child will grow up to be a person of great intelligence and understanding.

  • A Man Of Honor - It implies that the child will grow up to be a person of great integrity and respect.

  • A Man Of Distinction - It implies that the child will grow up to be a person of great accomplishment and success.

  • A Man Of Courage - It implies that the child will grow up to be a person of great bravery and strength.

  • A Man Of Virtue - It implies that the child will grow up to be a person of great morality and righteousness.

  • A Man Of Justice - It implies that the child will grow up to be a person of great fairness and justice.

  • A Man Of Loyalty - It implies that the child will grow up to be a person of great loyalty and dedication.

丈志- Takeshi -

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means "height, length, stature."

  • Length - A unit of length in Japan, approximately 303 centimeters.

  • Measurement - To measure something, such as land.

  • Respect - A term used to show respect for elderly people or elders.

  • Honorific - A title used for kabuki actors.

  • Particle - Used to represent the particles "take" and "dake".

Name ideas examples

  • Length - To symbolize the length of the baby's life and the hope for a long and prosperous life.

  • Measurement - To represent the parents' desire to measure and appreciate the baby's growth and development.

  • Respect - To show respect for the baby and to honor their life.

  • Honorific - To give the baby a title of honor and respect.

means "aspiration, ambition, goal."

  • Aspiration - To direct one's heart towards a certain goal or objective.

  • Resolution - A goal or objective determined in one's heart.

  • Record - To remember or recall.

  • Document - To record or document.

  • Writings - A record written down. A book.

  • Shima - An abbreviation of Shima.

Name ideas examples

  • Ambition - It conveys the idea of having a strong desire to achieve something. It can also be seen as a reminder to the child to strive for their goals and to never give up.

  • Determination - It conveys the idea of having a strong will and dedication to reach a certain goal. It can also be seen as a reminder to the child to stay focused and never give up.

  • Memory - It conveys the idea of having a strong ability to remember things. It can also be seen as a reminder to the child to always remember the important things in life.

  • Record - It conveys the idea of having a strong ability to record and document things. It can also be seen as a reminder to the child to always document their experiences and achievements.

  • Writing - It conveys the idea of having a strong ability to write and express oneself. It can also be seen as a reminder to the child to always express their thoughts and feelings.

剛司- Takeshi -

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means "strong, sturdy, tough."

  • Strong - Having great physical or mental strength.

  • Firm - Having a solid, almost unyielding structure or consistency.

  • Sturdy - Strong and durable.

  • Resolute - Having a strong determination and a firm purpose.

  • Fierce - Having a violent or aggressive nature.

  • Precise - Exact and accurate.

  • Immediate - Happening or done without delay.

Name ideas examples

  • Strong - Having great physical or mental strength, suggesting a baby who will be resilient and brave.

  • Firm - Having a solid, almost unyielding structure or consistency, suggesting a baby who will be reliable and dependable.

  • Sturdy - Strong and durable, suggesting a baby who will be reliable and hardworking.

  • Resolute - Having a strong determination and a firm purpose, suggesting a baby who will be determined and persistent.

  • Precise - Exact and accurate, suggesting a baby who will be meticulous and detail-oriented.

means "administer, manage, control."

  • To Serve In An Official Capacity - This refers to someone who is responsible for a certain role or task.

  • To Manage Or Oversee - This refers to taking charge of a certain task or responsibility.

  • To Inquire - This refers to investigating a situation or gathering information.

Name ideas examples

  • To Rule - This meaning implies that the baby will be a leader and have the ability to take charge and make decisions.

  • To Manage - This meaning implies that the baby will be responsible and have the ability to take care of things and make sure everything is running smoothly.

  • To Govern - This meaning implies that the baby will be a responsible and wise leader who can make decisions and guide others.

  • To Supervise - This meaning implies that the baby will be a responsible and reliable leader who can oversee and manage tasks.

  • To Inquire - This meaning implies that the baby will be curious and have the ability to ask questions and seek out information.

孟司- Takeshi -

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means "first month of the season, eldest brother."

  • The eldest of brothers in terms of age. This is usually expressed as "孟・仲・季" from the oldest to the youngest.

  • The beginning of a season or era. This is usually referring to the first month of each of the four seasons (spring, summer, autumn, and winter).

  • To strive or make an effort.

  • To be brave or courageous.

  • An Abbreviation Of "Mencious" - 孟子 in Japanese.

Name ideas examples

  • Beginning - This kanji implies a sense of new beginnings and fresh starts, as it is associated with the start of a season or era. It is a suitable name for a baby as it symbolizes a new beginning for the family.

  • Effort - This kanji implies a sense of hard work and dedication, as it is associated with putting in effort. It is a suitable name for a baby as it symbolizes the parents’ commitment to raising the child with hard work and dedication.

  • Brave - This kanji implies a sense of courage and strength, as it is associated with being big and brave. It is a suitable name for a baby as it symbolizes the parents’ wish for the child to be strong and courageous.

  • Abbreviation Of "Mencious" - This kanji implies a sense of wisdom and knowledge, as it is associated with the abbreviation of “Mouzi”. It is a suitable name for a baby as it symbolizes the parents’ wish for the child to be wise and knowledgeable.

means "administer, manage, control."

  • To Serve In An Official Capacity - This refers to someone who is responsible for a certain role or task.

  • To Manage Or Oversee - This refers to taking charge of a certain task or responsibility.

  • To Inquire - This refers to investigating a situation or gathering information.

Name ideas examples

  • To Rule - This meaning implies that the baby will be a leader and have the ability to take charge and make decisions.

  • To Manage - This meaning implies that the baby will be responsible and have the ability to take care of things and make sure everything is running smoothly.

  • To Govern - This meaning implies that the baby will be a responsible and wise leader who can make decisions and guide others.

  • To Supervise - This meaning implies that the baby will be a responsible and reliable leader who can oversee and manage tasks.

  • To Inquire - This meaning implies that the baby will be curious and have the ability to ask questions and seek out information.

孟志- Takeshi -

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means "first month of the season, eldest brother."

  • The eldest of brothers in terms of age. This is usually expressed as "孟・仲・季" from the oldest to the youngest.

  • The beginning of a season or era. This is usually referring to the first month of each of the four seasons (spring, summer, autumn, and winter).

  • To strive or make an effort.

  • To be brave or courageous.

  • An Abbreviation Of "Mencious" - 孟子 in Japanese.

Name ideas examples

  • Beginning - This kanji implies a sense of new beginnings and fresh starts, as it is associated with the start of a season or era. It is a suitable name for a baby as it symbolizes a new beginning for the family.

  • Effort - This kanji implies a sense of hard work and dedication, as it is associated with putting in effort. It is a suitable name for a baby as it symbolizes the parents’ commitment to raising the child with hard work and dedication.

  • Brave - This kanji implies a sense of courage and strength, as it is associated with being big and brave. It is a suitable name for a baby as it symbolizes the parents’ wish for the child to be strong and courageous.

  • Abbreviation Of "Mencious" - This kanji implies a sense of wisdom and knowledge, as it is associated with the abbreviation of “Mouzi”. It is a suitable name for a baby as it symbolizes the parents’ wish for the child to be wise and knowledgeable.

means "aspiration, ambition, goal."

  • Aspiration - To direct one's heart towards a certain goal or objective.

  • Resolution - A goal or objective determined in one's heart.

  • Record - To remember or recall.

  • Document - To record or document.

  • Writings - A record written down. A book.

  • Shima - An abbreviation of Shima.

Name ideas examples

  • Ambition - It conveys the idea of having a strong desire to achieve something. It can also be seen as a reminder to the child to strive for their goals and to never give up.

  • Determination - It conveys the idea of having a strong will and dedication to reach a certain goal. It can also be seen as a reminder to the child to stay focused and never give up.

  • Memory - It conveys the idea of having a strong ability to remember things. It can also be seen as a reminder to the child to always remember the important things in life.

  • Record - It conveys the idea of having a strong ability to record and document things. It can also be seen as a reminder to the child to always document their experiences and achievements.

  • Writing - It conveys the idea of having a strong ability to write and express oneself. It can also be seen as a reminder to the child to always express their thoughts and feelings.

雄志- Takeshi -

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means "male, masculine."

  • Male Animal - A male animal, usually referring to a dominant male in a species.

  • Male Plant - A male plant, usually referring to a plant with male reproductive organs.

  • Superior - To be better than others, to be superior in some way.

  • Outstanding Person - A person who is outstanding in some way, usually referring to someone who is highly skilled or talented.

  • Strong - To be powerful, brave, and forceful.

  • Prosperous - To be full of energy and vigor.

Name ideas examples

  • Superior - To give the baby a name that implies they are better than others, to be superior in some way.

  • Outstanding Person - To give the baby a name that implies they are outstanding in some way, usually referring to someone who is highly skilled or talented.

  • Strong - To give the baby a name that implies they are powerful, brave, and forceful.

  • Prosperous - To give the baby a name that implies they are full of energy and vigor.

means "aspiration, ambition, goal."

  • Aspiration - To direct one's heart towards a certain goal or objective.

  • Resolution - A goal or objective determined in one's heart.

  • Record - To remember or recall.

  • Document - To record or document.

  • Writings - A record written down. A book.

  • Shima - An abbreviation of Shima.

Name ideas examples

  • Ambition - It conveys the idea of having a strong desire to achieve something. It can also be seen as a reminder to the child to strive for their goals and to never give up.

  • Determination - It conveys the idea of having a strong will and dedication to reach a certain goal. It can also be seen as a reminder to the child to stay focused and never give up.

  • Memory - It conveys the idea of having a strong ability to remember things. It can also be seen as a reminder to the child to always remember the important things in life.

  • Record - It conveys the idea of having a strong ability to record and document things. It can also be seen as a reminder to the child to always document their experiences and achievements.

  • Writing - It conveys the idea of having a strong ability to write and express oneself. It can also be seen as a reminder to the child to always express their thoughts and feelings.

多佳士- Takeshi -

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means "many, numerous, much."

Name ideas examples

  • Abundant - Symbolizing a life of abundance and prosperity.

  • Praise - Representing a life of honor and respect.

  • Gratitude - Signifying a life of thankfulness and appreciation.

  • Truly - Representing a life of truth and sincerity.

means "excellent, beautiful, good."

Name ideas examples

  • Good - Conveying a sense of being kind, generous, and honorable.

  • Beautiful - Conveying a sense of being attractive, graceful, and elegant.

  • Splendid - Conveying a sense of being grand, impressive, and admirable.

  • Excellent - Conveying a sense of being outstanding, remarkable, and admirable.

  • Wonderful - Conveying a sense of being extraordinary, marvelous, and remarkable.

means "samurai, warrior, gentleman."

  • Adult Male - Refers to an adult male.

  • Official - Refers to a mid-level official or an official in charge of a court.

  • Duty - Refers to performing duties or serving in an official capacity.

  • Scholar - Refers to a person with excellent knowledge and learning.

  • Gentleman - Refers to a respectable man. It is also a term of endearment for men.

  • Samurai - Refers to a warrior.

  • Qualified Person - Refers to a person with certain qualifications or skills.

Name ideas examples

  • A Man Of Knowledge And Wisdom - It implies that the child will grow up to be a person of great intelligence and understanding.

  • A Man Of Honor - It implies that the child will grow up to be a person of great integrity and respect.

  • A Man Of Distinction - It implies that the child will grow up to be a person of great accomplishment and success.

  • A Man Of Courage - It implies that the child will grow up to be a person of great bravery and strength.

  • A Man Of Virtue - It implies that the child will grow up to be a person of great morality and righteousness.

  • A Man Of Justice - It implies that the child will grow up to be a person of great fairness and justice.

  • A Man Of Loyalty - It implies that the child will grow up to be a person of great loyalty and dedication.

- Takeshi -

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means "build, construct."

  • To Build - To construct a building or structure.

  • To Establish - To set up or create something.

  • To Initiate - To start or begin something.

  • To State - To express an opinion or make a claim.

Name ideas examples

  • Establish - To set up or create something, such as a building or a system. This could be a suitable name for a baby, as it implies a sense of strength and stability.

  • Begin - To start something, such as a journey or a project. This could be a suitable name for a baby, as it implies a sense of optimism and ambition.

  • Construct - To build something, such as a structure or a system. This could be a suitable name for a baby, as it implies a sense of creativity and resourcefulness.

  • Proclaim - To declare something, such as an opinion or a belief. This could be a suitable name for a baby, as it implies a sense of courage and conviction.

- Takeshi -

Add to First Names Favorites Share丈 - Takeshi - Copy 丈

means "height, length, stature."

  • Length - A unit of length in Japan, approximately 303 centimeters.

  • Measurement - To measure something, such as land.

  • Respect - A term used to show respect for elderly people or elders.

  • Honorific - A title used for kabuki actors.

  • Particle - Used to represent the particles "take" and "dake".

Name ideas examples

  • Length - To symbolize the length of the baby's life and the hope for a long and prosperous life.

  • Measurement - To represent the parents' desire to measure and appreciate the baby's growth and development.

  • Respect - To show respect for the baby and to honor their life.

  • Honorific - To give the baby a title of honor and respect.

- Takeshi -

Add to First Names Favorites Share乾 - Takeshi - Copy 乾

means "dry, parched, arid."

  • To dry, to dehydrate, to lose moisture.

  • On the surface, on the upper side.

  • A symbol of a ruler, male, or other authority figure.

  • Strong, robust, vigorous.

  • The northwest direction.

Name ideas examples

  • Strong - It conveys a sense of strength and resilience.

  • Healthy - It conveys a sense of health and vitality.

  • Northwest - It conveys a sense of direction and orientation.

  • Dry - It conveys a sense of stability and permanence.

  • Symbol Of A Leader - It conveys a sense of power and authority.

- Takeshi -

Add to First Names Favorites Share竹 - Takeshi - Copy 竹

means "bamboo."

  • Bamboo - A perennial grass plant of the rice family.

  • Musical Instrument - A wind instrument made of bamboo.

  • One Of The Eight Sounds - One of the eight sounds (gold, stone, thread, bamboo, pottery, earth, leather, and wood).

  • Bamboo Tag - A tag made of bamboo.

  • Book - A written work.

Name ideas examples

  • Bamboo - A symbol of strength, resilience, and flexibility.

  • Musical Instrument - A symbol of creativity and joy.

  • One Of The Eight Sounds - A symbol of harmony and balance.

  • Bamboo Tag - A symbol of luck and protection.

  • Book - A symbol of knowledge and wisdom.

丈司- Takeshi -

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means "height, length, stature."

  • Length - A unit of length in Japan, approximately 303 centimeters.

  • Measurement - To measure something, such as land.

  • Respect - A term used to show respect for elderly people or elders.

  • Honorific - A title used for kabuki actors.

  • Particle - Used to represent the particles "take" and "dake".

Name ideas examples

  • Length - To symbolize the length of the baby's life and the hope for a long and prosperous life.

  • Measurement - To represent the parents' desire to measure and appreciate the baby's growth and development.

  • Respect - To show respect for the baby and to honor their life.

  • Honorific - To give the baby a title of honor and respect.

means "administer, manage, control."

  • To Serve In An Official Capacity - This refers to someone who is responsible for a certain role or task.

  • To Manage Or Oversee - This refers to taking charge of a certain task or responsibility.

  • To Inquire - This refers to investigating a situation or gathering information.

Name ideas examples

  • To Rule - This meaning implies that the baby will be a leader and have the ability to take charge and make decisions.

  • To Manage - This meaning implies that the baby will be responsible and have the ability to take care of things and make sure everything is running smoothly.

  • To Govern - This meaning implies that the baby will be a responsible and wise leader who can make decisions and guide others.

  • To Supervise - This meaning implies that the baby will be a responsible and reliable leader who can oversee and manage tasks.

  • To Inquire - This meaning implies that the baby will be curious and have the ability to ask questions and seek out information.

丈嗣- Takeshi -

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means "height, length, stature."

  • Length - A unit of length in Japan, approximately 303 centimeters.

  • Measurement - To measure something, such as land.

  • Respect - A term used to show respect for elderly people or elders.

  • Honorific - A title used for kabuki actors.

  • Particle - Used to represent the particles "take" and "dake".

Name ideas examples

  • Length - To symbolize the length of the baby's life and the hope for a long and prosperous life.

  • Measurement - To represent the parents' desire to measure and appreciate the baby's growth and development.

  • Respect - To show respect for the baby and to honor their life.

  • Honorific - To give the baby a title of honor and respect.

means "heir, succeed, inherit."

  • To Succeed - To take over and continue the legacy of a family or lineage.

  • To Inherit - To receive something from a predecessor, such as a title, property, or responsibility.

  • To Follow - To take up the mantle of a predecessor and continue their work.

  • To Preserve - To maintain the traditions and customs of a family or lineage.

  • To Continue - To keep the legacy of a family or lineage alive.

Name ideas examples

  • To Succeed - It implies that the child will be successful in life and will carry on the family legacy.

  • To Inherit - It implies that the child will inherit the family's traditions and values.

  • To Follow - It implies that the child will follow in the footsteps of their parents and ancestors.

  • To Continue - It implies that the child will continue the family's legacy and traditions.

  • To Preserve - It implies that the child will preserve the family's traditions and values.

丈至- Takeshi -

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means "height, length, stature."

  • Length - A unit of length in Japan, approximately 303 centimeters.

  • Measurement - To measure something, such as land.

  • Respect - A term used to show respect for elderly people or elders.

  • Honorific - A title used for kabuki actors.

  • Particle - Used to represent the particles "take" and "dake".

Name ideas examples

  • Length - To symbolize the length of the baby's life and the hope for a long and prosperous life.

  • Measurement - To represent the parents' desire to measure and appreciate the baby's growth and development.

  • Respect - To show respect for the baby and to honor their life.

  • Honorific - To give the baby a title of honor and respect.

means "to arrive at, to reach, to come to."

  • To Reach - To arrive at a destination or to fulfill a goal.

  • To Pass Through - To go from one place to another.

  • To Extend - To reach a certain point or level.

  • To Exceed - To go beyond a certain point or level.

  • To Be The Utmost - To be the highest or most extreme.

  • To Be Extremely - To be very or extremely.

  • Summer Solstice - The longest day of the year, usually occurring around June 21st.

  • Winter Solstice - The shortest day of the year, usually occurring around December 21st.

Name ideas examples

  • To Reach - It conveys the idea of reaching one's goals and aspirations in life.

  • To Arrive - It conveys the idea of arriving at one's destination in life.

  • To Cross - It conveys the idea of crossing boundaries and overcoming obstacles in life.

  • To Attain - It conveys the idea of achieving one's goals and ambitions in life.

  • To Reach The End - It conveys the idea of reaching the end of one's journey in life.

  • Unparalleled - It conveys the idea of being the best and achieving greatness in life.

  • Extremely - It conveys the idea of going above and beyond in life.

  • Exceptionally - It conveys the idea of being extraordinary and unique in life.

  • Very - It conveys the idea of being highly successful and accomplished in life.

  • Summer Solstice - It conveys the idea of the longest day of the year and the start of summer.

  • Winter Solstice - It conveys the idea of the shortest day of the year and the start of winter.

健之- Takeshi -

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means "healthy, strong, robust."

  • Healthy - Physically strong and robust.

  • Powerful - Having great strength and power.

  • Long Lasting - Having the ability to last for a long time.

Name ideas examples

  • Healthy - This kanji that conveys physical strength and robustness.

  • Powerful - This kanji that conveys great strength and power.

  • Long Lasting - This kanji that conveys the ability to last for a long time.

means "of, this, that."

  • This, That, These, Those - Used to refer to people, things, or events.

  • To Go, To Reach - Used to indicate that something has arrived or is going somewhere.

  • Of - Read as “no(の)” and used to indicate the subject of a sentence.

Name ideas examples

  • This, That, These, Those - Used to indicate that the baby is special and unique.

  • To Go, To Reach - Used to indicate that the baby will have a bright future and will reach great heights.

  • Of - Used to indicate that the baby is part of a larger family or group.

健也- Takeshi -

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means "healthy, strong, robust."

  • Healthy - Physically strong and robust.

  • Powerful - Having great strength and power.

  • Long Lasting - Having the ability to last for a long time.

Name ideas examples

  • Healthy - This kanji that conveys physical strength and robustness.

  • Powerful - This kanji that conveys great strength and power.

  • Long Lasting - This kanji that conveys the ability to last for a long time.

means "also, too, likewise."

  • Read as "nari", meaning "to be".

  • Read as "ya", meaning "will it be?" or "will it be so?"

  • Read as "ya", meaning "is it?", "is it so?", or "is that so?"

  • Read as "yo", meaning an exclamation.

Name ideas examples

  • "Will It Be?" Or "Will It Be So?" - This could be used to express hope for a bright future for the baby.

  • "Is It?", "Is It So?", Or "Is That So?" - This could be used to express the joy of having a new baby in the family.

  • "Yo" - This could be used to express the excitement of having a new baby in the family.

健視- Takeshi -

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means "healthy, strong, robust."

  • Healthy - Physically strong and robust.

  • Powerful - Having great strength and power.

  • Long Lasting - Having the ability to last for a long time.

Name ideas examples

  • Healthy - This kanji that conveys physical strength and robustness.

  • Powerful - This kanji that conveys great strength and power.

  • Long Lasting - This kanji that conveys the ability to last for a long time.

means "to look."

  • To Look At - To pay attention and look carefully.

  • To Watch - To take care of.

  • To Observe - To be in charge of work.

  • To Compare - To compare and contrast.

Name ideas examples

  • To Watch, To Pay Attention And Observe Carefully - It implies that the child will be watched over and protected.

  • To Take Care Of, To Look After - It implies that the child will be taken care of and looked after.

  • To Oversee, To Be In Charge Of - It implies that the child will be responsible and have a sense of purpose.

  • To Compare, To Measure Up - It implies that the child will strive to reach their potential and be the best they can be."

剛之- Takeshi -

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means "strong, sturdy, tough."

  • Strong - Having great physical or mental strength.

  • Firm - Having a solid, almost unyielding structure or consistency.

  • Sturdy - Strong and durable.

  • Resolute - Having a strong determination and a firm purpose.

  • Fierce - Having a violent or aggressive nature.

  • Precise - Exact and accurate.

  • Immediate - Happening or done without delay.

Name ideas examples

  • Strong - Having great physical or mental strength, suggesting a baby who will be resilient and brave.

  • Firm - Having a solid, almost unyielding structure or consistency, suggesting a baby who will be reliable and dependable.

  • Sturdy - Strong and durable, suggesting a baby who will be reliable and hardworking.

  • Resolute - Having a strong determination and a firm purpose, suggesting a baby who will be determined and persistent.

  • Precise - Exact and accurate, suggesting a baby who will be meticulous and detail-oriented.

means "of, this, that."

  • This, That, These, Those - Used to refer to people, things, or events.

  • To Go, To Reach - Used to indicate that something has arrived or is going somewhere.

  • Of - Read as “no(の)” and used to indicate the subject of a sentence.

Name ideas examples

  • This, That, These, Those - Used to indicate that the baby is special and unique.

  • To Go, To Reach - Used to indicate that the baby will have a bright future and will reach great heights.

  • Of - Used to indicate that the baby is part of a larger family or group.

剛至- Takeshi -

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means "strong, sturdy, tough."

  • Strong - Having great physical or mental strength.

  • Firm - Having a solid, almost unyielding structure or consistency.

  • Sturdy - Strong and durable.

  • Resolute - Having a strong determination and a firm purpose.

  • Fierce - Having a violent or aggressive nature.

  • Precise - Exact and accurate.

  • Immediate - Happening or done without delay.

Name ideas examples

  • Strong - Having great physical or mental strength, suggesting a baby who will be resilient and brave.

  • Firm - Having a solid, almost unyielding structure or consistency, suggesting a baby who will be reliable and dependable.

  • Sturdy - Strong and durable, suggesting a baby who will be reliable and hardworking.

  • Resolute - Having a strong determination and a firm purpose, suggesting a baby who will be determined and persistent.

  • Precise - Exact and accurate, suggesting a baby who will be meticulous and detail-oriented.

means "to arrive at, to reach, to come to."

  • To Reach - To arrive at a destination or to fulfill a goal.

  • To Pass Through - To go from one place to another.

  • To Extend - To reach a certain point or level.

  • To Exceed - To go beyond a certain point or level.

  • To Be The Utmost - To be the highest or most extreme.

  • To Be Extremely - To be very or extremely.

  • Summer Solstice - The longest day of the year, usually occurring around June 21st.

  • Winter Solstice - The shortest day of the year, usually occurring around December 21st.

Name ideas examples

  • To Reach - It conveys the idea of reaching one's goals and aspirations in life.

  • To Arrive - It conveys the idea of arriving at one's destination in life.

  • To Cross - It conveys the idea of crossing boundaries and overcoming obstacles in life.

  • To Attain - It conveys the idea of achieving one's goals and ambitions in life.

  • To Reach The End - It conveys the idea of reaching the end of one's journey in life.

  • Unparalleled - It conveys the idea of being the best and achieving greatness in life.

  • Extremely - It conveys the idea of going above and beyond in life.

  • Exceptionally - It conveys the idea of being extraordinary and unique in life.

  • Very - It conveys the idea of being highly successful and accomplished in life.

  • Summer Solstice - It conveys the idea of the longest day of the year and the start of summer.

  • Winter Solstice - It conveys the idea of the shortest day of the year and the start of winter.

孟史- Takeshi -

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means "first month of the season, eldest brother."

  • The eldest of brothers in terms of age. This is usually expressed as "孟・仲・季" from the oldest to the youngest.

  • The beginning of a season or era. This is usually referring to the first month of each of the four seasons (spring, summer, autumn, and winter).

  • To strive or make an effort.

  • To be brave or courageous.

  • An Abbreviation Of "Mencious" - 孟子 in Japanese.

Name ideas examples

  • Beginning - This kanji implies a sense of new beginnings and fresh starts, as it is associated with the start of a season or era. It is a suitable name for a baby as it symbolizes a new beginning for the family.

  • Effort - This kanji implies a sense of hard work and dedication, as it is associated with putting in effort. It is a suitable name for a baby as it symbolizes the parents’ commitment to raising the child with hard work and dedication.

  • Brave - This kanji implies a sense of courage and strength, as it is associated with being big and brave. It is a suitable name for a baby as it symbolizes the parents’ wish for the child to be strong and courageous.

  • Abbreviation Of "Mencious" - This kanji implies a sense of wisdom and knowledge, as it is associated with the abbreviation of “Mouzi”. It is a suitable name for a baby as it symbolizes the parents’ wish for the child to be wise and knowledgeable.

means "history, chronicle, annals."

  • Record Keeper - A record keeper is someone who is responsible for keeping records.

  • Writing - Writing is the act of recording information.

  • History Book - A history book is a book that records historical events.

Name ideas examples

  • Record - Record is a noun that means to keep a written or other record of something. It can be used to symbolize the importance of keeping records and remembering the past.

  • Writing - Writing is a noun that means the act of recording information. It can be used to symbolize the importance of communication and expressing oneself.

  • History - History is a noun that means the study of past events. It can be used to symbolize the importance of learning from the past.

岳司- Takeshi -

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means "mountain peak, tall mountain."

Name ideas examples

  • Peak - It symbolizes reaching the highest point in life and achieving success.

  • Mountain - It symbolizes strength, resilience, and determination.

  • High Mountain - It symbolizes ambition and the ability to overcome obstacles.

  • Grand Mountain - It symbolizes greatness and grandeur.

means "administer, manage, control."

  • To Serve In An Official Capacity - This refers to someone who is responsible for a certain role or task.

  • To Manage Or Oversee - This refers to taking charge of a certain task or responsibility.

  • To Inquire - This refers to investigating a situation or gathering information.

Name ideas examples

  • To Rule - This meaning implies that the baby will be a leader and have the ability to take charge and make decisions.

  • To Manage - This meaning implies that the baby will be responsible and have the ability to take care of things and make sure everything is running smoothly.

  • To Govern - This meaning implies that the baby will be a responsible and wise leader who can make decisions and guide others.

  • To Supervise - This meaning implies that the baby will be a responsible and reliable leader who can oversee and manage tasks.

  • To Inquire - This meaning implies that the baby will be curious and have the ability to ask questions and seek out information.

岳嗣- Takeshi -

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means "mountain peak, tall mountain."

Name ideas examples

  • Peak - It symbolizes reaching the highest point in life and achieving success.

  • Mountain - It symbolizes strength, resilience, and determination.

  • High Mountain - It symbolizes ambition and the ability to overcome obstacles.

  • Grand Mountain - It symbolizes greatness and grandeur.

means "heir, succeed, inherit."

  • To Succeed - To take over and continue the legacy of a family or lineage.

  • To Inherit - To receive something from a predecessor, such as a title, property, or responsibility.

  • To Follow - To take up the mantle of a predecessor and continue their work.

  • To Preserve - To maintain the traditions and customs of a family or lineage.

  • To Continue - To keep the legacy of a family or lineage alive.

Name ideas examples

  • To Succeed - It implies that the child will be successful in life and will carry on the family legacy.

  • To Inherit - It implies that the child will inherit the family's traditions and values.

  • To Follow - It implies that the child will follow in the footsteps of their parents and ancestors.

  • To Continue - It implies that the child will continue the family's legacy and traditions.

  • To Preserve - It implies that the child will preserve the family's traditions and values.

岳志- Takeshi -

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means "mountain peak, tall mountain."

Name ideas examples

  • Peak - It symbolizes reaching the highest point in life and achieving success.

  • Mountain - It symbolizes strength, resilience, and determination.

  • High Mountain - It symbolizes ambition and the ability to overcome obstacles.

  • Grand Mountain - It symbolizes greatness and grandeur.

means "aspiration, ambition, goal."

  • Aspiration - To direct one's heart towards a certain goal or objective.

  • Resolution - A goal or objective determined in one's heart.

  • Record - To remember or recall.

  • Document - To record or document.

  • Writings - A record written down. A book.

  • Shima - An abbreviation of Shima.

Name ideas examples

  • Ambition - It conveys the idea of having a strong desire to achieve something. It can also be seen as a reminder to the child to strive for their goals and to never give up.

  • Determination - It conveys the idea of having a strong will and dedication to reach a certain goal. It can also be seen as a reminder to the child to stay focused and never give up.

  • Memory - It conveys the idea of having a strong ability to remember things. It can also be seen as a reminder to the child to always remember the important things in life.

  • Record - It conveys the idea of having a strong ability to record and document things. It can also be seen as a reminder to the child to always document their experiences and achievements.

  • Writing - It conveys the idea of having a strong ability to write and express oneself. It can also be seen as a reminder to the child to always express their thoughts and feelings.

竹司- Takeshi -

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means "bamboo."

  • Bamboo - A perennial grass plant of the rice family.

  • Musical Instrument - A wind instrument made of bamboo.

  • One Of The Eight Sounds - One of the eight sounds (gold, stone, thread, bamboo, pottery, earth, leather, and wood).

  • Bamboo Tag - A tag made of bamboo.

  • Book - A written work.

Name ideas examples

  • Bamboo - A symbol of strength, resilience, and flexibility.

  • Musical Instrument - A symbol of creativity and joy.

  • One Of The Eight Sounds - A symbol of harmony and balance.

  • Bamboo Tag - A symbol of luck and protection.

  • Book - A symbol of knowledge and wisdom.

means "administer, manage, control."

  • To Serve In An Official Capacity - This refers to someone who is responsible for a certain role or task.

  • To Manage Or Oversee - This refers to taking charge of a certain task or responsibility.

  • To Inquire - This refers to investigating a situation or gathering information.

Name ideas examples

  • To Rule - This meaning implies that the baby will be a leader and have the ability to take charge and make decisions.

  • To Manage - This meaning implies that the baby will be responsible and have the ability to take care of things and make sure everything is running smoothly.

  • To Govern - This meaning implies that the baby will be a responsible and wise leader who can make decisions and guide others.

  • To Supervise - This meaning implies that the baby will be a responsible and reliable leader who can oversee and manage tasks.

  • To Inquire - This meaning implies that the baby will be curious and have the ability to ask questions and seek out information.

竹嗣- Takeshi -

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means "bamboo."

  • Bamboo - A perennial grass plant of the rice family.

  • Musical Instrument - A wind instrument made of bamboo.

  • One Of The Eight Sounds - One of the eight sounds (gold, stone, thread, bamboo, pottery, earth, leather, and wood).

  • Bamboo Tag - A tag made of bamboo.

  • Book - A written work.

Name ideas examples

  • Bamboo - A symbol of strength, resilience, and flexibility.

  • Musical Instrument - A symbol of creativity and joy.

  • One Of The Eight Sounds - A symbol of harmony and balance.

  • Bamboo Tag - A symbol of luck and protection.

  • Book - A symbol of knowledge and wisdom.

means "heir, succeed, inherit."

  • To Succeed - To take over and continue the legacy of a family or lineage.

  • To Inherit - To receive something from a predecessor, such as a title, property, or responsibility.

  • To Follow - To take up the mantle of a predecessor and continue their work.

  • To Preserve - To maintain the traditions and customs of a family or lineage.

  • To Continue - To keep the legacy of a family or lineage alive.

Name ideas examples

  • To Succeed - It implies that the child will be successful in life and will carry on the family legacy.

  • To Inherit - It implies that the child will inherit the family's traditions and values.

  • To Follow - It implies that the child will follow in the footsteps of their parents and ancestors.

  • To Continue - It implies that the child will continue the family's legacy and traditions.

  • To Preserve - It implies that the child will preserve the family's traditions and values.

竹志- Takeshi -

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means "bamboo."

  • Bamboo - A perennial grass plant of the rice family.

  • Musical Instrument - A wind instrument made of bamboo.

  • One Of The Eight Sounds - One of the eight sounds (gold, stone, thread, bamboo, pottery, earth, leather, and wood).

  • Bamboo Tag - A tag made of bamboo.

  • Book - A written work.

Name ideas examples

  • Bamboo - A symbol of strength, resilience, and flexibility.

  • Musical Instrument - A symbol of creativity and joy.

  • One Of The Eight Sounds - A symbol of harmony and balance.

  • Bamboo Tag - A symbol of luck and protection.

  • Book - A symbol of knowledge and wisdom.

means "aspiration, ambition, goal."

  • Aspiration - To direct one's heart towards a certain goal or objective.

  • Resolution - A goal or objective determined in one's heart.

  • Record - To remember or recall.

  • Document - To record or document.

  • Writings - A record written down. A book.

  • Shima - An abbreviation of Shima.

Name ideas examples

  • Ambition - It conveys the idea of having a strong desire to achieve something. It can also be seen as a reminder to the child to strive for their goals and to never give up.

  • Determination - It conveys the idea of having a strong will and dedication to reach a certain goal. It can also be seen as a reminder to the child to stay focused and never give up.

  • Memory - It conveys the idea of having a strong ability to remember things. It can also be seen as a reminder to the child to always remember the important things in life.

  • Record - It conveys the idea of having a strong ability to record and document things. It can also be seen as a reminder to the child to always document their experiences and achievements.

  • Writing - It conveys the idea of having a strong ability to write and express oneself. It can also be seen as a reminder to the child to always express their thoughts and feelings.

茸子- Takeshi -

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means "mushroom, fungus."

  • To Thrive - To grow and flourish.

  • Antlers - The horns of a deer that have grown and changed.

  • Soft Fur - Fine and soft fur.

  • Bamboo - A general term for mushrooms.

Name ideas examples

  • Thrive - To grow and flourish, suggesting a baby that will be healthy and strong.

  • Antlers - Symbolizing strength and power, suggesting a baby that will be brave and courageous.

  • Soft Fur - Representing gentleness and kindness, suggesting a baby that will be gentle and loving.

  • Bamboo - Symbolizing resilience and flexibility, suggesting a baby that will be adaptable and strong.

means "child, offspring, young, junior, small thing."

  • Child - A child born from parents.

  • Female Name - Used as a female name.

  • Boy - For usage with "子" for boys and "女" for girls.

  • Respectful Address - A respectful address for teachers, masters, and people of knowledge and status.

  • Thinker - A person knowledgeable in scholarship and philosophy, as well as their writings and thoughts.

  • Seed - A fruit or a biological egg.

  • Small Thing - A small or fine thing.

  • Rank - The fourth rank of the five-rank peerage system (公・侯・伯・子・男).

  • Direction - The first of the twelve directions, representing the north.

  • Time - The twelfth hour of the night, and the two hours before and after it.

  • Rat - The first of the twelve signs of the Chinese zodiac.

Name ideas examples

  • Child - A child born from parents.

  • Female - Used as a name for a female.

  • Boy - For usage with "子" for boys and "女" for girls.

  • Adult Male - A respectful title for teachers, masters, and people of high academic or social standing.

  • Philosopher - A person who is knowledgeable in academic studies and their writings or thoughts.

  • Fruit - A seed or fruit, or an animal egg.

  • Small - Something small or fine.

  • Rank - The fourth rank of the five-rank peerage system (duke, marquis, count, viscount, and baron).

  • Direction - The first of the twelve Chinese zodiac animals, representing the north direction and the night time from 12 to 2 o'clock.

  • Rat - The first of the twelve signs of the Chinese zodiac

貴司- Takeshi -

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means "precious, valuable, honorable."

  • Precious - Highly valued and respected.

  • Noble - Of high rank or status.

  • Esteemed - Showing respect and admiration.

  • Revered - Held in high esteem and admiration.

Name ideas examples

  • Precious - This kanji that conveys the idea of being highly valued and cherished.

  • Noble - This kanji that conveys the idea of being of high rank or status.

  • Esteemed - This kanji that conveys the idea of being respected and admired.

  • Revered - This kanji that conveys the idea of being held in high esteem and admiration.

means "administer, manage, control."

  • To Serve In An Official Capacity - This refers to someone who is responsible for a certain role or task.

  • To Manage Or Oversee - This refers to taking charge of a certain task or responsibility.

  • To Inquire - This refers to investigating a situation or gathering information.

Name ideas examples

  • To Rule - This meaning implies that the baby will be a leader and have the ability to take charge and make decisions.

  • To Manage - This meaning implies that the baby will be responsible and have the ability to take care of things and make sure everything is running smoothly.

  • To Govern - This meaning implies that the baby will be a responsible and wise leader who can make decisions and guide others.

  • To Supervise - This meaning implies that the baby will be a responsible and reliable leader who can oversee and manage tasks.

  • To Inquire - This meaning implies that the baby will be curious and have the ability to ask questions and seek out information.

雄史- Takeshi -

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means "male, masculine."

  • Male Animal - A male animal, usually referring to a dominant male in a species.

  • Male Plant - A male plant, usually referring to a plant with male reproductive organs.

  • Superior - To be better than others, to be superior in some way.

  • Outstanding Person - A person who is outstanding in some way, usually referring to someone who is highly skilled or talented.

  • Strong - To be powerful, brave, and forceful.

  • Prosperous - To be full of energy and vigor.

Name ideas examples

  • Superior - To give the baby a name that implies they are better than others, to be superior in some way.

  • Outstanding Person - To give the baby a name that implies they are outstanding in some way, usually referring to someone who is highly skilled or talented.

  • Strong - To give the baby a name that implies they are powerful, brave, and forceful.

  • Prosperous - To give the baby a name that implies they are full of energy and vigor.

means "history, chronicle, annals."

  • Record Keeper - A record keeper is someone who is responsible for keeping records.

  • Writing - Writing is the act of recording information.

  • History Book - A history book is a book that records historical events.

Name ideas examples

  • Record - Record is a noun that means to keep a written or other record of something. It can be used to symbolize the importance of keeping records and remembering the past.

  • Writing - Writing is a noun that means the act of recording information. It can be used to symbolize the importance of communication and expressing oneself.

  • History - History is a noun that means the study of past events. It can be used to symbolize the importance of learning from the past.

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