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Click to speech もりやAdd to Last Names FavoritesShare this page Copy Moriya

  • Hiraganatip:もりや
  • Katakanatip:モリヤ
  • Householdstip:aprx. 20,000
  • English transcriptiontip:Moriya

Kanji Names & Meanings - 14 variations

In Japanese culture, kanji are characters that originated from Chinese script, and the meaning of a name changes depending on the kanji characters chosen. Even surnames with the same pronunciation can have different meanings based on the kanji used. Below are the kanji choices for "Moriya," sorted by the number of households in Japan that use each variation.

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守屋- Moriya -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share守屋 - Moriya - Copy 守屋

means "protect, defend, obey."

  • Protect, Guard - To protect or guard someone or something.

  • Endure - To be able to withstand or bear something.

  • Maintain - To keep something in a certain state or condition.

  • Watch, Observe - To keep an eye on something and not let it out of sight.

  • Shelter, Shield - To provide protection or safety.

  • Defend, Fortify - To prepare or equip for defense.

  • Governor - A local or regional official in charge of a district or group.

  • Amulet - A charm or object believed to bring good luck or protection.

  • Caretaker - Someone who looks after or takes care of someone or something.

means "house, shop, building."

  • House, Home - A dwelling place for people.

  • Roof - A roof that covers a house.

  • Covering - Something that covers an object like a roof.

  • Occupation, Business - A word used to describe a profession or store.

  • Householdstip: aprx. 7,000

森谷- Moriya -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share森谷 - Moriya - Copy 森谷

means "forest, woods."

  • Forest - A place with many trees and lush vegetation.

  • Solemn - A feeling of reverence and respect.

  • Tightening - A feeling of being pulled together.

  • Dim - A feeling of darkness and gloom.

  • Quiet - A feeling of stillness and peace.

means "valley, ravine."

  • Valley - A depression between two mountains.

  • Path - A road or path.

  • Reach A Limit - To reach a point of no return.

  • Nurture - To raise and care for.

  • Householdstip: aprx. 7,000

守谷- Moriya -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share守谷 - Moriya - Copy 守谷

means "protect, defend, obey."

  • Protect, Guard - To protect or guard someone or something.

  • Endure - To be able to withstand or bear something.

  • Maintain - To keep something in a certain state or condition.

  • Watch, Observe - To keep an eye on something and not let it out of sight.

  • Shelter, Shield - To provide protection or safety.

  • Defend, Fortify - To prepare or equip for defense.

  • Governor - A local or regional official in charge of a district or group.

  • Amulet - A charm or object believed to bring good luck or protection.

  • Caretaker - Someone who looks after or takes care of someone or something.

means "valley, ravine."

  • Valley - A depression between two mountains.

  • Path - A road or path.

  • Reach A Limit - To reach a point of no return.

  • Nurture - To raise and care for.

  • Householdstip: aprx. 2,000

森屋- Moriya -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share森屋 - Moriya - Copy 森屋

means "forest, woods."

  • Forest - A place with many trees and lush vegetation.

  • Solemn - A feeling of reverence and respect.

  • Tightening - A feeling of being pulled together.

  • Dim - A feeling of darkness and gloom.

  • Quiet - A feeling of stillness and peace.

means "house, shop, building."

  • House, Home - A dwelling place for people.

  • Roof - A roof that covers a house.

  • Covering - Something that covers an object like a roof.

  • Occupation, Business - A word used to describe a profession or store.

  • Householdstip: aprx. 1,000

守矢- Moriya -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share守矢 - Moriya - Copy 守矢

means "protect, defend, obey."

  • Protect, Guard - To protect or guard someone or something.

  • Endure - To be able to withstand or bear something.

  • Maintain - To keep something in a certain state or condition.

  • Watch, Observe - To keep an eye on something and not let it out of sight.

  • Shelter, Shield - To provide protection or safety.

  • Defend, Fortify - To prepare or equip for defense.

  • Governor - A local or regional official in charge of a district or group.

  • Amulet - A charm or object believed to bring good luck or protection.

  • Caretaker - Someone who looks after or takes care of someone or something.

means "arrow, dart."

  • Arrow - A weapon shot with a bowstring.

  • Correct - To make something right or accurate.

  • Straight - Moving in a direct line.

  • Vow - A solemn promise or pledge.

  • Line Up - To arrange in a line or sequence.

  • Bestow - To give or confer.

  • Feces - Waste matter discharged from the bowels.

  • Householdstip: aprx. 200

守家- Moriya -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share守家 - Moriya - Copy 守家

means "protect, defend, obey."

  • Protect, Guard - To protect or guard someone or something.

  • Endure - To be able to withstand or bear something.

  • Maintain - To keep something in a certain state or condition.

  • Watch, Observe - To keep an eye on something and not let it out of sight.

  • Shelter, Shield - To provide protection or safety.

  • Defend, Fortify - To prepare or equip for defense.

  • Governor - A local or regional official in charge of a district or group.

  • Amulet - A charm or object believed to bring good luck or protection.

  • Caretaker - Someone who looks after or takes care of someone or something.

means "house, home, family."

  • House, Residence - A building where people live.

  • Family - A group of people related by blood or marriage.

  • Lineage - A group of people descended from a common ancestor.

  • Specialty - A branch of knowledge or art. People belonging to it.

  • To Live - To inhabit or reside in a place.

  • Householdstip: aprx. 100

森家- Moriya -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share森家 - Moriya - Copy 森家

means "forest, woods."

  • Forest - A place with many trees and lush vegetation.

  • Solemn - A feeling of reverence and respect.

  • Tightening - A feeling of being pulled together.

  • Dim - A feeling of darkness and gloom.

  • Quiet - A feeling of stillness and peace.

means "house, home, family."

  • House, Residence - A building where people live.

  • Family - A group of people related by blood or marriage.

  • Lineage - A group of people descended from a common ancestor.

  • Specialty - A branch of knowledge or art. People belonging to it.

  • To Live - To inhabit or reside in a place.

  • Householdstip: aprx. 70

森野- Moriya -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share森野 - Moriya - Copy 森野

means "forest, woods."

  • Forest - A place with many trees and lush vegetation.

  • Solemn - A feeling of reverence and respect.

  • Tightening - A feeling of being pulled together.

  • Dim - A feeling of darkness and gloom.

  • Quiet - A feeling of stillness and peace.

means "field, plain, wilderness."

  • Wild - Refers to the natural state of the environment, untamed and free.

  • Open - Refers to the wide open spaces, with no boundaries or restrictions.

  • Unpretentious - Refers to the simplicity and lack of ornamentation.

  • Natural - Refers to the untouched state of the environment, with no human interference.

  • Area - Refers to the geographical area, with its own boundaries and limits.

  • Uninhabited - Refers to the lack of human presence in the area.

  • Countryside - Refers to the rural areas, with its own unique culture and traditions.

  • Householdstip: aprx. 50

盛屋- Moriya -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share盛屋 - Moriya - Copy 盛屋

means "to heap up, to pile up, to serve (food) generously."

  • To Fill A Container - To fill a container with something, such as food or liquid.

  • To Pile Up High - To stack something in a high pile.

  • Offerings To The Gods - Items offered to the gods as a form of worship.

  • Vigorous - Having a lot of energy or enthusiasm.

  • To Enliven - To make something more lively or exciting.

  • To Compound Medicine - To mix and prepare medicine for consumption.

  • Mating Season - The period of time when animals are sexually active.

means "house, shop, building."

  • House, Home - A dwelling place for people.

  • Roof - A roof that covers a house.

  • Covering - Something that covers an object like a roof.

  • Occupation, Business - A word used to describe a profession or store.

  • Householdstip: aprx. 30

森矢- Moriya -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share森矢 - Moriya - Copy 森矢

means "forest, woods."

  • Forest - A place with many trees and lush vegetation.

  • Solemn - A feeling of reverence and respect.

  • Tightening - A feeling of being pulled together.

  • Dim - A feeling of darkness and gloom.

  • Quiet - A feeling of stillness and peace.

means "arrow, dart."

  • Arrow - A weapon shot with a bowstring.

  • Correct - To make something right or accurate.

  • Straight - Moving in a direct line.

  • Vow - A solemn promise or pledge.

  • Line Up - To arrange in a line or sequence.

  • Bestow - To give or confer.

  • Feces - Waste matter discharged from the bowels.

  • Householdstip: aprx. 30

森舎- Moriya -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share森舎 - Moriya - Copy 森舎

means "forest, woods."

  • Forest - A place with many trees and lush vegetation.

  • Solemn - A feeling of reverence and respect.

  • Tightening - A feeling of being pulled together.

  • Dim - A feeling of darkness and gloom.

  • Quiet - A feeling of stillness and peace.

means "house, cottage, hut."

  • House - A building or residence.

  • Inn - A place to stay overnight.

  • Rest - To take a break or relax.

  • Distance - The distance a military unit can travel in one day, approximately thirty miles.

  • Humility - A term used to express humility for oneself or one's family.

  • Place - To put something in a certain location.

  • Discard - To throw away.

  • Forgive - To allow and release someone.

  • Leave - To put something in a certain place and leave it there.

  • Householdstip: under 10

盛矢- Moriya -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share盛矢 - Moriya - Copy 盛矢

means "to heap up, to pile up, to serve (food) generously."

  • To Fill A Container - To fill a container with something, such as food or liquid.

  • To Pile Up High - To stack something in a high pile.

  • Offerings To The Gods - Items offered to the gods as a form of worship.

  • Vigorous - Having a lot of energy or enthusiasm.

  • To Enliven - To make something more lively or exciting.

  • To Compound Medicine - To mix and prepare medicine for consumption.

  • Mating Season - The period of time when animals are sexually active.

means "arrow, dart."

  • Arrow - A weapon shot with a bowstring.

  • Correct - To make something right or accurate.

  • Straight - Moving in a direct line.

  • Vow - A solemn promise or pledge.

  • Line Up - To arrange in a line or sequence.

  • Bestow - To give or confer.

  • Feces - Waste matter discharged from the bowels.

  • Householdstip: under 10

盛谷- Moriya -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share盛谷 - Moriya - Copy 盛谷

means "to heap up, to pile up, to serve (food) generously."

  • To Fill A Container - To fill a container with something, such as food or liquid.

  • To Pile Up High - To stack something in a high pile.

  • Offerings To The Gods - Items offered to the gods as a form of worship.

  • Vigorous - Having a lot of energy or enthusiasm.

  • To Enliven - To make something more lively or exciting.

  • To Compound Medicine - To mix and prepare medicine for consumption.

  • Mating Season - The period of time when animals are sexually active.

means "valley, ravine."

  • Valley - A depression between two mountains.

  • Path - A road or path.

  • Reach A Limit - To reach a point of no return.

  • Nurture - To raise and care for.

  • Householdstip: under 10

盛家- Moriya -

Add to Last Names Favorites Share盛家 - Moriya - Copy 盛家

means "to heap up, to pile up, to serve (food) generously."

  • To Fill A Container - To fill a container with something, such as food or liquid.

  • To Pile Up High - To stack something in a high pile.

  • Offerings To The Gods - Items offered to the gods as a form of worship.

  • Vigorous - Having a lot of energy or enthusiasm.

  • To Enliven - To make something more lively or exciting.

  • To Compound Medicine - To mix and prepare medicine for consumption.

  • Mating Season - The period of time when animals are sexually active.

means "house, home, family."

  • House, Residence - A building where people live.

  • Family - A group of people related by blood or marriage.

  • Lineage - A group of people descended from a common ancestor.

  • Specialty - A branch of knowledge or art. People belonging to it.

  • To Live - To inhabit or reside in a place.

  • Householdstip: under 10

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